Chapter 12 ( ) Flashcards
Neuromuscular training of
- balance
- agility (changing direction)
- gait
- coordination
- proprioception
- strength
- power
Define balance
- ability to keep line of gravity within the base of support
Benefits of balance
- fall prevention
- ability to perform daily living activities
- maintain function independence
- reduce injury and improve quickness in athletes
What is the definition of change of motion
- move line of gravity outside base, then support it with counter force
Static balance
- ability to maintain balance while sitting or standing
Dynamic balance
- ability to maintain balance during weight shifting
Reactive balance
- ability to compensate and recover from perturbations while moving
Functional balance
- ability to perform daily activities
How does balance work?
- brainstem coordinates info to decide which motor functions to activate (motor control)
Vestibular sensory information
- 3 semicircular canals
- info about head orientation
Visual sensory information
- in relation to the outside world
Somatosensory (propriocetors) sensory information
- stretch
- pressure
- movement
Higher brain centers balance
- volitional
Define stability
- ease or difficulty of maintaining equilibrium
Factors that contribute to stability
- base of support
- mass of the object or body
- center of mass
Physical capabilities that affect balance
- muscular power and strength (counter acting forces)
- reaction times
Extrinsic risk factors of falling
- lighting
- obstacles
- surface
Physiology risk factors of falling
- muscle weakness
- loss of muscular power
- flexibility
- gait
- balance disorders
- sensory organ problems
Direct method for assessing balance
- computerized force plate
- anteroposterior and mediolateral coordinates center of pressure are derived
Computerized dynamic posturography
- virtual reality system used to diagnose balance problems
Limits to stability
- points at which the center of mass approaches the limits of the base of support
Indirect methods for assessing balance
- measure time or distance
- static balance tests
Reactive balance test
- ability to compensate and recover balance in response to external unexpected perturbation
Dynamic balance tests
- ability to maintain postural stability while moving
Battery of balance tests
- comprehensive and include multiple tests to assess static and dynamic balance
- usually includes functional tasks mimicking daily life activities
Tibet ti performance-oriented mobility assessment and berg balance scales are used for?
- assisted living communities
Dynamic gait index
- measures the ability to adapt gait during movement related tasks
Frequency for balance training
- 2-3 days per week
Intensity for balance training
- not yet determined or able to quantify
- must be challenging or no benefits
- in control
Time for balance training
- 2-8 sets, 20-40 seconds
- total: 20-30 minutes
Type for balance training
- any motor skill (balance, agility, coordination, gait, receptors, or multifaceted activities
- dynamic movements that displace center of mass
- stress postural muscles
Volume for balance training
- not yet determined
Progession for balance training
- narrow base of support
- displace center of mass
- reduce sensory input
- multifaceted
Activities to improve balance
- resistance training
- stretching
- tai chi, yoga, and Pilates