chapter 11 Flashcards
it is estimated that up to –% of children with disabilities have some type of nutritional problem
determines eligibility for early intervention services for a child with special health needs
a child’s eligibility for service doesnt require a specific diagnosis
examples of situations that would enable children that qualify fro early intervention service
- developmental delay in one or more of the areas ( cognitive, physical, language and speech, psychosocial, or help-helping skill)
- a physical or mental condition with a high probability of delay
- at risk medically or environmentally for substantial developmental delay if services are nor provided
what is Beonchopulmonary dysplasia
condition in which the underdeveloped lungs in a preterm infant are damaged so that breathing requires extra effort
BPD: what type of nutritional intervention require?
increases nutrient needs, lower interest in eating& can slow growth
- recommend small, frequent meals with concentrated energy
why are overweight and obesity are common in Down syndrome?
change in energy needs
what causes Cystic fibrosis?
conditionin which genetically changed chromosome 7 interferes with all the exoctine functions in teh body, but particulary culmonary complication
What kind of dietary changes or modifications are recommended for children who are underweight with a chronic condition?
- nutrition interventions for underweight with a chronic condition may or may not recommended food choices for weight gain.
- nutrition interventions regarding food intake, vitamin and mineral supplementation and mealtime behaviors also should be customized to the individual child.
What is Rett syndrome?
Condition in which a genetic change on the X chromosome results in severe neurological delays, causing children to be short, thin-appearing and unable to talk.
What is Diplegia?
Condition in which the part of the brain controlling movement of the legs is damaged, qxswinterfering with muscle control and ambulation.Disorder
What are some signs that might indicate feeding problems in toddlers?
Low interest in eating, long mealtimes (over 30 minutes), preferring liquids over solids, and food refusals.
What are some behavioral disorders that impact nutritional status?
ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
What are some programs where nutrition care may be accessed for children with special needs?
State programs for children Early intervention program Early childhood education programs Head start Early head start WIC Low-birthweight follow-up programs Child care feeding programs (USDA)
Peter, a first-born, had a low birth weight. He grew steadily in length and continued to gain weight, remaining at the 10th percentile on the CDC growth charts, until age 3. Between ages 3 and 4, his weight declined without any presenting illnesses. Would you expect him to be diagnosed FTT? Why or why not?
TFF is suspected when a child’s growth declines more than two growth percentile in weight-for-age, weight- for - length, and/or BMI
What are some characteristics of food choices common to an autistic child?
they are sensitive to sensory information of all kinds
results in a rigid, self-restricted range of food choices
the adequacy of the child’s food selection
What genetic or present –at-birth conditions would associated with a lower calorie needs? Higher calorie needs?
- Lower calorie needs: Down syndrome, spina bifida, nonambulatory children with diplegia, prader-willi syndrome, nonambulatory children with short stature
- Higher calorie needs: cystic fibrosis, renal disease, ambulatory children with diplegia, pediatric AIDS, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
Explain “Failure to Thrive”
- Failure to thrive (FTT) is a condition in which an energy deficit is suspected.
- Inadequate weight or height gain with growth declines more than 2 growth percentiles
Generally, a diagnosis of FTT is suspected in children with chronic illnesses when their growth declines more than _____ percentiles and they are near or below the lowest percentiles.
Two growth
What might cause a healthy toddler to suddenly develop diarrhea?
“Toddler diarrhea” typically caused by sucrose and sorbitol content of fruit juices. (limiting juice may be recommended)
Symptoms such as diarrhea and digestive problems associated with celiac disease usually develop by _____ years of age.
Dietary management of celiac disease requires the elimination of which grains?
any Gluten containing foods
sensitivity to the protein gluten found in wheat & other grains
What are some foods that should be excluded from the diets of children with celiac disease?
That include everything made with flour, such as bread and pasta, as well as foods with wheat, barley, or rye as an additive.
(The allowed foods include rice, soy, corn, and potato flours. Oats are gluten free but may be contaminated with gluten from wheat mixed in. Meats, fruits, and vegetables are not restricted, but many processed foods use wheat flour for thickening.)
How would you start to do a nutritional assessment for a child with cerebral palsy?
- Cerebral palsy is a shorthand name for a wide range of conditions in which medical diagnose, educational categories, and nutrition diagnoses differ.
- The first plan is to use regular foods that are easy to eat to meet nutritional needs, including cooked rather than fresh vegetables and fruits, and to avoid hard-to-chew foods, such as roast beef or corn on the cob.
What would you leave off the menu for a child with cerebral palsy who tires quickly at meal time?
not easy to chew, hard and big size foods
Toddlers with breathing problems need fewer calories than/as typical toddlers. True or False?
False: food and nutrients intake recommendations for toddlers with BPD are similar or more to those for children with weakness.
What are the dietary recommendations for toddlers with bronchopulmonary dysplasia?
- small frequent meals with foods that are concentrated energy sources
- additional complete nutritional supplements to meet the higher energy needed
e. g.pediasure
True food allergies are estimated to occur in _____% of children.
Children who have food allergies would more than likely be allergic to what foods?
Milk Eggs Wheat Peanuts Tree Nuts Soy Crustacean Shellfish
A child that is allergic to milk protein also may have a high risk of developing an allergy to what other food(s)?
oranges and soy milk
What is the treatment for an anaphylactic reaction to a food?
emergency life saving procedures and use of an injected form of epinephrine
What special diets have been shown to help children with Down’s Syndrome?
no specific nutrients, combinations of nutrients or herbal remedies have been shown to improve the intellectual functioning of individuals with Down syndrome
Describe any dietary concerns for children with sickle cell anemia.
iron-rich foods to increase their iron stores may not be appropriate when iron also comes with blood transfusions
A gluten-free diet is recommended for autistic children. True or False?
False, Such diets have not been endorsed by professional societies.
Some children have asthma as a result of food allergies. True or False