Chapter 10 - Test Flashcards
Violence in Kansas caused it to be called this
Bleeding Kansas
Idea people that the people of a territory should decide on the slavery issue
Popular sovereignty
Led the confederates in the battle of Fort Sumter
This slave sued the government for his freedom
Fred Scott
President of the confederacy
Jefferson Davis
The leader of the marines who captured John Brown
Robert E. Lee
The most famous conductor of the underground rail road
Harriet Tubman
This law allowed southerners to claim escaped slaves
Fugitive Slave Act
This act destroyed the Whig party but led to to the rise of the Republican Party
Kansa-Nebraska Act
The attack on this fort is considered to be the first battle of the civil war
Fort Sumter
Have more loyalty to the area you live in than the country
If this law had passed it would have prohibited slavery in the territory gained from Mexico
Wilmot proviso
This purchase from Mexico that completed the continental US
Gadsden Purchase
The raid in this place was meant to provide arms for a slave rebellion
Harpers Ferry
This was instituted by the president to keep Maryland from seceding
Martial law
Fort Sumter is in the harbor of this city
Northern Whigs who opposed slavery
Conscience Whigs
The first state to secede from the union
South Carolina
A popular vote is called this
A political group that was anti-catholic and nativist
He was the republican nominee for president in 1856
These were the border states that Lincoln wanted to keep in the union
Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland
He was elected president in 1848
Zachary Taylor
The Transcontinental railroad was not built before the war because of arguments over this
Where it would begin
This Quaker helped many slaves escape by hiding them in his home
Levi Coffin
Wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Harriet Stowe
These 6 states had seceded by February 1861
Alabama, Florida, Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, & Mississippi
He proposed the compromise of 1850
Henry clay
After the fall of fort Sumter these states seceded
Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, and Arkansas
Area of Alabama that didn’t want to be apart of the war called themselves the free state of this
First Capitol of the confederacy
This constitution which would have legalized slavery in Kansas, was a rejected by the settlers
Thus proposed the extension of the slavery to the border of California
Critlendons compromise
He led the raid on Harpers Ferry
John Brown