Chapter 11 Tactical ventilation Flashcards
Tactical ventilation is a tool to help firefighters ___ a fire.
a. Control
b. Extinguish
c. Change
d. Prevent
A. Control
Add cards until horizontal ventilation
What are three varieties of horizontal ventilation?
-Hydraulic (water pressure)
What equipment do you need for natural ventilation?
Wind assisted ventilation question; upside and downside
page 506
Door control is what form of horizontal ventilation?
Which tools would create respectively positive and negative pressure?
Blower: Positive pressure
Smoke ejector: Negative pressure
What are a couple of limitations for mechanical ventilation?
Depends upon a power source
Requires special equipment
Require more resources than natural ventilation
What are some advantages of mechanical ventilation?
Supplements and enhances natural ventilation
Ensures more control of air flow
Speeds the removal of contaminants
Promotes good public relations
What is the oldest type of mechanical ventilation?
Negative pressure ventilation
Positive pressure attacks work best on what type of fires?
Compartment fires (kitchen area or bedroom)
What is the difference between PPA and PPV?
Less emphasis on exhaust to intake ratio
In general, which is more efficient, PPV (positive pressure ventilation) or NPV (Negative pressure ventilation)?
When does PPV become the most effective?
There are a few disadvantages of hydraulic ventilation, what are they?
-Can cause water damages
-Depletes water supply
-Ice forming
-nozzle operator has to be in hazardous area
Obviously vertical ventilation is risky, what could affect the performance of vertical ventilation?
-Burn through roof or walls
-Fog stream directed into ventilation openings
-Additional opening between the attack team and upper opening
Ladder review!!
During a vertical ventilation process, how many rungs should be above the roofs when placing ladder?
3 rungs buddy
Define ‘‘sounding’’
Striking the surface of the roof to determine its structural integrity
True or false?
Sounding provides adequate information about the structural integrity below
Making a kerf cut would be for what purpose?
Having an inspection hole
When ventilating a shingle roof, you should always cut near the _____ point when possible
What watering tool can used in a can be used in a windowless basement?
Piercing nozzle