Chapter 10 - Audition Flashcards
sound waves
sound is generated when air is vibrated. small variations in air pressure then occur. sound waves are a mechanical displacement of molecules by a change in pressure that possesses the physical properties of frequency, amplitude, and complexity.
is measured in Hertz (vibrations per second). we hear this as pitch
measured in decibels. we hear this as loudness
lies in the fact that most sounds are a combination of different frequencies and amplitudes. we hear this as timbre
fundamental frequency
is the rate at which the complex waveform pattern repeats. key feature of complex tones is periodicity (fundamental frequency repeats at regular intervals; aperiodic sounds = noise)
higher-frequency sound waves that vibrate at whole-number multiple of the fundamental frequency
outer ear
consists of the auricle (pinna) which absorbs sounds from the outside, and the outer ear canal, which is closed off by the eardrum. the eardrum vibrates when it is struck by sound waves
middle ear
from the eardrum, the vibration is transmitted to the three ossicles; hammer, anvil, and stirrup. these offer protection against loud noises and distort sound a little. they transmit the vibration to the oval window
inner ear
the oval window is an opening in the cochlea. this is where the receptor cells are located. the hollow cochlea is filled with lymphatic fluid (cochlear fluid). a second window allows the cochlear fluid to vibrate inside the cochlea when activated by vibrations in the oval window. in the middle of the cochlea is the organ of corti, which includes the basilar membrane. hair cells are specialized neurons with cilia on top. the outer hair cells are attached to the tectorial membrane, whereas the inner hair cells only touch it loosely
transduction of sound waves into neural impulses
organ of corti in the inner ear converts sound waves into neural activity. when the vibrations in the oval window cause the cochlear fluid to move, the basilar and tectorial membranes bend, causing the fluid to flow past the inner hair cells.
when the cilia bend in one direction, there is depolarization of the membrane, excitation: the firing rate increases, and K+ and Ca2+ influx
when the cilia bend in the other direction, there is hyperpolarization of the membrane: the firing rate decreases, and K+ efflux
auditory nerve
the axons of the inner hair cells form the auditory nerve, which sends auditory information from the ear to the brain. Inner hair cells are the actual auditory receptors, if they become damaged, there is permanent hearing loss and constant leakage of calcium.
tonotopic organization
hair cells in the cochlea code sound frequencies as a function of their location on the basilar membrane. different frequencies are encoded at different locations, allowing us to distinguish between pitches
beginning of the cochlea (base)
the basilar membrane is thick, narrow and stiff. here the hair cells mainly react to high frequencies (up to 20000 Hz)
end of the cochlea (apex)
the basilar membrane is thin, wide, and soft. here the hair cells react to low frequencies (from 20 Hz)
exception in tonotopic organization
sounds below 200 Hz are coded temporality, this means that the sound frequency equals the firing rate of neurons
coding of amplitude (loudness)
another example of temporal coding, larger amplitudes in sound waves correspond to more intense vibration in the oval window, cochlear fluid, and basilar and tectorial membranes.
coding of location
two factors come into play:
- interaural time difference: difference in arrival time between left and right ear
- interaural intensity difference: difference in sound intensity between left and right ear
allow us to localize sound on the horizontal plane
the auditory pathway to the cortex
the auditory nerve leaves the cochlea and enters the brainstem at the level of the medulla, connecting with the cochlear nucleus. projections from the cochlear nucleus connect with both contralateral and ipsilateral cells in the superior olivary complex and trapezoid body. the cochlear nucleus and the superior olivary complex send projections to the inferior colliculus in the midbrain. from here, information is sent to the contralateral and ipsilateral medial geniculate nuclei in the thalamus (= relayed station for sensory information). the medial geniculate nuclei then send the information to the higher cortical areas in the cortex. auditory input from the two ears is therefore mixed in the brain to form a unified auditory perception.
auditory cortex
divided into a primary auditory cortex (A1) and a secondary auditory cortex (A2, planum temporale). the auditory ventral stream reaches A1 and is linked to the sound recognition (understanding language). the auditory dorsal stream reaches A2 and directs movements based on sounds (producing language)
is the localization of function primarily on one side of the brain. it is important to note that the other hemisphere also contributed to these broad functions
wernicke’s model
distinguished between language comprehension and language production. for right handed individuals, language comprehension is in the left temporal lobe in Wernicke’s area (A2)
wernicke’s aphasia
damage to wernicke’s area causes wernicke’s aphasia (sensory aphasia). you have difficulty understanding what other people say, and while your speech is fluent, it is incoherent and makes no sense.
broca’s aphasia
damage to broca’s area causes broca’s aphasia (motor aphasia). you can understand what other people are saying but you have trouble speaking. language production is in the left frontal lobe in broca’s area.
organisation of music
similar to that of language, but lateralized to the right hemisphere (A1 for bursts of noise, A2 for melodies, and frontal lobe for comparing melodies)