Chapter 10 - Health Screening & Fitness Assessments Flashcards
How long should you take a client’s resting heart rate?
60 seconds.
What is the most accurate technique for counting heart rate at rest and during exercise?
Chest auscultation using a stethoscope.
What artery is the best to palate when checking heart rate?
The radial artery located at the wrist.
What is considered to be a normal blood pressure reading?
120 / 80 mm / Hg.
(T/F) If a blood pressure measurement needs to be repeated, you should wait approximately 60 seconds or more with the cuff completely deflated to allow circulation to return to normal.
What does the term body composition mean?
Dividing the body into two components, fat weight and lean body weight.
A high fat weight is a risk factor for what?
Disease, cancer, diabetes, and other health problems.
How do you calculate body mass index?
BMI—divide the body weight in kilograms by the height in meters squared (kg/m2).
What determines how an individual’s subcutaneous fat levels are distributed?
Age, gender, body type and activity levels.
Where do most females store fat?
Triceps, hips, and thighs.
The waist-to-hip-ratio is effective in measuring what?
Shows the individual’s fat distribution as well as their risk factors of mortality and morbidity.
(T/F) In the waist-to-hip-ratio, the hip measurement should be smaller in circumference than the waist measurement.
False. The waist measurement should be smaller in circumference than the hip measurement.
What is a normal waist-to-hip-ratio for a male between the ages of 17–39?
What is the estimated accuracy range of hydrostatic weighing?
Describe how an individual would take a skin fold measurement on the axilla.
Vertical fold on the midaxillary line at the level of the xiphoid process.
What is the standard three site skin fold formula for a man?
Chest, abdomen, thigh.
The bioelectrical impedance analysis technique is based on what assumption?
Tissues high in water content will conduct electrical currents with less resistance than those with little water. Because adipose tissue contains little water, fat will impede the flow of electric current.
What is the estimated accuracy range of BIA?
When using the BIA technique how long should a person fast before being tested?
Eating and drinking should be avoided for hours prior to testing.
What is the purpose of the sit and reach test?
The test measures flexibility of the erector spinae muscles, hamstrings, upper back and calves.
What position creates maximal compressive forces on the intervertebral disks?
A seated fully flexed position.
How do you score the client on the sit and reach test?
The client’s score is the best of three and can be compared to the norms of their sex and age.
What is the assumption of the three-minute step test?
The assumption with the step test is that if a client has a lower recovery heart rate one-minute after completing the test, it is assumed that the client is in better physical condition and has higher VO2 MAX.
How long should you count the client’s heart rate once they have completed the three-minute step test?
Count the beats for one full minute.
How many beats per minute should you set the metronome at for the three-minute step test?
96 beats per minute.
The push up test measures? In what muscle?
Upper body endurance. Pectoralis musculature, anterior deltoid, and triceps brachii.
When is the push up test considered to be complete?
When the client can no longer perform another repetition or correct alignment can no longer be maintained.
The sit-up test measures? In what muscle?
The endurance of the trunk muscles. Rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques.
The crunch test has recently been developed as:
A safer alternative to determine endurance of the trunk musculature.
Weak abdominal musculature is common with individuals who experience?
Low back pain.
Why is it important to do fitness testing?
To ensure a proper exercise program is prescribed.