Chapter 10 Reading Quiz Notes Flashcards
originally ruled by successful merchant oligarchy
Old rich
-nobles and merchants who traditionally ruled venice
Popolo Grosse
Fat people
-newly rich merchant class
Popolo Minuto
little people
-lower class
Ciompi Revolt
uprising of the poor
-established chaotic 4 year reign
Cosimo de Medici
Florentine Banker and salesman who returned stability to Venice after the revolt
-controlled behind the scenes
6-8 member council that originally governed Venice
Lorenzo the Magnificent
Medici’s grandson
-ruled, totalitarian for the last quarter of 15th century
-maintained law and order
mercenary armies
- birth of modernity
- catholics opposing Pagans
- Neutral form of historical scholarship
Paul O. Kristeller
scholar who said humanism was educational program
Florentine Leonardo Bruni
gave the name humanitas
Francesco Petrarch
father of humanism, wrote “Letters to the Ancient Dead:
Dante Alighier
wrote “vita Nuova” + “Divine Comedy”
-cornerstone of the Italian vernacular
Pietro Paolo Vergerio
author of the most influential Renaissance tract on Education
Guarino da Verona
rector of the new university of Ferrara
Christine de Pisan
Italian daughter of Physician and astrologer French King Charles V
- married @ 15
- widowed mother of 3 at 27
Manuel Chrysoloros
Invited from Constantinople to Promote Greek learning
Council of Ferrara
-negotiated the reunion of East and West churches
Florentine Academy
informal gathering of Florentine humanists
distinguished bw an eternal sphere of being and the perishable world in which humans live
Civic humanism
belief that education should promote individual virtue and public service
use of shading to enhance naturalness
Father of Renaissance painting
-natural world painter
Leo da Vinci
did everything lol
madonna paintings
18 ft. sculpture of David, Sistene Chapel
Treaty of Lodi
bw Milan and Naples w Florence against Venice
Charles VIII
crossed the Alps and conquered Florence
Girolamo Savonarola
radical Dominican preacher that convinced Florentines that French invasion was overdue
- ruled france for 4 years
- imprisoned and executed May 1498
Ferdinand of Argon
created League of Venice
Alexander VI
most corrupt pope ever
giuliano della Rovere
Cardinal that became Pope Julius II
Concordat of bologna
gave French control over French clergy in exchange for French recognition of the pope’s superiority over church councils
Niccolo Machiavelli
writer of Renaissance, republican, wrote THE PRINCE
Henry VII
raised revenues wo parliament
salt tax
Louis XI
French, created postal system and silk industry
powerful leaugue of cities and towns that served them against stubborn noble landowners
wars of roses
house of york vs. lancaster
Golden bull
established 7 member electoral college
Johann Gutenberg
invented printing
most famous Northern humanist
Rudolf Agricola
father of German humanism
Prince Henry
captured North Africa
Bartome de Las Casas
Believed conquest was not necessary for conversion
formal grant of the right to the labor of indians
Required adult male indians to labor certain days
labor tax
Charles I of Spain
bought his election