Chapter 11 - Nursing Care Related To Assessment Of A Pregnant Family Flashcards
What is the purpose of prenatal care?
Establish a baseline of: present health, determine the gestational age of fetus, monitor fetal development, minimize the risk of possible complications and providing education about pregnancy and possible dangers.
What is included in the first prenatal visit?
Confirmation of pregnancy, health history, physical examination and laboratory tests (hemoglobin and blood type).
Physical exam: measurement of fundal height, assessment of fetal sounds, pelvic exam (pap-smear and HPV test), and estimation of pelvic size.
What are danger signs to report during pregnancy?
Vaginal bleeding, persistent vomiting, chills, fever, fluid from vagina, abdominal or chest pain, swelling of face or fingers, vision changes, continuous headache, cramping, burning with urination and decrease fetal movement.
What do PRESUMPTIVE signs include?
Missed period Nausea and vomiting Fatigue Increased urination Breast changes Quickening Increased pigmentation
What do PROBABLE signs include?
Positive pregnancy test Enlarged abdomen Haeger's sign (softening of uterus) Chadwick's sign (bluish vagina) Goodell's sign (softening of cervical lips) Ballottement Palpable fetal outline Braxton Hicks Contractions
What do POSITIVE pregnancy signs include?
Fetal heart tones (FHT)
Fetal movement - felt by examiner
Fetal sonography
What is EDB?
Estimated date of birth (can be off by 2 weeks)
< History (intercourse/signs and symptoms)
> Date of last normal menstrual period
< Date of positive home pregnancy test
What is Nagele’s Rule?
Using the EDB:
< Add 7 days
> Subtract 3 months
< Add a year (if applicable)
What does PARA mean?
The number of pregnancies that have reached viability, regardless of whether the infants were born alive.
What does GRAVIDA mean?
A woman who is or has been pregnant.
What does PRIMIGRAVIDA mean?
A woman who is pregnant for the first time.
What does PRIMIPARA mean?
A woman who has giving birth to one child past the age of viability.
What does MULTIGRAVIDA mean?
A woman who has previously been pregnant.
What does MULTIPARA mean?
A woman who has carried 2 or more pregnancies to viability.
What does NULLIGRAVIDA mean?
A woman who has never been and is not currently pregnant.
What is included in the blood serum study during pregnancy?
CBC Genetic screen Serologic test of syphilis Blood typing and Rh factor Maternal serum for AFP and PAPP-A Indirect Coombs test Serum antibody titers HIV screening Glucose challenge test (@28th week)
What are the 4 Leopold Maneuvers?
1st: determine fetal body part that occupies fundus
2nd: determine location of fetal spine
3rd: compare fundus with lower uterine segment
4th: determine ballottement engagement
What is the normal fetal heart rate?
120 to 160 beats per minute