Chapter 11 Flashcards
What did the surge of popular magazine articles about “marriage contracts” in the 1970s illustrate?
The willingness of the mainstream to accept changes to customs
What criticism was made of Chicana feminists by Chicano men?
They were too closely allied to white feminists and Anglo ideas.
What was one of African American women’s most distinctive contributions to women’s activism?
The struggle for women’s welfare rights
What did Native American female activists bring to the feminist movement?
An emphasis on spirituality
What radical action supposedly took place at a protest of the Miss America Pageant in 1968?
Burning bras
The first national political event at which the women’s liberation movement made its appearance was a
1968 antiwar demonstration in the nation’s capital.
What was consciousness-raising?
Groups of women who shared their experiences in order to understand female subordination and alienation
Why did some new female activists reject the term “feminism”?
They viewed it as too old-fashioned and circumscribed.
One of the major challenges confronting second-wave feminism was creating a
more inclusive, diverse women’s freedom movement.
In Roe v. Wade (1973), the Supreme Court
ruled unconstitutional all state laws making abortion a crime.
The Black Power movement inspired women’s liberation with its
emphasis on self-determination rather than integration.
What was the main connection among the antiwar, civil rights, and feminist movements?
Women’s frustration with their exclusion from leadership in the other movements led them to insist on equality and liberation.
The feminist argument that “the personal is political” meant that the power inequities women faced in society could be found in the
smallest details of daily life.
What did women liberationists discuss during “speak-outs”?
Their experiences as rape victims
What role did founders of the National Organization for Women (NOW) expect the organization to serve?
Lobbying and litigating group
Why did American women as a whole not get ahead financially in the 1970s despite concerted campaigns and legislative gains?
Economic changes in the 1970s brought hard times to many Americans.
What effect did the counterculture of the 1960s have on sexual liberation?
It encouraged experimentation with new living arrangements in communes.
What was the main effect of the Moynihan Report on the dawning feminist movement?
Black men and women both opposed the conclusion that female-headed households in the black community were “pathological.”
What did the popularity of television’s Mary Tyler Moore Show in the 1970s reflect?
The appeal of the show to younger females with career goals
What type of revolutionary change did the women’s liberation movement seek?
Cultural transformation of American society
How did the feminist movement change higher education?
Broadening academic disciplines that had marginalized or ignored women
What change was Eleanor Holmes Norton responsible for as head of the EEOC?
Establishment of guidelines against sexual harassment in the workplace
What were the two issues from the 1970s that carried the impact of feminism to the center of national politics and created the great controversy?
Reproductive rights and the ERA
Why did Esther Peterson and the Women’s Bureau initially oppose amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include women?
They worried that the legislation would undermine state protections of women
What did many young lesbians feel was the root of discrimination against lesbians?
Oppression of women by the patriarchy
Why did SDS women begin to meet separately from SDS men?
They were tired of male ministers occupying the leadership positions.
What was NOW hoping to bring attention to when it held the National Women’s Strike for Equality?
Abortion rights