Chapter 11 - Optimal portfolio choice and CAPM Flashcards
How can we define a portfolio/describe a portfolio
we do so by using weights. The sum of all the weights equals 1, and eahc wiehgt holds teh relative value of the total portfolio that is invested in a specific ivnesment.
How do we find the return of a portfolio
We use the portfolio weights, and take the sum-product of weight and return, which yield the total overall return of the portfolio.
How do we find the expected return of a portfolio?
we can find the expected return of a portfolio by taking expected value of it and using the rules from statistics.
E[Rp] = E[sum(xiRi)] = sum(xiE(Ri))
in general terms, what is the expected return of a portfolio?
The expected return of a portfolio is equal to the weighted average of the expected return of the individual stocks. This is the basic result from the equaiton ealrier, and the weights are of course the same as the portfolio weights.
Elaborate on the “diversification rule”
my own words (there is no real rule): By creating a portfolio of individual stocks that indivudally have the same expected return and volatility, will keep the expected return the same but will decrease the volatility. This creates a scenario where we basically get reduced risk/can more easily predict the returns.
How do we find the risk of a portfolio, in general terms?
We know that the risk of the portfolio will depend on how much the individual stocks swing together with each other. In other words, the correlation between them.
We are interested in the correlation. To find the correlation, we first need the covariance.
Define covariance
covariance is the expected value of the product of the deviations of two returns from their means.
in other words: covariance of two “values” is equal to the expected value of the product of deviations that these two values represent relative to their expected values.
So, if we have two stock returns, we need their returns and their mean/expected return. Then we take the difference between the returns and expected return, and multiply these two differences together. Then we take the expected value of this.
This was the probability distribution definition of it. In real life, we have to estiamte the expected value using an estimator, typically the mean. Therefore, the definition changes slightly in the way that we know basically compute average as expected value.
Cov(Ri, Rj) = 1/(t-1) ∑(Ri,t - Ri^avg)(Rj,t - Rj^avg)
Crucial point: the sum is over time periods.
Define correlation
Mathematically it is defined as the covariance divided by the product of the individual standard deviations.
Correlation is defined on the interval between -1 and 1
Generally speaking, how can we use inuition to say anything about two stocks correlation?
Same industry means more exposure to common risks, which will likely result in correlated stock mvoement.
how does the correlation between two stocks affect the volatility of the portfolio?
Recall the volatility of a 2-stock portfolio:
var(R1, R2) = x1^2var(R1) + x2^2var(R2) + 2x1x2 Cov(R1, R2)
easily interpreted that if the covariance is negative, the variance of the portfolio is smaller as well. Therefore, we want stocks that move in opposite directions (if diversification is the goal).
Find a nice expression for the variance of a portfolio
var(Rp) = cov(Rp, Rp)
= cov(∑xi Ri, Rp)
= ∑xi Cov(Ri, Rp)
where Ri is the return of stock i, while Rp is the return of the portfolio.
Therefore, we see that the variance of the portfolio (and therefore the volaitlity as well) can be written as/interpreted as the weighted sum of covariances of each stock relative to the overall portfolio.
We can do the same with Rp but use Rj:
= ∑∑xixj Cov(Ri, Rj)
This basically tells us that the variance of a portfolio is determined by the weighted sum of covariances in the portfolio.
How can we find the variance of a portfolio with equal weights?
What kind of information does this result tell us?
The book dont bother with the derivation, here is the result:
Var(Rp) = 1/n (Average variance of the individual stocks) + (1-1/n)(Average covariance between the stocks)
The key insight lies in what happens as n grows large. Basically, the larger n is, the less focus it is on the individual stocks, and more focus on the average covariance. This is the key result, and it generalize to cases with unequal weights as well: More stocks in the portfolio generally leads to more focus on covariance as a determinant of portfolio variance.
Say we have a portfolio with equally weighted stocks, and we let n grow towards infinity. What happens?
We eliminate all the risk that could be diverisified. We are left with only market risk.
how can we find the general result of volatility in a portfolio with unequal weights?
What can we use this result for
Start with variance of the portfolio:
var(Rp) = ∑xi Cov(Ri, Rp)
Then we covnert cov to corr
var(Rp) = ∑xi Corr(Ri, Rp)(SD(Ri)SD(Rp))
Now we make use of the fact that var(Rp) = SD(Rp)SD(Rp)
SD(Rp) = ∑xi SD(Ri) Corr(Ri, Rp)
This result is nice because it highlights the dynamics of the volatility of the portfolio.
The overall volatility is a function of stock weight, volatility of the individual stocks, and how correlated the stock is to the rest of the portfolio.
How does the volatility of a portfolio compare to the weighted average volatility of the stocks within it?
Volatility of the portfolio will be less than the weighted average. This is obviously due to the correlation term that basically force the result to be equal to, or lower.
Recall the goal of this chapter?
How an investor can create an efficient portfolio
Recall the formula of varaince of a two stock portfolio
var(Rp) = x1^2 var(R1) + x2^2 Var(R2) + 2x1x2 cov(R1, R2)
Define the optimal portfolio
optimal is subjective to some degree. however, we define optimal portfolio as the portfolio that has the highest expected return for a given level of volatility.
This is an objective principle. Regardless of how risk seeking or risk averse an investor is, he will naturally want to achieve the highest returns for the level of risk he accepts.
Consider the case of a two stock portfolio. What is the core point that the book try to teach here?
We can adjust the portfolio weights and achieve different levels of expected return and volatility. However, due to diversification, some portfolios will actually have better expected return AND volatility than other portfolios.
The point is that due to how correlation works, statistically there is an advantage in having uncorrelated investments together. This creates the diversification. And the outcome of this is that we need to figure out: Which portfolios are superior in both dimensions to others? Or perhaps more importantly, which portfolios are simply inferior, and never even needs to be considered?
I suppose there will be portfolios that will not be better on both dimensions, but can for instance offer a greater expected return at the price of greater volatility. This is still an efficient portfolio, as it is not inferior.
Define an inefficient portfolio
A portfolio is inefficient if there exist weights that make the portfolio better in terms of both volatility and expected return (better on all dimensions).
What can we say about inefficient portfolios
no investor should ever pick them
Elaborate on the effect of correlation in regards to efficient portfolios
First of all, correlation has no effect on expected return. This means that only volatility of the portfolio is affected by correlation.
We can consider the edge cases (correlation -1 and 1) for a two stock portfolio.
if correlation is -1, it means that the stocks move in literal opposite directions of each other. Therefore, there exist a selection of portfolio weights that make the volatility of the portfolio be equal to 0. Since the volatility of the individual stocks are differnet (likely) as well as the expected returns, these weights are not immediately given, but can definitely be found.
If correlation is 1, the volatility vs expected reutrn line is linear.
I think the core idea here is that when two stocks move opposite of each other, will always have less risk involved than those who dont.
elaborate on a short sale as a two-stock portfolio optino
Core: Understand that short selling some shit is a valid option that affect expected return and volatility. The portfolio weights will still add up to 100%, so obviously the shorted stock will be a negative weight, while the other weight is positive and larger than 100%.
When calcualting the weights: Say we have 20 000. We short stock A for 10 000. We invest the 20k + the 10k we get from the short in stock B.
Now the weughts are: W_a = -10 000/20 000 = -0.5
W_b = 30 000/20 000 = 1.5
the next key question is: How does this affect volatility and expected return?
expected return is computed as always, and with these weights we get: -0.5 x Ra + 1.5 x Rb
If we short a stock that has a low expected return, the portfolio expected return we get can become much higher, but it can also not do it. It depends VERY MUCH on which stock we decide to short. By shorting the stock with the lower expected return, we are in the right direction. We are basically increasing the amount of money we invest in a high-expected return stock beyond that of a regular long position.
However, this has major implications on the volatility.
Firstly, instead of having 0.5^2 weights =0.25, we know how 0.25 and 2.25. This place extreme amount of additional pressure on the long stock.
We are just simply much more exposed. We have a portfolio worth X, but we invest beyond it.
What is going on here?
Rperesemnt how a short sale affects return and volatility. The key here is that whether the short sale is an efficient or inefficient portfolio depends on which of the two stocks we short. In general, shorting the stock with the lower expected return will allow you to invest more in the hihg-return stock, which will boost your return per buck. Therefore, shorting low-expected return stock is efficient, while shorting the hihg-return stock is majorly inefficient.
CASE: we have 2 stocks: intel and cola. Intel has ER 26%, volatility 50%. Cola has ER 6%, voaltility 25%.
Then we add Bore industries, which hold the values ER = 2% and volatility 25%.
1) Is bore efficient?
2) Should we add it to the portfolio?
efficient in terms of individual stock picks: no. this is because Cola offers better return for the same volatility. Therefore, if we had to pick either one, Cola is obviously what we would pick.
However, when considering a portfolio of multiple stocks, there is the diversification effect. If bore industries is unrelated to the Cola and Intel, we get this case:
CORE: Even though the returns of Bore SUCKS, due to diversification it can still produce portfolios that are SUPERIOR to the other two-stock portfolios.
What is the efficient frontier?
The area (likely a line) of portfolios that are efficient. This just simply means that the portfolio is such that we cant improve one of the dimensions (expected return or volatility) without damaging the other dimension.
How does the efficient frontier change when we add more stocks to the mix?
It improves
Is diversification the inly way to reduce risk?
Nope. Invesitng in risk free bonds is a way to lower the volaitlity of the portfolio. You would basically get a component with no risk. By adjusting a weight of how much you want in this risk free investment, an investor can fine tune his risk level. However, this will also most likely reduce the expected return.
what can a risk seeking investor do with risk free investment?
Short it (borrow at risk free rate) and use the borrowed funds to invest in high return stocks.
What is the equati9on for expected returns of a portfolio conissting of a risk free component and a risky component?
E[Rxp] = (1-x)rf + xE[Rp]
We typically modify this:
E[Rxp] = rf - xrf + xE[Rp]
E[Rxp] = rf + x (E[Rp] - rf)
CORE: this equation is important because it shows that the expected return of hte portfolio that consists of a riskfree and a risky component is equal to the risk free return + the excess return from the portfolio multiplied by its weight.
An easy and important interepretion of the formula is “if we invest one buck in something, we get the risk free rate + excess return weighted”. We will get the risk free rate regardless, the only question is how much of the excess return will we get. This is based on how much we invest in this risky portfolio that gives the excess return.
How do we find the volatility of the portfolio of risky and riskfree component?
we use the variance formula of a two stock portfolio:
var(Rp, rf) = x^2 var(Rp) + (1-x)var(rf) - 2x(1-x)cov(Rp, rf)
= x^2 Var(Rp) + 0 + 0
= x^2 Var(Rp)
then we root it to find the volat8lity:
Volatility = xSD(Rp)
this is a highly useful formula. It says that the volatility of our portfolio is equal to the voaltility of hte risky component mutliplied by how much of our total portfolio that is risky.
The equation that related expected return and volatility of a portfolio that has a risky portfolio and a risk free component, what shape is it?
It is a linear curve. By adjusting the weight X we increase risk AND expected return. Thus, the investor can adjust to his specific risk level. we can also buy stocks on margin, which essentiually increase the linear curve BEYOND 100% ivnested in the risky option.
The next question is: Is it optimal?
Is portfolio P optimal?
Nope. As we can see, there are portfolios that offer a higher expected return for the same volatility.
Elaborate on sharpe ratio
The Sharpe ratio is related to tangent portfolio.
The sharpe ratio is given as: Portfolio Excess return / Portfolio volatility.
In other words, the sharpe ratio tells us the excess return per volatility point. It can therefore be regarded as bang for the buck type of metric.
Mathematically: Sharpe Ratio = (E[Rp] - rf) / SD(Rp)
Also note that the sharpe ratio is a slope. Specifically, when we consider the equation from earlier that related expected return and volatility in a portfolio that has a risky and riskfree component, this was a linear function. The slope of this linear function is the sharpe ratio of the specific risky portfolio.
Finally: Sharpe ratio is reward-to-volatility (bang for the buck).
What identifies as the optimal risky portfolio?
The portfolio that has the highest sharpe ratio. Why? Because the sharpe ratio indicates how much return it will yield per volatility level. Therefore, since we can adjust risk level via risk free invstment, we can keep this optimal bang for your buck option.
The largest sharpe ratio portfolio is also called the tangent portfolio. This is because it is tangential to the efficient frontier.
What is the primary consequence of the tangent portfolio
Since the tangent portfolio offers the greatest reward per volatility, and we can adjust risk level based on risk free portion, one can conclude that the optimal portfolio is the tangent portfolio, adjusted to individual risk preferences by tuning the risk free investment proportion.
Other term for tangent portfolio
THe efficeint portfolio
Optimal portfolio
if we have a portfolio of a risky and risk free component, what happens if we take osme risk free asset, either by usign whatever we have in it, or by borrowing, and ivnesting the proceeds in investment i?
We give up the risk free rate, but we gain the expected return from investment i. this means that the net result is that we gain the excess return from investment i.
However, we also gain the additional volatility. However, we will only gain the common risk volaitlity, because the independent risk volatility will be diversified away.
The incremental risk is measured as SD(Ri)x Corr(Ri, Rp)
Then the question is: Is the gain we get (incremental return) good enough for us to trade the incremental risk for it?
We’ll take a look at the bang for the buck of this new investment i:
We have a portfolio P with sharpe ratio (E[Rp] - rf) / SD(Rp)
The new investment offer return E[Ri]-rf.
The new investment has incremental volatility SD(Ri)xCorr(Ri, Rp).
This is actually a simple case of “metric per unit” multiplied by “units” to get total metrics.
Sharpe ratio gives return per volatility level. We need to multiply this by the incremental volatility of investment i to get the additional return WE WOULD GET FROM INCREASING RISK VIA CURRENT PORTFOLIO.
SD(Ri)xCorr(Ri, Rp) x SharpeRatio gives us how much expected return we would get from our current portfolio if we had invested in such a way that we level out the volatility at the same level as the new investment would. This is a return that is used for reference.
Then we use the excess return from investment ‘i’ to see if it is better or worse than the expected return of the portfolio. So, we get a comparison situation:
E[Ri] - rf VS SD(Ri)xCorr(Ri,Rp)x(E[Rp]-rf)/SD(Rp)
IF the LHS is greatest, it would mean that the benefit of adding investment i is better than the additional benefit of the current portfolio.
Notice how SD(Ri) x Corr(Ri, Rp) / SD(Rp) is actually a measure of the beta.
How do we know if adding an investment in our portfolio will decrease or increase the sharpe ratio?
We use the earlier results, but with the beta.
IF E[Ri]-rf > beta(E[Rp] - rf), then adding investment i will increase sharpe ratio.
it is more common to write it as:
if E[Ri] > rf + beta(E[Rp] - rf), then add….
This last equation is the CAPM.
Define required return
Required return is the return necessary to compensate for the risk of investment that investment i will contribute to the portfolio. Basically, if we have a portfolio, the required return is literally the return we require AT LEAST in order to add investment i without making our portfolio worse off. This is a function of returns and risk.
Say we have used the formula of required return and find out that it is beneficial for us to add more of some investment to our portfolio. How do we know how much to add?
As we add more, the investment will be more and more correlated to the portfolio, as it takes up a bigger part of it. As the correlation increase, the required return increase as well. This is basically the effect of beta changing.
At some point, the required return of investment i, will reach the expected return of investment i. At this point, if we add more of investment i, we will make the portfolio so that the required return is actually larger than what we expect from the investment. This is bad.
Therefore, the optimal amount of investment i is whenver the required return of the investment is equal to the expected return of the investment.
The relationship between an investments required and expected return give a condition for how much of the ivnestment we want in our portfolio. How does this generalize?
It generalize by saying that our portfolio is optimal when eahcsecurity has required return equal to the expected return.
In fact, it generalize to all investments. Our portfolio is efficient, optimal, if and only if the expected return of every available investment is equal to its required return.
And as we know, required return will change as a function of beta.
elaborate on the assumptions of the CAPM
1) Investors can buy and sell securities at competitive market prices (without taxes and transaction costs) and can borrow money at the risk free interest rate.
2) Investors hold only efficient portfolios: Portfolios that yield the maximum expected return for a given level of volatility. We have shown earlier that this efficient portoflio is the one with the greatest sharpe ratio, and is the point where all securities’ expected return is equal to its required return.
3) Investors have homogeneus expectaitons regarding volatilities, returns and correlations of all securities.
What is the outcome of the third assumption of CAPM?
The third assumption of CAPM is that all investors have homogeneuos expectations. The outcome of this assumption is that every investor will identify the same portfolio as efficient/optimal (having the greatest sharpe ratio), whihc means that all investors will hold the same wiehgted portfolio. The only way in which they are different, is the level of risk involved, which they will adjust based on their subjective nature (by adjusting the risky portfolio weight x).
The real outcome of this is that everyone holds the same portfolio configuration, and the sum of all investors equals the market, which means that the tangent portfolio is actually the market portfolio.
The general idea is that supply and demand drive prices of the stocks. Supply and demand drive prices so that the expected return of the stock (capital gain + dividend) equals the required return.
What is the biggest outcome of the CAPM?
the biggest outcome of the CAPM is that the market portfolio is the tangent portfolio.
What is CML?
Capital Market Line.
CML is the linear funciton of the E[R] = rf + x(E[Rp]-rf)/SD(Rp)
What is the main benefit of the CAPM model?
It price an asset based on a benchmark in the returns and volatility of the entire market.
The CAPM equaiton that relates expected return of a securtity and the market, is liek this.
E[Ri] = rf + beta_i (E[Rmkt] - rf)
Important: Beta is indivudual per security, as it is defined as (SD(Ri)/SD(Rmkt)) x Corr(Ri, Rmkt).
Interpret the CAPM equation
In competitive markets, the law of one price would say that investments with similar risk should yield similar returns. Because investors can eliminate firm/security-specific risk by diversification, we only need to care about the sensitivity to the overall market to find out a risk level.
What is the SML
Security Market Line.
The SML has beta along the x-axis, and expected return on the y-axis.
Why does all the securities lie on the line, but not on the CML?
There is no real correlation between a security’s expected return and volatility. The only thing that matters is the volatility that is due to market sensitivity.
What is the beta of a portfolio?
The beta of a portfolio is the weighted average of the indiviudal security betas
elaborate on CML
CML: Capital Market Line
The Capital Market line is tangent line, given by the linear equation of risk free investment + risky tangent portfolio investment when the line goes through the market portfolio.
The capital market line relates volatility with expected return.