Chapter 12 Flashcards
Which of the following best describes a “total institution”?
An enclosed facility, separated socially and physically from society, where inhabitants share all facets of their day-to-day lives.
Which of the following best describes “prison subculture”?
The values and behavioral patterns that characterize prison inmates
Which of the following best describes “prisonization”?
The process of new prison inmates accepting prison lifestyles and criminal values
Which of the following best describes “prison argot”?
The slang characteristic of prison subculture and prison life
Which of the following does not describe a “security threat group”?
A single inmate withdrawn from the other members of the prison
Which of following best describes the “hands-off doctrine”?
A policy of US courts’ nonintervention in prison management
Which of the following best describes “civil death”?
Denial of opportunity to vote, hold office, marry, or enter into contracts because of status as an incarcerated felon
Which of the following best describes the “balancing test”?
Attempting to weigh the Constitutional rights of an individual against the authority of states to make laws or otherwise restrict a person’s freedom in order to protect the state’s interests and its citizens
Which of the following best describes how the balancing test was developed?
It was developed by the US courts and applied to the corrections arena by Pell v Procunier
Which of the following best describes “deliberate indifference”?
Wanton disregard by correctional personnel for the well-being of inmates
Deliberate indifference requires which of the following?
Actual knowledge that a harm is occurring and disregard of the risk of harm
Under which Constitutional Amendment can prison officials be held liable for deliberate indifference?
What is required for a prison official to be held liable for deliberate indifference?
The official must know that inmates face a substantial risk of serious harm and disregard that risk by failing to take reasonable measures to abate it
Which of the following best describes a “grievance procedure”?
A formal opportunity for institutionalized individuals to register complaints about the conditions of their confinement, usually involving a neutral hearing board
When inmates adjust to prison by being violent, they may be referred to as which of the following?
The mean dude
Which of the following takes advantage of the positive experiences prison has to offer?
The opportunist
Which of the following describes inmates who view themselves as political prisoners?
The radical
Which of the following refers to prisoners who think of prison as their home and do not look forward to leaving?
The colonizer
In which landmark case did the Court hold that prison officials in Pennsylvania could not prohibit even the most violent inmates from receiving magazines, photographs, and newspapers sent to them in the mail?
Banks v. Beard
In which landmark case did the Court uphold the right of an inmate to write vulgar letters to his girlfriend in which he made disparaging comments about the prison staff?
McNamara v Moody
The US Supreme Court case Hudson v Palmer (1984) asserted that the need for prison officials to conduct thorough and unannounced searches is greater than inmates’ right to privacy in personal possessions.
Most males in prisons who are sexually aggressive toward other males consider themselves to be homosexual.
Prison authorities are permitted to open and censor a prisoner’s private mail from immediate family.
The “hands-off doctrine” refers the use of force by corrections officers.
“Prisons as total institutions” demonstrate that the US government is moving toward rehabilitation in addition to confinement.
Most states are now equipped with substantial capacity for the psychiatric treatment of mentally disturbed inmates.
Prison riots are generally unplanned and tend to occur spontaneously, resulting from a relatively minor precipitating event.
Inmates have the right to consult “jail house lawyers” for advice if the prison does not provide assistance by trained legal professionals.
“Prison argot” is a secret language that prisoners use to communicate with one another and that only the prisoners know.
The “chivalry factor” has led to a recent decline in the number of women being sentenced to prison, as more and more judges are reluctant to separate mothers from their children.
The “balancing test” has become a generally applicable guideline for all prison operations.
The “hands-off doctrine” was discontinued for several years but is showing some resurgence.
Cruz v Beto was a Court case that applied to inmates’ rights to pursue higher education in prison.
The slang term for an inmate who uses force to obtain what he wants from others is “gorilla”.
There is currently a “graying” of America’s prison population.
In the US, there is an increasing crime rate among people who are more than 50 years old.
Inmates tend to adopt the values and morals of the nonprison population the longer they are incarcerated in prison.
One element of the prison code that leads to prisonization is “don’t whine”.
Inmates who build their prison lifestyle around seeking whatever pleasures they can find within the confines of the prison are known as narcissists.
The “balancing test” was derived from the Court case Pell v Procunier (1974).