Chapter 10,11,12 Continue Flashcards
The process in which nerve action potentials lead to muscle action potentials
Events that link the action potentials on the sarcolemma to activation of the myofilaments, thereby preparing them to contract
Excitation- contraction coupling
step in which the muscle fiber develops tension and may shorten
When its work is done, a muscle fiber relaxes and returns to its resting length
Arrival of nerve signal
opens voltage- gated calcium channels
step 1
Acetylcholine (ACh) release
Calcium enters the cell thru gates, opened by voltage
Step 2
Binding of ACh to receptor
two ACh molecules bind to each receptor protein, opening Na and K channels
Step 3
Opening of ligand- regulated ion gates; creation of end- plate potential
Na enters; shifting RMP goes from -90 mV to + 75 mV then K exits (Action Potential) and RMP returns to -90 mV; quick voltage shift end of plate potential
Step 4
Quick voltage shift
end- plate potential (EPP)
Opening of voltage- regulated ion gates; creation of action potentials
Voltage change (EPP) in end- plate region opens nearby voltage- gated channels producing an action potential that spreads over muscle surface
Causing Action Potential after Action Potential
Step 5
Action potentials propagated down T tubules
Step 6
Calcium released from terminal cisternae
Ca gets diffused thru the muscles
Step 7
Binding of calcium to troponin in thin filaments
Step 8
Shifting of tropomyosin; exposure of active sites on actin
Troponin- tropomyosin complex changes shape and exposes active sites on actin
Step 9
Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + P; activation and cocking of myosin head
“Pull hammer on gun back” on myosin which is pulled back by ATP
Step 10
Fermat ion of myosin -actin cross- bridge
Myosin comes back and attaches to Actin
Step 11
head binds to actin active site forming a
myosin- actin cross- bridge
Binding of new ATP; breaking of cross- bridge
Step 13
Power stroke sliding of thin filament over thick filament
Myosin fires= ATP molecules
Step 12
Cessation of nervous stimulation and ACh release
Relaxation; stop stimulation
Step 14
ACh breakdown by acetylcholinesterase (AChE)
Step 15
Reabsorption of Calcium ions by sarcoplasmic reticulum
Step 16
Loss of calcium ion from troponin
Give myosin one final ATP
Step 17
Return of tropomyosin to position blocking active sites of actin
Step 18
the amount of tension generated by a muscle and the force of contraction depends on how stretched or contracted it was before it was stimulated
Length- tension relationship
a weak contraction results in thick filaments too clos to Z discs and cannot slide
Overly contracted
a weak contraction results little overlap of thin and thick does not allow for very many cross- bridges to form
Too stretched
produces greatest force when muscle contracts
Optimum resting length
central nervous system continually monitors and adjusts the length of the resting muscle , and maintains a state of partial contraction
muscle tone
cause sarcoplasmic reticulum to break down quickly and release calcium molecules begin to break down
hardening of muscle and stiffening of body beginning 3-4 hours after death
Rigor mortis
a chart of the timing and strength of muscle’s contraction
the response of a muscle to weak electrical stimulus seen in a frog gastrocnemius
Sciatic nerve preparation
what does a weak electrical stimulus do
causes no contraction
minimum voltage necessary to generate an action potential in the muscle fiber and produce a contraction
a quick cycle of contraction when stimulus is at threshold or higher
1-18 steps (1 time )
2 ms delay between the onset of stimulus and the onset of twitch response ; internal tension
time required for excitation- contracting coupling, and tension of elastic components of the muscle
everything before contraction
Latent period
force generated during latent period and no shortening of the muscle occurs
getting slack out
Internal tension
phase in which filaments slide and the muscle shortens
once elastic components are taut, muscle begins to produce external tension in muscle that moves a load
short- lived phase
Contraction phase
parts of body are moving
once elastic components are taut, muscle begin to
external tension
SR quickly reabsorbs Ca myosin releases the thin filaments, and tension declines
muscle returns to resting length
entire twitch lasts from 7- 100 ms
Relaxation phase
no contraction at all
didn’t get up to -55 mV
sub threshold stimulus
a twitch is produced
twitches caused by increased voltage are no stronger than those at threshold
threshold intensity and above
Do muscle fibers act the same to every spike no matter if its -55 or over ?
stimuli arriving closer together produce stronger twitches
stimulus frequency