Chapter 11-Managing Labour Relations Flashcards
labour union
an organization that represents workers in dealing with management
over issues involving wages, hours, and working conditions
2 types of unions
1) for workers who work in the same type of industry/craft
2) for workers who work in the same industry (nurses)
goal of a union
to create a monopoly of the input fop they are selling: THEIR LABOUUR
tradeoff union faces
maximize employment for their members or maximize the financial rewards and security of their workers
what do unions negotiate?
the collective agreement (a contract bw workers and employers)= labour contract
candian industrial relations board
federal body that oversses labour laws and labour unions
are unions legal in canada
what are the objectives of unionizaiton
1) Fair compensation
2) improved work conditions
3) increased job security
4) defined griveance procedures (policies related to employee discipline)
5) power through solidarity (they can all do it together)
WHAT DO labour contracts address
employee pay , work hours, grievance procedure, job security
grievance procedures
formally set course of actions for reoslving employee complaints
why do unions say that they are the exclusive bargaining rep?
so no 1 individual worker can negotiate
which level of government is reponsible for labour relations
provincial, but in interprovincial business (canada post) it is the CIRB
Steps to form a union
file for ceritification with labour relations board
representation vote determines employees level of interest
the board issues a certificate
now w the certificate the employees in the union and the ones outside of it can all vote on contracts
collective agreement vs labour contract
when can union negotiate w employers
after they are certified
can ther ebe multiple unions in 1 company
yes! salaried workers vs hourly workers
what are elected union reps called
shop stewards!
distributive barganing (positional)
and integrative bargaining (interest based )
distributive bargaining
WIN-LOSE SCENARIO everyone wants to win
one party can feel taken advantage of, this only happesnnwehn there is no future relationship expected (buying a car etc)
Inegrative bargaining
more negotating skills necessary because rquires long -term relationships and problem solving
what is the goal of collective bargaining
ratificaiton of the labour contract agreeable to all parties
steps of bargaining
1) preparing for negotations (what are ur and other party goals)
2) ground rules and procedure (who is negitatie, when, wehre)
3) present proposals (union present contract proposal, explain, clarify and justify)
4) reaching an agreement (compromise on both sides)
5) voting by union worers and ratifiaction of agreement
how long are laboru contracts
1-3 years
what are bargaining tools that labour unions have
1) injunctions: requrest court orders to specify what tools they can and cant use uring negotiations
2) slowdowns/boycotts: work slower and to not purchase company products (financial pressure
3) strike: quite working to protest
4) publicity: speaking to media
4) picketing: marching back and forth in front of workplace
what bargainign tools do managers have
1) injuctions: limit unions options ask a court what the union can and cant do
2) lockout: refusing allowing workers into workplace
3) replacement workers: hire non-union replacement workers
4) publicity: speak to media
if negotaitions break down then what happens
get a neutral third party to resolve conflict
1) conciliation
3) arbitration
this is mandated BEFORW unions can strike or management can lock out wokrers
a process focused on communciation between parties so they can reconcile and come to agreement
a neutral 3rd party mediator holds talk with negotiarots individually then collectively, the meidator promotes cocmpromise b/w parties
cant issue bidning decisons , only persuade
a 3rd party collectively chosen by labour and management to confuse a hearing on unresolved issue, THEY FIND A COLUTION!
arbitatrtion is binding: the parties have to agree to the solution arbitrator finds
what things came out of unions
public health care
workmens comp act
Some legislation protecting workers’ rights includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (specifically, the right of mobility), human rights legislation, the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Employment Equity Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System.
Some legislation protecting workers’ rights includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (specifically, the right of mobility), human rights legislation, the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Employment Equity Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System.
what is trend in union membership
rapid devline in unionization rates
3 biggest canadian unions
Trends in unions
1) pressure public sector unions face: less approval so harder to negotiate
2) mor epartnerships bw employers and private unions: weak econmy so more partnerhsip then conflict
3)more responsive maangement: companies wanna banace socail resposbility w profit + employee welgare <3
did unions grow in 20th century
yes, now they are falling