Chapter 10: Flight Instruments, Displays Flashcards
Explain the function of the DISPLAYS SOURCE selector.

- allows DEU 1 to drive the captain’s outboard, captain’s inboard and upper display units while DEU 2 drives the first officer’s outboard, first officer’s inboard, and lower display units. Provides automatic switching from both DEUs to one DEU in case of single DEU failure.
ALL ON 1 or 2: (Used on the ground for maintenance purposes)
- selects either DEU 1 or DEU 2 to drive all 6 displays.
Explain the function of the DISPLAYS CONTROL PANEL Select Switch.

- Left EFIS control panel controls captain’s displays and the right EFIS control panel controls first officer’s displays.
BOTH ON 1 or 2:
- both pilot’s displays are set to the selected pilot’s EFIS control panel.
Note: When in the NORMAL position, a DISPLAYS CONTROL PANEL annunciation illuminates below the altitude indication showing a failure of the associated EFIS control panel.
Describe the alert associated with a DEU failure.
DSPLY SOURCE (amber) on the lower left corner of the PFD.
Note: If a DEU fails, the remaining DEU automatically supplies data to all six displays. A single DEU failure will continue to supply each pilot with flight instrument information from independent sources. If the displays are automatically or manually switched to a single DEU source, a “DSPLY SOURCE” annunciation illuminates on both PFDs below the Airspeed Indicator.
Explain what the PLI indicates.

Indicates pitch limit (stick shaker activation for existing flight conditions).
Locate on the PFD, the selected MCP altitude, airspeed, heading and V/S.
Commanded information is displayed in magenta on the PFD. Selected MCP speed and altitude commands are displayed on the top of the altitude and airspeed tapes. Commanded heading is displayed on the compass and the commanded vertical speed is displayed to the right of the altitude tape on a tape and pointer.
Explain the meaning of the Max Speed Bar (red and black) on the airspeed tape.

Bottom of the bar indicates the maximum speed as limited by the lowest of the following:
- Vmo/Mmo.
- landing gear placard speed.
- flap placard speed.
Explain the meaning of the Min Speed Bar (red and black) on the airspeed tape.

Top of bar indicates the speed at which stick shaker occurs.
Explain the meaning of the Speed Trend Vector.

Tip of green arrow indicates predicted airspeed in the next 10 seconds based on the current airspeed and acceleration or deceleration.
Explain the meaning of the Maximum Maneuver Speed Bar (amber) when flaps are not up.

When flaps are not up, bottom of the bar indicates flap limit placard speed for the next normal flap setting. The display logic is based on a normal flap setting sequence of 1, 5, 15, 30. The bar is removed when the flap lever is moved to the landing flap selected on the APPROACH REF page or when the flap lever is moved to flaps 40.
Explain the meaning of the Maximum Maneuver Speed Bar (amber) when flaps are up.

Bottom of the bar indicates the airspeed that provides a 1.3g maneuver margin to high speed buffet. May be displayed at high altitude with flaps up, at relatively high gross weights.
Explain the meaning of the Minimum Maneuver Speed Bar (amber) with the flaps extended.

Top of bar indicates minimum maneuver speed.
Recall the speed of the single white bug displayed during takeoff.

Note: The maneuver speed provides margin to stick shaker for an inadvertent 15 degree overshoot beyond the normal 25 degree angle of bank.
Explain when the single white bug is displayed during approach.

Single white bug is displayed after selection of VREF in the FMC.
Recall the speed of the single white bug during approach.

VREF +20.
Note: Displayed after selection of VREF. Indicates target airspeed in the event an engine is lost during approach.
Describe the PFD Radio Altitude display.

Displays current radio altitude on the bottom of the attitude indicator:
- displayed below 2500 feet AGL.
- box highlighted white for 10 seconds upon
descent below 2500 feet.
- turns amber when below radio altitude minimums.
Describe the Landing Altitude Indication (amber) at the bottom of the altitude tape.

- The cross hatched area indicates the FMC landing altitude for the destination runway or airport, or
- The landing altitude for departure runway or airport.
Describe the PFD Vertical Speed Indications.

Vertical Speed Pointer (white) – Indicates current vertical speed.
Selected Vertical Speed Bug (magenta) – Indicates the speed selected in the MCP vertical speed window with V/S pitch mode engaged.
Vertical speed (white) – Displays vertical speed when greater than 400 feet per minute. The display is located above the vertical speed indication when climbing and below when descending.
TCAS Vertical Speed Tape (red) – Tape turns red to indicate vertical speed values to avoid or exit during a TCAS resolution advisory. Vertical speed pointer is also red if it is within the vertical speed tape range.
Recall the location and purpose of the PFD Approach Reference indication.

- The Approach Reference indicator is displayed on the upper left-hand corner of the PFD.
- Displays the selected ILS/IAN identifier or frequency, approach front course, and ILS/DME/FMC distance and source annunciation.
Note: If the tuned ILS frequencies disagree, the frequency turns amber with an amber horizontal line through it. If the approach courses entered in the MCP disagree, the course turns amber with an amber horizontal line through it.
Explain the indications of a Resolution Advisory (RA) and where they are displayed.
- Aural directions such as “CLIMB, CLIMB” or “DESCEND, DESCEND”.
- Intruder aircraft symbol turns red, displayed on the ND in MAP, center MAP or VOR and APP modes.
- Avoidance maneuver area displayed in red on PFD.
- TCAS Vertical Speed Tape turns red to indicate vertical speed values to avoid or exit during a TCAS resolution advisory. Vertical speed pointer is red if it is within the vertical speed tape range.
Describe the slip/skid indicator.
Displaces beneath the bank pointer to indicate slip or skid:
- fills white at full scale deflection.
- turns amber if bank angle is 35 degrees or more; fills amber if the
slip/skid indication is also at full scale deflection.
Locate actual aircraft heading on the PFD and ND.

PFD – actual aircraft heading is under the white (inverted triangle) current heading pointer on the compass rose.
ND - actual aircraft heading is under the white (inverted triangle) current heading pointer on the outer edge of the compass rose (not in PLAN mode).
Describe where groundspeed and true airspeed are displayed.

Top left of ND when the EFIS selector is in the MAP, VOR, APP and PLAN modes.
Describe where wind direction and speed are displayed.

Top left of ND below GS / TAS.
Describe TCAS traffic displays and symbols.
TCAS Traffic Symbols – Indicates position of traffic targets. Displayed in MAP, center MAP, VOR and APP modes with TFC selected on the EFIS control panel.
Red Square – TCAS Resolution Advisory (RA).
Amber Circle – TCAS Traffic Advisory (TA).
White Diamond – TCAS Proximate traffic.
Arrow – Traffic climbing or descending at a rate greater than or equal to 500 fpm.
TRAFFIC – Displayed on the ND whenever a TCAS RA or TA is active, whether or not TFC is selected on the EFIS Control Panel.
OFFSCALE – Displayed whenever RA or TA traffic is outside ND range.
Explain what the Altitude Range Arc indicates during a climb or descent.
Based on vertical speed and groundspeed, indicates the approximate map position where the MCP altitude will be reached.
Show where the Active Waypoint/ETA/Distance-To-Go are displayed on the ND (Navigation Display).

The Active Waypoint/ETA/Distance-To-Go are displayed in the MAP and PLAN modes on the top right corner of the ND.
Explain how approach minimums are set on the EFIS Control Panel.

Minimums (MINS) Reference Selector (outer - two position)
RADIO – selects radio altitude as the minimums reference.
BARO – selects barometric altitude as the minimums reference.
Minimums (MINS) Selector (middle - slew)
ROTATE – adjusts the radio or baro minimums altitude.
Minimums (MINS) Reset (RST) Switch (inner - momentary action)
- resets the alert minimums annunciation.
- blanks minimums display if alert is not active
Explain the function of the EFIS Control Panel Mode Selector (outer and center)

Mode Selector (outer) Selects the desired display.
- displays localizer and glideslope information in heading–up format
- displays reference ILS receiver, ILS frequency or identification, course and DME (weather radar and TCAS are not displayed in center APP mode)
- displays VOR navigation information in heading–up format
- displays reference VOR receiver, VOR frequency or identification, course, DME and TO/FROM information (weather radar and TCAS are not displayed in center VOR mode)
- displays FMC generated route and MAP information, airplane position, heading and track, in a track–up format
- displays waypoints, including the active waypoint, within the selected range
- displays VNAV path deviation.
- displays a non–moving, true north up, route depiction
- the airplane symbol represents actual airplane position and orientation
- allows route step–through using the CDU LEGS page
(weather radar and TCAS are not displayed)
Center (CTR) Switch (inner) PUSH –
- displays full compass rose (center) for APP, VOR & MAP modes.
- subsequent pushes alternate between center with VSD, expanded and center without VSD.
Recall how to select STD for the altimeters when passing through the transition level.

Push- STD located in the BARO selector knob on the EFIS control panel.
Explain the heading orientation if the PLAN mode is selected on the EFIS control panel.
True north up.
Explain how the map scale differs when in the center map mode.
Aircraft symbol is located in the center of the ND. The full compass rose is displayed for APP, VOR, and MAP modes. Subsequent pushes of the CTR switch alternate between map, center map, and center map with VSD.
Recall what is displayed with each of the EFIS Control Panel MAP Switches.

WXR (weather radar) – Energizes weather Radar Transmitter and Displays weather radar returns in MAP, center MAP, VOR and APP modes.
STA (station) – displays FMC data base navigation aids.
WPT (waypoint) – displays the waypoints in the FMC data base which are not in the flight plan route if the selected range is 40 nm or less.
ARPT (airport) – displays all airports which are stored in the FMC data base within the viewable map area.
DATA – displays altitude constraints, and estimated time of arrival for each active route waypoint.
POS (position) – displays IRS positions, GPS positions and VOR bearing vectors extended from the nose of the airplane symbol to manually tuned stations.
TERR (terrain) – displays GPWS generated terrain data in MAP, center MAP, VOR, and APP modes.
Recall what ND advisory message is annunciated if in the EFIS APP mode with a VOR tuned.
Describe the PFD failure flags displayed for inoperative flight instruments.
Boxed amber alerts replace failed flight instrument.
Recall what indications will be displayed to indicate excessive glide slope and localizer deviation on the PFD.
At low radio altitudes (with autopilot engaged), the appropriate scale turns amber and the pointer flashes to indicate excessive glide slope/glide path or localizer/FAC deviation.
Recall the location and purpose of the PFD Scale ID Annunciation.

- displayed above the left corner of ADI.
- indicates the source of displayed deviation for each scale.
Describe the PFD Navigation Performance Scale (NPS) Indications.

(2) NPS Deviation Scale
- lateral NPS deviation scale represents current FMC lateral RNP (Required Navigation Performance).
- vertical NPS deviation scale represents current FMC vertical RNP.
(3) Anticipation Cues
- unfilled white diamond symbol is displayed if valid approach course deviation information is being received.
Note: Anticipation Cues are displayed to indicate underlying approach roll and pitch information (i.e. LOC or FAC and G/S or G/P) while the NPS pointers display current vertical (VNAV) and lateral (LNAV) paths relative to the airplane.
(4) NPS Pointer
- pointer is filled magenta when it is not parked at deflection limit.
- pointer is unfilled outline when at deflection limit.
- indicates lateral/vertical paths relative to the airplane.
Note: will flash for 10 seconds if pointer is within ANP bar limits for 5 continuous seconds.
(5) Actual Navigation Performance (ANP) Bars
- originate from outer scale and expand inward as a function of increasing ANP. (Indicates amount of error in the system)
- Bars would touch at center of scale if ANP equals RNP.
- Bars turn from white to amber if current deviation is within the ANP bar limits for 10 continuous seconds.
Recall the location and method of displaying the Vertical Situation Display.

The VSD is accessed by pressing the EFIS Control Panel Center (CTR) switch twice, and is displayed on the ND. The VSD represents a profile view of the airplane and the environment along the current track. Information shown within the cyan dashed lines (enroute corridor/swath) on the ND is shown in profile on the VSD.
Recall the purpose of the Vertical Situation display (VSD) Terrain Profile Line.

Represents the highest terrain within the enroute swath.
- highest points of the terrain below and ahead of the airplane.
- terrain is depicted so the true altitude separation between the airplane and terrain is shown.
- VSD terrain uses the same color coding that is used to depict EGPWS terrain on the lateral map.
Recall the function of the VOR Switch on the EFIS panel.

Displays VOR information on all navigation modes except PLAN.
VOR – displays the selected VOR bearing pointer, frequency or identification and DME.
OFF – removes the VOR displays.
ADF- inoperative.