Chapter 11 Study Guide Flashcards
Test designed to count the population and examine demographic changes every 10 years
Public Opinion Poll
Interviews with samples of citizens that are used to estimate what the entire population believes
Exit Poll
Polls conducted as voters leave
Describes those who oppose change
Minority Majority
Minority groups of America are greater than the white population as a whole
Political Participation
Different ways people engage in government in order to influence or support politics
Describes those who favor change
Political Culture
Political culture in one specific area
Bandwagon Effect
Majority of citizens change vote to candidate that public opinion polls report as predicted winner
Trends of a certain region, including sex, age, race, that represents the population
Congressional districts re redraws and seat redistributed throughout the House according to state population
Sampling Error
Difference between two results of two different surveys
Political Ideology
Set of values and beliefs about purpose and power of the government
Between liberal and conservative
Someone who supports a return to more traditional and conservative ways
Someone who prefers rapid change in government
Political Socialization
Informal process through which you acquire opinions about the world around you; seen through media, family, religion, etc.
Random Sampling
Selecting from a population in which everyone has an equal chance of being selected