Chapter 10-Patient Assessment Flashcards
APVU Scale
Awake + Alert, response to Pain, responsive to Verbal stimuli and Unresponsive
noninvasive method to quickly and efficiently provide information on pt ventilatory status, circulation and metabolism, measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in expired air over time (ALS)
crackling rattling breath sound that signals fluid in the air spaces of the lungs
grating or grinding sensation caused by fractured bone ends or joints ribbing together
blue skin discoloration that is caused by a reduced level of oxygen in the blood
Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Punctures/Pentation, Burns, Tenderness, Lacerations and Swelling
characterized by light or profuse sweating
field impression
conclusion about the cause of the pat condition after considering the situation, history and examination findings
focused assesment
performed on pts who have nonsignificant mechanisms of injury or on responsive medical patients. Based on the chief complaint and focuses on one body system or part.
general impression
overall initial impression that determines priory of care. based on MOI, S&S, CC
golden hour
time from injury to definitive care during which treatment of shock and traumatic injury should occur because survival potential is best
involuntary muscle contractions (spasm) of the abdominal wall an effort to protect the inflamed abdomen
incident command system
system implemented to manage disasters and mass multiple casualty incidents in which section chiefs, including finance, logistics, operations and planning report to the incident commander
MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure)
average pressure in the circulatory system during one cardiac cycle
Onset, Provocation/Palliation, Quality, Region/Radiation, Severity and Timing
paradoxical motion
motion of the portions of the chest wall that is detached in a flail chest, exactly the opposite of normal chest wall motion during breathing
the flow of blood through body tissues and vessels
Coarse, low pitched breath sounds heard in patients with chronic mucus in the upper airway
Signs&Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Pertinent Past History, Last Oral Intake (or LMP) and Events leading to injury
Scene Size Up
step within the patient assessment process that involves quick assessment of the scene and the surroundings to provide information and scene safety and the MOI/NOI before you enter and begin patient care
harsh, high pitched respiratory sound generally heard during inspiration that is cause by partial bl0ckage or narrowing of the upper airway, may be audible w/o steth
subcuntaneous emphysema
characteristic crackling sensation on the palpation of the skin, caused by the presence of air in soft tissues
narrowing of a blood vessel