Chapter 11- Properties of the hair and scalp Flashcards
Disorders of the hair
-Canities-technical term for gray hair
-Ringed hair-alternating bands of gray and pigmented hair throughout the length of the hair strand.
-Hypertrichosis-condition of abnormal hair growth
-Trichoptilosis-technical term for split-ends
-Trichorrhexis nodosa-technical term for knotted hair
-Monilethrix-technical term for bleached hair
-Fragilitas crinium-technical term for brittle hair
Postpartum Alopecia
Temporary hair loss experienced at the end of pregnancy
Alopecia Areata
Autoimmune disorder that cause the affected hair follicles to be mistakenly attacked by a persons own immune system
-affects 5 million people in the untied states
-small, round, smooth bald patch on the scalp and or total hair loss called “Alopecia totals”
*Complete body hair loss-Alopecia Universalis
Androgenic Alopecia
Hair loss is characterized by miniaturization of terminal hair that is converted into vellus hair.
-Teens to age 40 affected
-By 35 years of age almost 40% of men and women have hair loss
-Affects millions of men and women in the United States.
“Abnormal hair loss”
1.Androgenic alopcia
2.Alopecia areata
3.Postpartum alopecia
4.Postpartum alopecia
(most common types)
Telogen Phase
-Known as the resting phase, is the final phase in the hair cycle and lasts until the fully grown hair is shed.
-Less than 10% of the hair on your head is in the telogen phase.
-The entire growth cycle repeats itself once every 4-5 years
Catagen Phase
-is the brief transition period between the growth and resting phases of a hair follicle
-the follicle canal shrinks and detaches from the dermal papilla-during this stage
-last one-two week/during this phase
Anagen Phase
“Growth phase”
~New hair is produced~
-rapidly between 15-30 years old
-slows down after 50 years old
-90% of scalp hair is growing in the anagen phase at anytime
Terminal hair
Long, coarse, pigmented hair found on the scalp, legs, arms, and bodies of males and females
Vellus hair
“Lanugo Hair”
-Short, fine, unpigmented, and downy hair that appears on the body
Wave pattern/Cross sections
Straight hair-round cross-section
Wavy or curly hair- oval to round cross section
Extremely curly hair-elliptical cross section
Wave pattern
-Refers to the shape of the hair strand
4.extreamely curly
is the lighter pigment that provides natural colors ranging from red and ginger to yellow and blond tones
provides natural dark brown to black color to the hair and is the dark pigment predominant in black and brunette hair
are the tiny grains of pigment in the cortex that gives natural color to the hair
Lanthionine bonds
-Hydroxide chemical hair relaxers break disulfide bonds and then convert them to- lanthionine bonds- when the relaxer is rinsed form the hair
Disulfide bond
-a strong, chemical, side bond that is very different from the physical side bond of a hydrogen bond or salt bond
*far fewer disulfide bonds than hydrogen or salt bonds, disulfide bonds are so much stronger
-make up 1/3 of hairs overall strength
* not broken by water
Cysteine “cystine”
The disulfide bond joins the sulfur stoms of two neighboring Cysteine-amino acids to create (one) Cystine
Salt bond
-also a weak, physical, cross-linked side bond between adjacent polypeptide chains
-depends on the PH
-easily broken by (strong alkaline and acidic solution)
-even though they are weak bonds, there are so many they account for about 1/3 of the hairs overall strength
The scientific study of the hair and its disease and care.
-Trichos (hair)
-Ology (study of)
Hair root
Is the part of the hair located below the surface of the epidermis (outer layer of the skin)
Hair shaft
It the portion of the hair that projects above the epidermis
“Five main structures of the hair root”
1.Hair follicle
2.Hair bulb
3.Dermal papilla
4.Arrector pili muscle
5.Sebaceous glands (oil)
Hair follicle
Is the tube like depression or pocket in the skin or scalp that contains the hair root.
*sometimes more than one hair will grow from a single follicle
Hair Bulb
-is the lowest part of the hair strand
-thick, club shaped structure, at the lower part of the hair root
-fits over and covers the dermal papilla