Chapter 11 Flashcards
Define defense mechanisms
the techniques the ego uses to cnotain dangerous thoughts and impulses
Another name for Freudian slips is ________
Through what mechanism does Freud beleive the ego purposely allows the expression of forbidden feelings or thoughts?
Wit and Humour
What is psychic conflict?
The mind battling itself, the ID, Ego and Superego fight each other.
The result of psychic conflict is _______
Ego psychologists believe that_______is an important function of the ego
compromise formation
What is terror management theory?
The fact that many of our thought processes and motivations are based on an effort to deal with and avoid thinking about the fact that everyone is going to die someday.
Who developed Terror management theory?
Tom Pyszczynski, Jeff Greenberg and Sheldon Solomon
What can cause realistic anxiety?
Relationships, school. career, any threat to self-esteem
Is it good to experience anxiety?
-yes and no
The student who is anxious about the test will study and do better than the student who just doesn’t think about it. This will reduce the student who was originally anxious’s anxiety in the long run.
- Must keep anxiety within bounds
What are the ego’s eight defense strategies?
Denial, repression, reaction formation, projection, rationalization, intellectualization, displacement, sublimation.
Define denial
A person refuses to acknowledge the source of current anxiety or fails to perceive it in the first place. Effective in the short term but leads to lack or contact with reality in the long run.
What is the primary purpose of denial?
To keep someone form being overwhelmed by the initial shock at something while other ore permanent psychological resources are gathered
Define Repression
Refers to banishing the past from your present awareness and managing not to think about it. More complex and longer lasting than denial. Repression requires psychic energy from the ego to fight the id and superego’s energy, if too much is repressed anxiety will break through.
How does repression cause depression?
Because the ego’s energ store is limited the more energy devoted to depression the less for anything else and a severe shortage of free psychic energy can lead to depression.
Define Reaction formation
Keeps forbidden thoughts, feelings and impulses out of awareness by instigating their opposites. The impulse never reaches conscious
When is reaction formation most likely to be used?
If the forbidden impulse is very dangerous or strong and an extra defense seems necessary.