Chapter 11 Flashcards
Stop-Start Procedure
Treatment for premature ejaculation involving pinching the tip of the penis when stimulation becomes intense
Sensate Focus
Treatment involving banning sex and having couples only caress nonsexual areas of the body
Masturbation Training
Treatment for people with orgasmic problems that involves practicing self-pleasure to learn about one’s body
Sexual Dysfunction
Mental disorder involving a disturbance during any stage of a normal erotic activity
Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire
Diagnosis in men involving lack of fantasies or desire to have intimate relations
Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
Diagnosis in women marked by lack of interest in, or stimulation during, erotic activity
Erectile Disorder
Diagnosis involving difficulty obtaining and maintaining an erection during sexual relations
Female Orgasmic Disorder
Diagnosis in women marked by delay or absence of climax during sexual activity
Delayed Ejaculation
Absence of orgasm in males during sexual activity with a partner
Premature (Early) Ejaculation
Sexual dysfunction in men marked by orgasm that occurs before the person wishes
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder
Sexual dysfunction involving physical suffering or discomfort during, or in anticipation of, vaginal intercourse
Spectator Role
Process of caring more about the performance of sex than the pleasure obtained from it
Intense and/or persistent sexual interest that may be odd but is not a mental disorder
Paraphilic Disorder
Diagnosis involving problems arising from sexual behavior or fantasies of highly unusual activities
Exhibitionistic Disorder
Diagnosis involving exposure of one’s genitals to others such as strangers
Fetishistic Disorder
Diagnosis in which the focus of sexual activity is an object or nongenital body part