Chapter 11 Reproductive Behaviours Flashcards
Activating effect
temporary effect of a hormone, which occurs at any time in life while the hormone is present
Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH
chemical released from the anterior pituitary gland, which enhances metabolic activity and elevates blood levels of sugar
protein that binds with estradiol in the bloodstream of immature mammals
Androgen insensitivity
condition in which individuals with an XY chromosome pattern have the genital appearance of a female. See Testicular feminization
condition in which individuals with an XY chromosome pattern have the genital appearance of a female. See Testicular feminization
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
The overdevelopment of the adrenal glands from birth
A hormone from the estrogen family
A family of hormones that are more abundant in females
Follicle stimulating hormone FSH
chemical released from the anterior pituitary; promotes the growth of a follicle in the ovary
Gender identity
Sex bu which a person identifies
individual who appears to be a mixture of male and female anatomies
The inability to have an erection
people whose sexual development is intermediate or ambiguous
peptide produced by the body’s fat cells
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
hormone released from the anterior pituitary that causes the follicle to release an ovum
Menstrual cycle
a periodic variation in hormones and fertility over the course of about 28 days
Organizing effects
long-lasting effects of a hormone that are present during a sensitive period early in development
Periovulatory period
time around the middle of the menstrual cycle of maximum fertility and high estrogen levels
steroid hormone that prepares the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized ovum and promotes the maintenance of pregnancy
Organizing effects
long-lasting effects of a hormone that are present during a sensitive period early in development
Sexual selection
tendency for a gene to spread in the population if it makes individuals more appealing to the opposite sex
Sexually dimorphic nucleus
area in the anterior hypothalamus that is larger in males than in females and contributes to control of male sexual behavior
SRY gene
(sex-determining region on the Y chromosome) gene that causes the primitive gonads to develop into testes
Steeiod hormones
hormones that contain four carbon rings
Testes testis
Sperm producing organ
Testicular feminization
condition in which individuals with an XY chromosome pattern have the genital appearance of a female
Wolffian ducts
precursors to male internal structures
An androgen chemical
Distiguish between organizing effects and activating effects of of hormones?
organizing effects=produce long lasting structural effect
most prominent organizing effects occurs during a sensitive stage of early development-well before both and just after birth in humans=determines whether the body develops into male for female and surge of hormones at puberty produces long lasting effects
What is the SRY gene? Describe the chain of events that result from its presence during development
-set determining region on the Y chromosome
-caused primitive gonads to develop into testes
-developing testes produces androgens that increase the growth of the testes=> more androgens
wolffian ducts =>develop into seminal vesicles and the vas deferens
Testes also produces MIH causing mullerian ducts to degerate
What are Mullerian ducts? What are Wolffian ducts?
Mullerian Ducts-precursor to female internal structures
Wolffian Ducts: precursor to male internal structures
What are two sex differences in the structure or function of the hypothalamus?
one area in the anterior hypothalamus know as the sexually dimorphic nucleus-is larger in males than females and contributes to control of male sexual behaviour.
Partf of female hypothalamus generates cyclic pattern of hormone release as in menstrual cycle
Describe the effects of testosterone injections of female rats during the last few days before birth and the first few days after birth.
pivots around the trunk rather than hips like other females
Whaen is the crib cal period for testosterones effects on rats? On humans?
Critical period right before birth (last few days of pregnancy) and first few days after birth for rats
Humans-3rd /4th months of pregnancy
By what mechanisms does testosterone exert its effects on the hypothalamus in rodents?
after it enter the neuron in early development testosterone is converted to estradiol
Describe the effects of injections of large amounts of estradiol on female rats during critical period.
Masculinizes a female rate because of how testosterone is converted to estradiol, because amount injected exceeds amount of alpha fetoprotein avail to bind it.
What is the role of alpha-fetoprotein?
alpha fetoprotein in rodents binds with estradiol to prevent it from entering cells where it could produce masculinzing effects
What are some non reproductive characteristics that my be influenced by prenatal hormones?
preference to play with certain toys
what is the pudenal nerve?
Estrogents increase the sensitive of the pudential nerve which transmits tactile stimulation from the vagina and cervix to the brain
What neurotransmitter in the MPOA stimulates male sexual activity? How does castration affect the release of that neurotransmitter in the MPOA?
MPOA-medial preoptic area
testosterone and estradiol primes the MPOA and several other areas to release dopamine
Castration: males produce dopamin in the MPOA but do not release it in the presence of a female
What may be its role in the progression from the early stages of copulation which require erection in males and the receptive posture in females, to the stage of orgasm
dopamine stimulates mostly typ d and d5 receptors which facilitates erection of the penis and receptive postures in females
in higher [ ]s dopamine stimulates D2 receptors => orgasm
List the chain of hormonal prcelsses in the menstrual cycle
end of mentrual period anterior pituitary releases FSH=> promotes growth of a follicle in the ovary
-follicle nurtures the ovum and produces several type of estrogen including estradiol
-toward middle of cycle follicle buds up more receptors to FSH=> increasing amounts of estradiol=> increase in FSH and surges of LH from Anterior pituitary
-FSH and LH combined=>release of an ovum remnants of follicle=> called corpus leuteum=>progesterone release=>decreased LH, FSH, estradiol => menstruation
What is the corpus luteum and what hormone does it release?
remnants of the follicle after it releases and ovum releases the hormone progesterone to prepares the uterus for implantation of the fertilized ovum
What are the effects of progesterone? Describe the levels of the major hormones shortly before menstruation?
prepares uterus for implantation
also inhibits further release of LH
shortly before menstruation–LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone all decline
How do combination birth-control pills work?
prevent pregnancy by interfering with the usual feedback cycle between the ovaries and the pituitary
combo pills contain estrogen and progesterone prevent the surge of FSH and LH that would cause an ovum to be released. Also thickens the mucus to make it harder for the sperm to reach the egg.
Describe the effects of women’s mentrual cycle on their preference for masculinized vs feminized faces
during the time of ovulation women choose men who were more masculine
What cognitive evicts have been demonstrated for estrogen and testosterone?
decrease in testosterone => impairment of memory
decrease in estrogen => decrease in working memory
Describe the roles of hormones an experience in parental behaviour of rodents
after both of babies moms estradiol and prolactin increase and progesterone decrease
prolactin => milk production and maternal behaviour sic as retrieving young when they wander
also inhibits leptin=>can eat more
what 2 hormones have been shown to promote behaviour in rats?
estradiol and prolactin
What brain area is important for these hormonal effects?
medial preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus
What is intersex? What is the difference between a true hermaphrodite and an intersex or pseudohermaphrodite?
anatomies intermediate between male and female
hermaphrodites-individuals who appear to be a mixture of male and female
people whose sexual development is intermediate are called intersexes
What are some developmental influences that may produce an interest individual?
eg person born XX but SRY gene translocated from fathers Y chromosome onto another chromosome
They have either an ovary and a testes or two testes or a mix of testes and ovary tissue on each side
How successful is the surgical treatment of intersexes
easier to do surgeries to become female than male
Describe the chromosomal pattern and the genital appearances of individuals with androgen insensitivity or testicular feminization. What causes the unresponsiveness to androgen insensitivity or testicular feminization. What causes the unresponsiveness to androgens? what two abnormalities appear at puberty?
XY chromosomes pattern have the general appearance of a female
these individuals lack the receptors that enables androgens to activate genes in a cells nucleus
cells are insensitive to testosterone
Descrbe the evidence for a genetic predisposition towards homosexuality.
monozygote twins-if one twin is homosexual then the other has more predisposition to homosexuality
more so than dizygote twins
What was the likely explanation for the increased incidence of homosexuality among maternal relatives of homosexual meant? Has the early finding been replicated?
results suggest that the gene resided on the “x” chromosome
BUT results have not been replicated
Discuss the problems concerning evolutionary selection of any genes predisposing towards homosexuality
even though homosexuals don’t have children themselves they help rear the offspring of their sister or brothers.
What are the possible explanations for the continued existence e of this genes?
genres that produce homosexuality in males produce an advantageous effects in their sisters and other female relatives increasing probability of spreading their genes
Describe the experiments on the effects of stress on sex differentiation of rats. What were their results
male rats anatomy was make however showed signs of female sexual behaviour
How may endorphins be implicated in the effects of stress? What other factors mauy influence the effects of prenatal stress?
stress releases endorphins which can be antagonistic to testosterone
stress elevated levels of the adrenal hormone corticosterone which decreases testosterone relese