Chapter 11 Flashcards
The belief in objective data and avoidance of theoretical speculation. proof not abstract idea
logical positivism
belief in positive ideas but, combined with logic breaks into 2 parts
Scientific observation of evidence to form logical conclusions
rationalism, using evidence to form logical conclusions
the logic of modern physics
all concepts must have physical referents that can be defined
the belief abstract, theoretical concepts can be relevant must be made objective , observable, and measurable
set of interrelated propositions, a framework for prediction and explaining empirical events
1.) what should psychology study?
2.)Most behavior can be accounted by what?
Laws of conditioning
- psychology must adopt the principle of?
logical positivism must be used
theoretical terms must be operationally defined
reliance and operationism
animals vs humans
who used animals?
Tolman. Hull, Skinner
What do animals allow?
easier control of variables
Who used Humans??
Edward Chace Toleman rejected ?
introspection as a method
what was Toleman not interested in?
internal experiences (thought) unless they could be objectively observed
all behavior is goal directed ! we have a reason for doing what we do. you can tell what the purpose is by observing behavior
Intervening variables
variables that change or modulate how the stimulus( environment) is interpreted and the behavior( response) that results
how did Toleman define them?
purpose and cognition were
theoretical constructs
theoretical constructs can do what ???
describe, predict, and explain behavior
what is an example of intervening variables?
thirst. one can be thirsty or not. when presented with water ( stimulus) a person responds based on their thirst (drinking or not drinking)
Toleman used what for learning?
Maze learning
Cognitive map
an image of the area you are navigating, a mental map
how a decision will play out
example of expectancy??
you expect a certain result every time you flip a light switch
Sign Gestalt
A learned relationship between environmental cues and expectancies regarding those cues
ex. of sign Gestalt
after using a clicker you understand one button changes channels and one changes volume (this relationship is sign Gestalt)
Latent learning ( Toleman)
knowledge is different than performance . no trying or reinforcement
what did Toleman believe about rats and how they learned?
that you could learn a maze without trying and without reinforcement. by small exposure to it
Clark Hull
Hypothetic deductive theory
an idea about how intervening variables work to explain behavior (MANY PARTS)
Hull (Drive)
a biological need
Hull what are biological needs?
food never goes away fully can be measured
Hull (drive reduction)
organisms want to reduce drive to 0 so they feel content
Hull (Habit strength)
whenever a behavior (response) successfully reduces a drive, it neg. reinforces behavior/
Learning ( hull)
defined as an increase in habit strength. when a behavior successfully reduces a drive. increase in habit strength……drive reduction
what did Hull take out of Toleman’s approach?
what did Skinner believe in about psychology ?
believed psychology was about predicting & controlling behavior to make society better.
What did Skinner want to do? 3 things
Describe not explain
bottom up approach
experiment first and describe what happened.
what did Skinner use as a subject?
Single subject! (single animal)
Operant conditioning
consequences of behavior control behavior
Law of Acquisition
the strength of operant behavior increases when followed by reinforcing stimulus
anything that increases the likelihood of behavior
anything that decreases the likelihood of a behavior
the addition of something
the removal of something
schedule of reinforcement
rate of response varies as a function of the schedule reinforcement
partial/ intermittent reinforcement
reinforcement only happen sometimes
continuous reinforcement
consistent every behavior rewarded with reinforce
Example of pos punishment
example of neg punishment
removable of enjoyable behavior (grounding child) taking away toys.
too complex to teach at once. reinforce partial behaviors
what did skinner try to invent that failed?
air cribs,( machine to out kid in.) pigeon guided missiles
variable ratio
slot machine, eventually will get something out of it
continuous reinforcement
every time you do a behavior receive reward
variable interval
pop quiz don’t know when its coming
Watsonian behaviorism dates?
Neobehavorism dates?
1960- present
logical reasoning making inferences
testable hypotheses
what did Skinner not use??
abstract theoretical concept are relevant
what do neobehavorist’s do?1. 2. 3.
psych should study learning
laws of conditioning