Chapter 10 Flashcards
War of 1812 Treaty
Treaty of Ghent; December 1814
Louisiana Purchase
area west of Mississippi River; Spain had it & gave it to France; France sold to U.S. for $15 million; under Jefferson’s presidency in 1803
British allies in war
Native Americans-Tecumseh
revolution in Santo Domingo
made Napoleon give up his idea of empire & sell Louisiana Territory
Shawnee leader; wanted to unite Native Americans
William Henry Harrison
attacked Prophetstown
the Prophet
Tecumseh’s brother (Tenskwatawa) & ally
protection money paid to Barbary pirates
Stephen Decatur
U.S. navy captain
War Hawks men
Henry Clay & John Calhoun
situation for Key’s poem
battle of Fort McHenry in Baltimore harbor; flag still flying next morning; British didn’t win
Oliver Hazard Perry
destroyed British naval forces in Lake Erie
election of 1800
tie between Jefferson & Burr; decision went to House of Representatives; Hamilton’s influence led to Jefferson win; Burr mad
Lewis & Clark expedition
explore; find plants & animals; look for Northwest Passage; meet & talk w/ people in territory
Battle of Tippecanoe
Americans won; Tecumseh joined forces w/British