Chapter 1: Sustainable Cities- Rural and Urban Areas Flashcards
Why do people want to stay in a fixed location?
- Poor accessibility, lack of transport system and therefore cannot move around far
- Ample food supply due to technological development in agricultural methods and practices.
- Security+ Safety because they could defend the place.
Define sustainable development.
Development that meets the needs of the present population by achieving high standards of living for all
Ensures the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Covers 3 domains of society, environment and economy
An overfocus on one dimension may lead to others being overlooked
What are the different aspects that rural and urban differs from?
Population density Low
Population Small
Accessibility Low
Social services such as (education, medical care, housing)
Transport low related to accessibility
What industry is rural?
Primary industry.
—Farming, mining lumbering etc
— Raw material resource extraction
What industry is urban?
Urban: Secondary and tertiary industries
—Processing materials/food, manufacturing
— Provision of goods and services banking, services etc.
Are rural and urban both human environment?
What is a settlement?
Settlement is a place where people live, work and play.
What causes rural-urban migration?
Migrants move due to a combination of reasons. Push factors refers to reasons that make migrants want to leave their place of origin.
Pull factors refer to reasons that attract migrants towards a destination, such as the city.
What are some examples of some push factors that make migrants want to leave their place of origin?
Lack of job opportunities
Poor educational facilities
Lack of medical attention
What are some examples of some pull factors that attract migrants towards a destination, such as the city?
o Promise of work
o Better schooling and further education
o More hospitals and doctors
o Perception of exciting city life
o Political stability