Chapter 11 - Counterconditioning Flashcards
Pavlovian conditioning
Any procedure by which an event comes to elicit a response by being paired with an event that elicits that response.
Food - unconditional stimulus
Salivating it induced an unconditional response.
Bell that elicit salivating = conditional stimulus
Salivating at the sound of the bell= conditional response
The use of Pavlovian conditioning to undo the adverse effects of earlier conditioning.
Desensitization Training
Any form of counterconditioning that reduces an inappropriate negative response to an event.
Counterconditioning is used to reduce the strength of a negative emotional response to a particular kind of situation.
This is accomplished by pairing the stimulus that elicits a negative emotional reaction with another stimulus that elicits a positive emotional reaction.
Systematic Desensitization
A form of Desensitization training in which the client repeatedly imagines anxiety-arousing situations while relaxed.
The client progresses systematically through a hierarchy of more and more disturbing situations, typically without ever experiencing great anxiety.
In Vivo Desensitization:
A variation of systematic desensitization in which the anxiety-arousing situations to which the person is exposed to are real, rather than imagined.
Self- Desensitization:
To undergo the procedure without the help of a therapist.
It is the idea that people can teach themselves relaxation etc on their own
Sensitization Training :
Any form of counterconditioning that reduces inappropriate positive response to an event
Aversion Therapy
A form of sensitization training in which a stimulus that arouses an inappropriate positive response is paired with an aversive stimulus.
Used especially in the treatment of drug abuse/ criminal sexual behavior.
Scallop effect
The Scallop effect occurs when responding is very slow or nonexistent immediately following reinforcement, then progressively increases and is finally rapid just before another reinforcement is due.