Chapter 11 Political Parties Flashcards
The quality of taking the side of a party, or espousing a viewpoint that reflects a political party’s principles or position on an issue. Often decried by those who wish the parties would work together
Nonpartisan Election
An election in which candidates run as individuals, without any party affiliation. Many towns and cities feature nonpartisan elections
Party System
The broad organization of U.S, politics comprising the two main parties, the coalition of supporters backing each, the positions they take on major issues, and each party’s electoral achievements
Party Machine
A hierarchical arrangement, of party workers, often organized in an urban area to help integrate immigrants and minority groups into the political system. Most active in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Party Boss
The senior figure in a party machine
New Deal
Broad series of economic programs and reforms introduced between 1933 and 1936 and associated with the Franklin Roosevelt administration
Grand Old Party (GOP)
Longstanding nickname for the Republican Party; ironically, bestowed early in the party’s history, in the 1870s
Party Identification
Strong attachment to one political party, often established at an early age
One who votes for the same party for all offices on a ballot
One who votes for at least one candidate from each party, dividing his or her ballot between the two (or more) parties
Base Voters
Party members who tend to vote loyally for their party’s candidates in most elections
Party Platform
The written statement of a party’s core convictions and issue priorities. Generally revised every four years, in time for the national party convention
Party Organization
The portion of a political party that includes activists, state/local leaders, and affiliated professionals like fundraisers and public relations experts
Party in Government
The portion of a political party’s organization that comprises elected officials and candidates for office
Party in Electorate
The largest (and least organized) component of a political party, drawn from the public at large: registered members and regular supporters
Party Caucus
A meeting of all House or Senate members of one or the other main party, usually to discuss political and policy strategies
Divided Government
Periods during which at least one house of Congress is controlled by a party different from the one occupying the White House