Chapter 11 Flashcards
What are Chronic Adaptations
Chronic adaptations are long-term changes that happen to your body as a result of consistent and sustained training.
Cardiovascular System Adaptations (Aerobic)
- Increase in Left Ventricle Size
- Increase in Stroke Volume
- Increase in Maximum Cardiac Output
- Decrease in Heart Rate
- Increase in Capillary Density around the Heart and Muscles
- Increase in Blood Volume
- Increase in Haemoglobin Levels
- Decrease in Blood Pressure
- Decrease in Myocardium (Heart Muscle) Oxygen Consumption
- Increase in Removal of Blood Lactate
- Change in Blood Flow to Muscles
Increase in left Ventricle Size
The size of the left ventricle of the heart (which pumps the blood around the body) increases. This results in an increased stroke volume (SV) and an increased cardiac output (Q), resulting in increased blood supply (and therefore oxygen supply) to the working muscles.
Increase in Stroke Volume
The size of the left ventricle of the heart (which pumps the blood around the body) increases. This results in an increased stroke volume (SV) and an increased cardiac output (Q), resulting in increased blood supply (and therefore oxygen supply) to the working muscles.
Increase in Maximum Cardiac Output
Increase in cardiac output results in more blood being able to be circulated around the body, and therefore more oxygen is available to working muscles. However, cardiac output only increases at maximal intensity physical activity. At rest or during submaximal physical activity, cardiac output may actually slightly decrease following sustained aerobic training.
Stroke Volume
Amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle per beat
Cardiac Output
The amount of blood pumped out of the heart in one minute
Decrease In Heart Rate
Due to the increase in stroke volume but the decrease/no change in cardiac output, heart rate will decrease while at rest and during submaximal physical activity.
Increase in Capillary Density around the Heart and Muscles
Aerobic training results in an increase in the number of capillaries around both the heart and the muscles. This allows for increased blood flow to both the heart and muscles, meaning they have an increased amount of oxygen available to them for use.
Increase in Blood Volume
Blood Volume can increase by up to 25%. This occurs due to an increase in both plasma and RBC production. Increased blood volume results in more blood being available to carry oxygen to the working muscles.
Increase in Haemoglobin Levels
Haemoglobin is the part of the blood responsible for transporting the oxygen. Therefore, increased blood volume, which means increased haemoglobin levels, mean that more oxygen can be transported from the heart around the body to working muscles.
oxygen-carrying compound found in red blood cells
Decrease in Blood Pressure
At rest and during submaximal physical activity, blood pressure may be reduced. At maximal exercise, blood pressure will not change.
Decrease in Myocardium (Heart Muscle) Oxygen Consumption
Like any other muscle, the heart requires oxygen to operate. The heart will require less oxygen to pump blood around the body, meaning that more oxygen is available to be used by the working muscles.
Change in Blood Flow to Muscles
During rest and submaximal physical activity, a chronic adaptation to aerobic training is that less blood actually flows to working muscles due to their increased efficiency in using oxygen. This means that more blood is available to flow to the skin and other places to assist with processes such as cooling. During maximal exercise, more blood will be able to flow to working muscles due to increased cardiac output and increased blood volume.
Increase in Removal of Blood Lactate
The H+ ion that is produced along with lactate causes fatigue. Increased levels of oxygen to the muscles mean that lactate (and H+ ions) is able to be removed from the muscles more efficiently. This reduces fatigue levels and increases an athlete’s Lactate Inflection Point (LIP). This is essential as it allows an athlete to work at a higher intensity and yet not suffer fatigue due to a build-up of H+ ions.
Respiratory System Adaptations (Aerobic)
- Increased Lung Volume
- Increased Tidal Volume
- Increase in Maximum Ventilation
- Increase in Pulmonary Diffusion
- Increase in Ventilatory Efficiency
- Increase in VO2 Maximum
Increased Lung Volume
Increase in the volume of the lungs. This means that more air, and therefore oxygen, can be stored in the lungs, and therefore more oxygen can be eventually transferred to working muscles
Increased Tidal Volume
The amount of air that can be inspired in one breath increases during submaximal or maximal exercise. This allows for more oxygen to enter the lungs, and, through the process of diffusion, enter the bloodstream and be made available to working muscles.
Tidal Volume
How much air is inspired or expired in one breath
Increase in Maximum Ventilation
Just like cardiac output, ventilation increases during maximal physical activity. At submaximal level of physical activity, ventilation levels will slightly decrease. At maximal physical activity, increased ventilation results in more oxygen being made available to working muscles.
how much air is breathed in our out in one minute
Increase in Pulmonary Diffusion
During diffusion, gases always move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. At the lungs, oxygen moves from the alveoli in the lungs to the capillaries, where it can then enter the bloodstream. Carbon dioxide moves from the capillaries to the alveoli, where it can then be breathed out. An increase in diffusion means that more oxygen is able to be transported from the lungs into the bloodstream and made available to the working muscles.
Increase in Ventilatory Efficiency
Just like the heart muscle (myocardium) requires oxygen to work, so do the muscles responsible for breathing, which are the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. An increase in ventilatory efficiency means that these muscles require less oxygen, meaning that more oxygen is available to be used by the working muscles.
Increase in VO2 Maximum
VO2 maximum is the maximum amount of oxygen that a person can take in and use per minute. Due to all of these adaptations, VO2 maximum increases at maximal intensity.
VO2 Max
Maximum amount of oxygen that can be taken up, transported and utilized in one minute
Muscular System Adaptations (Aerobic)
- Increased Aerobic Capacity of Muscle Fibres
- Increased Size of Slow-Twitch Fibres - Increase in Myoglobin
- Increase in Number and Size of Mitochondria
- Increased Oxidative Enzymes
- Increase in Triglyceride and Glycogen Stores
- Increase in a-vO2 Difference
Increased Aerobic Capacity of Muscle Fibres
The aerobic capacity of slow-twitch muscle fibres will improve. Fast-twitch fibres within the muscle, although generally anaerobic, will also improve their aerobic capacity to a certain degree. This results in improved performance as muscle fibres have a greater aerobic capacity and can therefore achieve greater ATP production.
Increased Size of Slow-Twitch Fibres –
Slow-twitch muscle fibres will undergo hypertrophy (an increase in size). This allows for a greater number of capillaries to surround the muscle fibres, which in turn allows for more blood and therefore oxygen to be delivered to and used by the muscle.
Increase in Myoglobin
The amount of myoglobin, the pigment responsible for oxygen transport within the muscle, increases. This allows more oxygen to be transported to the mitochondria, which is the place in the cell where aerobic ATP production and resynthesis occurs.
oxygen-carrying pigment found with muscle cells
Increase in Number and Size of Mitochondria
An increased number of mitochondria means that a greater amount of ATP is able to be produced, provided there is sufficient oxygen. This results in increased aerobic performance.
Increased Oxidative Enzymes
Enzymes are responsible for the breakdown of fuels, such as glycogen and triglycerides, which allow ATP to be produced aerobically. An increase in the number of these enzymes therefore increases the amount of ATP that can be produced aerobically.
Increase in Triglyceride and Glycogen Stores
An increased amount of triglycerides and glycogen are able to be stored at the muscle, where they can be immediately used. Combined with the increased number of oxidative enzymes, this increases the amount of fuels that can be broken down and used to produce ATP aerobically.
Increase in a-vO2 Difference
a-vO2 difference is effectively the amount of oxygen that can be extracted from the blood and used by the muscle. After consistent aerobic training, a-vO2 difference increases as the muscle is able to extract more oxygen from the blood. This is generally due to the increased capillarisation of slow-twitch muscle fibres and therefore the increased diffusion of oxygen at the muscles.
part of the cell: the site of aerobic respiration in muscles
Cardiovascular System Adaptations (anaerobic)
Increase in Thickness of Left Ventricle Wall – The thickness of the wall of the left ventricle of the heart will increase slightly. This allows the heart to pump blood around the body more forcefully, meaning that blood may be able to reach working muscles more effectively. Note that the volume of the left ventricle does not change, and therefore stroke volume does not change.
Muscular System Adaptations (Anaerobic)
- Increased Fuel Stores
- Increased Levels of ATPase
- Increased Level of Glycolytic Enzymes
- Increased Tolerance to Metabolic By-Products
- Increased Motor Unit Recruitment
- Increased Rate of Motor Unit ‘Firing’
- Increase in Motor Unit Coordination
- Hypertrophy of Muscles
Increased Fuel Stores
Increase in the amount of ATP, PC and glycogen that can be stored at the muscles, and therefore used as fuel to produce ATP anaerobically. Increased levels of PC mean that the ATP-PC system can produce ATP (at a rapid rate) for a slightly longer amount of time, and increased glycogen stores results in more fuel being available for both aerobic and anaerobic ATP production.
Increased Levels of ATPase
ATPase is an enzyme that assists with the breakdown of ATP into ADP (which is when the energy for movement is produced). Anaerobic training increases both the activity levels and the number of ATPase. This allows for a more efficient breakdown of ATP, meaning that energy can be produced more rapidly.
Increased Level of Glycolytic Enzymes
Anaerobic training increases the number of glycolytic enzymes, meaning that glycogen is able to be broken down and used more effectively to produce ATP.
Increased Tolerance to Metabolic By-Products
Due to other adaptations, more ATP is able to be produced anaerobically at the muscle using the anaerobic glycolysis system. This also results in an increase in lactate production (and other metabolic by-products such as H+ ions). Athletes are able to build up a tolerance to these metabolic by-products, meaning that they are able to continue working at a high intensity, rather than become fatigued and have to reduce their physical activity intensity.
Increased Motor Unit Recruitment
Increase in the number of motor units that can be ‘recruited’,
- increasing the maximum amount of force that can be generated
- increasing muscular strength.
- increased chance that fast-twitch fibres, will be recruited.
- increases the strength and the duration of the contraction that be maintained by the muscle.
Increased Rate of Motor Unit ‘Firing’
Motor units are able to ‘fire’ more regularly, increasing the strength and duration of a muscular contraction.
Increase in Motor Unit Coordination
The synchronisation of motor unit firing is able to increase. This increases the coordination of muscular movements
- result in increased power and acceleration and improved coordination of movements.
Hypertrophy of Muscles
When placed under stress muscles will hypertrophy (increase in size). This can be due to an increase in the size of myofibrils (a part of the muscle fibre) and an increase in the contractile proteins within muscles.
Relaxation phase of the heart beat
Contraction phase of the heart beat
Physiological Benefits benefits of aerobic training
- Lower body fat
- Increased fat free mass
Psychological benefits of aerobic training
- Decreased anxiety
- Decreased depression
- Decreased neuroticism
- Increased self esteem, mood and self concept
- Decreased stress levels