Chapter 10 powerpiont Flashcards
Muscle tissue
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First link is to the slideshow I have what slide I got the questions from on each flash card.
Secound link it to a website for lableing muscels.
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What germ layer are muscels from?
mesoderm embryonic
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What kind of cells are muscels?
Vascularized cells
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What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?
Skeletal, smooth, cardiac
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Which muscels are voluntary and which are involuntary?
Skelital is voluntary
Smooth and cardiac are involuntary
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Where are skeletal muscles found?
attached to skeletal bones
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What are skeletal muscels look like?
Long, cylindrical, striated, and multi-nucleated(more than one nucleolus)
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What are skeletal muscles for?
Adaptabing body movement
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Where are smooth muscles found?
in organs iris of eye and blood vessels
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What do smooth muscles look like?
Short, spindled, non-striated, and uni-nucleated(only one nucleolus)
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What are smooth muscles for?
Moving liquids and solids within the body
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Where are cardiac muscles found?
only in the heart
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What do cardiac muscles look like?
Short, branched, striated, and uni-nucleated(only one nucleolus)
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What are cardiac muscles for?
Propeling blood
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What are the 6 functions of skeletal muscle tissue?
-Produces skeletal movement and stabilizes joints
-Maintains posture and body position
-Supports soft tissue
-Guards body entrances and exits
-Maintains body temperature
-Provides nutrient reserves