Chapter 11 Flashcards
social Darwinist
according to this model ‘primitive’ people had pesky spirits; ‘barbarians’ had nasty but ultimately impotent gods. Only ‘civilized’ people had a supreme ruler
‘Survival of the fittest’
coined by Herbert Spencer to describe social darwinism
Protestant work ethic (Max Weber)
Predestines ‘elect’ would be saved during the second coming of christ. A person demonstrated membership in this elect group by achieving material success through hard work.
Social Gospel
the development of policies, such as socialized medicine, that dramatically improved the lives of working-class people.
Moral Community
recognized that religious groups were ‘made up of individuals who have mutually recognized and recognizable identities that set them, cognitively and normatively on shared human terrain’ Durkheim.
Collective Consciousness
sacred experiences which a collective or group experiences and rituals of people belonging to particular religion
Objects and acts are set apart from more ordinary ones as being positively regarded, holy, and therefore deserving of reverence or respect
age group difference
a consistent difference in the old and the young
cohort difference
a difference between people born in two different periods
intended and recognized
largely unintended and unrecognized
man + sexism; patriarchal structure of inequality which include androcentrism
refers to Mi’kmaq who adopted Catholicism but incorporated non-christian elements into their religious practices
involves the reinterpretation of traditional beliefs and practices in ways that incorporate elements unique to ones own culture and other borrowed from Native cultures elsewhere
aid evangelism
financial assistance that is a type of ties aid–meaning money that comes with some strings attached