Chapter 10 Nervous System Flashcards
Combining Form
Cerebellar- pertaining to the cerebellum, posterior part of the brain that coordinates muscle movement and maintains balance
Combining Form
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-a watery fluid that flows throughout the brain and around the spinal cord and protects the brain and spinal cord from shock by acting like a cushion. It is usually clear and colorless and contains lymphocytes, sugar and protein
Cerebral cortex-pertaining to the cortex or outer area of an organ
Combining Form
dur/o dura mater (thick outermost layer of the meninges)
Subdural hematoma-pertaining to a collection of blood between the brain and the outermost coverings
epidural hematoma-
Combining Form
encephalitis-inflammation of the brain
encephalopathy-disease in which the functioning of the brain is affected by some agent or condition
anencephaly-a congenital brain malfunction; not compatible w/life and may be detected w/ amniocentesis or ultrasonography of the fetus
Combining Form
glial cells
glioblastoma-a highly malignant rumor (blast = immature) Gliomas are tumors of glial (neuroglial) cells
Combining Form
thin, slender
leptomeningeal-pertaining to a rare complication of cancer in which the disease spreads to the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord
Combining Form
meaning/o, meningi/o
membranes, meninges
meningeal-pertaining to the three layers of the brain
meningioma-non cancerous tumor
myelomeningocele-neural tube defect caused by failure of the neural tube to close during embryonic development. This abnormality occurs in infants born w/ spina bifida
Combining Form
myoneural-pertaining to muscle and nerve
Combining Form
myel/o spinal cord (means bone marrow in other context)
myelopathy-disease if the spinal cord
poliomyelitis-polio-means gray matter. Viral disease affects the gray matter of the spinal cord, leading to paralysis of muscles that rely on the damaged neurons.
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neuropathy-diseases of the peripheral nerves, they can affect motor, sensory and autonomic functions
polyneuritis-inflammation of many peripheral nerves
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pons (means bridge connecting various parts of the brain)
cerebelloponitine-pertaining to the angle syndrome of deficits that can arise due to the closeness to specific cranial nerves
Combining Forms
radicul/o nerve root (of spinal nerves)
radiculopathy- disease of the spinal nerves. Sciatica is a radiculopathy affecting the sciatic nerve root in the back. A herniated disk is a common cause
Combining Form
thalamic-pertaining to the thalamus
Combining Form
sheath (refers to the meninges)
intrathecal injection-chemicals such as chemotherapeutic drug can be delivered the subarachnoid space
Combining Form
vag/o vagus nerve (10th cranial nerve)
vagal-pertaining to cranial nerve w/ branches to the head and neck as well as to the chest