Chapter 1 - Mobile Devices Flashcards
You are configuring the mail app on an iPhone to use an email address. What
configuration information do you need to enter to establish connectivity?
A. Email address and password
B. Email address, password, and server name
C. Email address, password, server name, and mail protocol
D. Email address, password, server name or IP address, and mail protocol
A. When configuring a mobile email client to access a commercial email provider, you typically just need your username and password to establish connectivity. Examples include
Google, Yahoo,, and iCloud.
Which type of smartphone display has fewer layers, providing more flexibility, a better
viewing angle, and excellent color as compared to other technologies?
B. Many newer smartphones are boasting OLED displays for their light weight, flexibility,
color depth, and wider viewing angle. IPS is a popular type of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
that requires backlighting to display the image. TN was the LCD technology developed first.
It uses less power and has a limited viewing angle, but it supports very fast refresh rates.
LEDs can be used as the backlight for LCD systems. OLED displays don’t need a backlight
because their carbon-based material can emit light and color.
In which scenario would you use the Fn key and the F10 key?
A. To turn the screen brightness down
B. To turn the screen brightness up
C. To turn the speaker volume down
D. To turn the speaker volume up
B. Some laptop keys are consolidated into special multifunction keys to save valuable space.
These keys are accessed through the standard keys by using a special function (Fn) key. Video
adjustments come in two varieties: changing the video output and dimming or brightening
the screen. In this case, there is a large sun icon for brightening the screen on the F10 key,
so pressing the Fn key and the F10 key simultaneously would increase the brightness. Some
laptops use a smaller sun to label the key for dimming and a larger sun to label the key for
brightening, or they use plus and minus signs or up and down arrows next to the suns. You
may also see special function keys to turn network connections on or off or to play, fastforward, or rewind media.
You are purchasing a mobile device that allows you to use multi- finger gestures to interact
with the device. What type of touchscreen technology does this device most likely use?
A. Capacitive
B. Infrared
D. Resistive
A. Capacitive touchscreens are a little less accurate than resistive touchscreens but more
responsive. They respond to changes in electrical current, and as such, the human fingertip
works great as the facilitator of input. Resistive screens require a heavier touch and don’t
support multi-touch input. Infrared screens don’t work with multi-touch gestures, but like
resistive screens, they can be used with gloves on. Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) is another
type of touchscreen, but it is not popular.
You are using a public Wi-F i hotspot and believe that someone is trying to hack into your
laptop. Which laptop feature should you use to immediately turn off all wireless connections?
A. Silent mode
B. Quiet mode
C. Airplane mode
D. Connectionless mode
C. Airplane mode turns off all wireless connections on a mobile device. It’s common on
phones and tablets, and most laptops have the feature as well.
You have been asked to purchase a new camera for the company photographer. Some of
the cameras are marketed as “smart” cameras. What key feature does this likely mean the
camera includes?
A. Wi- Fi
B. RJ- 45
C. Separate video processor
D. Internal hard drive
A. Smart cameras have built-i n wireless network connectivity for easy picture and video
transfers. Many will include Wi- Fi, Bluetooth, and Near- Field Communication (NFC). Smart
cameras, such as security cameras, can also connect via Wi- Fi to your network and the Inter-
net, and can thus be accessed and controlled by a cell phone.
Your friend’s iPhone 13 will no longer charge. They have tried replacing the charging block
and cable with compatible ones and tested the wall outlet. What should be done next?
A. Purchase a new phone.
B. Purchase a new battery.
C. Take the phone to a repair shop.
D. Use a wireless charging pad.
C. While it’s possible that the phone could be charged with a charging pad, most often
phones won’t charge because the battery is worn out and needs replacing. Also, according
to the Apple Support website, a phone that won’t charge likely needs servicing. Your friend
should take their phone to a service center. They may be able to replace the battery or fix
problems they find with the phone’s connector.
Your customer brought you a laptop with an internal battery that will no longer charge. You
have told them that replacing the battery will be no problem at all. Which of the following
will you need to do first?
A. Remove the back cover.
B. Remove the keyboard.
C. Disconnect the external power.
D. Disconnect the LCD panel.
C. Legacy laptops may have a battery that is removable and replaceable by sliding a connec-
tor or removing a few screws from the back of the case, but you might not be able to find a
compatible replacement. Modern laptops have internal batteries. Before removing the back
(bottom) cover of the laptop to get to the battery, you must disconnect the power to avoid
A coworker is having a problem with their laptop and has asked you to fix it. When an
external keyboard is plugged in, the laptop works just fine, but without it strange characters
appear on the screen when typing. Which of the following are likely causes? (Choose two.)
A. The driver is corrupted and needs to be updated/replaced.
B. The ribbon cable is partially disconnected and needs to be reseated.
C. The laptop needs to be replaced.
D. There is debris under the keys.
A, B. Users should be discouraged from eating cookies or toast (or anything) over their
laptops. Fine crumbs or other debris can cause keys to stick, but that likely wouldn’t cause
the type of problem the user is experiencing. Oftentimes a laptop keyboard can be replaced
fairly easily assuming a compatible one can be found, but in this case, the problem is most
likely caused by a loose ribbon cable connecting the keyboard to the motherboard, or a cor-
rupted driver.
You’re working as the IT support person at an accounting firm. One of the accountants
dropped their keyboard, and the number 5 key is no longer there. This is a critical problem
for an accountant. What is the most cost- effective way to get them up and running again?
A. Replace the laptop with a new one.
B. Replace the entire keyboard.
C. Replace the missing key.
D. Give them a desktop computer to use.
C. Individual keys can be replaced on a laptop. If your company uses many of the same
model of laptops, keeping one or two nonfunctioning ones in stock for parts is helpful. If a
key is not readily available, they can be purchased from third- party vendors for much less
than an entire keyboard. When ordering, ensure that it has the right type of clips, hinges, and
possibly cup for the model being replaced. Is the short term, an inexpensive USB- connected
keypad might suffice.
Your boss has asked you to maximize the RAM in their laptop computer. You check the spec-
ifications and discover that the maximum system RAM is 32 GB of DDR4 RAM. The laptop
currently has 16 GB onboard RAM and one empty slot. Which of the following RAM mod-
ules will you purchase?
C. One 16 GB DIMM
D. One 32 GB DIMM
A. You will always check the device’s documentation before purchasing components to
ensure compatibility. In a laptop, RAM is often soldered directly onto the motherboard
(onboard) and isn’t meant to be replaced by most users. Since the maximum system RAM
is 32 GB, you would need one 16 GB RAM module to bring it up to that total. The SO in
SODIMM stands for Small Outline and is the type of RAM module used in devices like lap-
tops and sometimes printers. DIMMs (Dual Inline Memory Modules) are used in desktop
A friend is trying to install an update on their iPod, but they’re receiving a message about
insufficient space. They want to know if you can upgrade their storage. What will you
tell them?
A. Sure, bring it over later today.
B. Storage can’t be upgraded. You’ll need to buy a new iPod.
C. Storage can’t be upgraded, but you may be able to offload some apps you no longer use.
D. Just purchase more space on iCloud; it’s the same thing.
C. The short answer is that no, storage on an iPhone, iPad, iPod, or almost any small device
can’t be upgraded. When you buy one of these devices, it’s best to buy as much storage as you
can afford. Attaching the device to your PC and doing the upgrade there may work. If not,
you may not have to buy a new iPod if you have some data that you no longer need like con-
versations from years ago, or if you have some apps that you no longer use and can delete.
You should be able to download them again later onto a new device. iCloud is storage in the
cloud, and not the same as storage on your device; however, you could store photos in iCloud
Photos or use Messages in iCloud to save space on the device.
You need to replace a failed SATA hard drive on a 10- year- old laptop. The user has asked
that the new drive be as fast as possible, regardless of disk space or cost. What type of drive
should you install?
B. Magnetic
C. Hybrid
A. A solid- state drive (SSD) uses the same memory technology found in other forms of flash
memory. They are much faster than traditional magnetic drives or hybrid drives but gener-
ally don’t have as much capacity for the same price. An NVMe drive is newer technology and
would have to be supported by the laptop. It also uses a different connector.
You need to replace a failed hard drive in a user’s laptop, and it’s a model you are unfamiliar
with. You look at the bottom of the laptop and see no obvious entrance points. Which
component will you most likely need to remove to access the hard drive bay?
A. Plastics/frames
B. Battery
C. System board
D. Keyboard
D. As a rule of thumb, either you can access components from the bottom of a laptop, such
as the memory and Mini PCIe card, or you’re going to need to remove the keyboard to access
the components from the top.
You are on the phone talking to a technician who is trying to upgrade a laptop. The techni-
cian is having trouble identifying the Mini PCIe card. How wide should you tell the techni-
cian that the card is?
A. 27 mm
B. 30 mm
C. 51 mm
D. 60 mm
B. Mini PCIe cards come in two sizes. The full- size cards measure 30 mm wide and 51 mm
long. Half-s ize cards are 30 mm wide and 27 mm long.
Which mobile connection type allows you to share your cellular Internet connection with a
Wi- Fi enabled device?
A. Hotspot
C. Bluetooth
A. If you have a cellular- enabled device such as a smartphone, you may be able to turn that
phone into a mobile hotspot. By doing so, you can share your cellular Internet connection
with Wi- Fi- enabled devices such as laptops and tablets. Near- Field Communication (NFC)
devices can communicate and send data and files but only if they are within inches of each
other. Bluetooth is a common wireless technology for connecting devices such as keyboards
and headsets to a computer, and IrDA (infrared) communicates using light, but requires a
line- of- sight.
Your friend wants to be able to use their phone to pay for purchases at a popular coffee
shop. They noticed that the phone needs to be about 4″ from the coffee shop’s reader. What
radio wave communication type do you need to configure for your friend?
B. Wi- Fi
D. Bluetooth
A. Near- field communication (NFC) is a wireless technology that uses radio frequency
(RF) signals with limited range, about 4″ (10 cm). Bluetooth and Wi- Fi have greater
ranges, and IrDA uses infrared light and requires line- of- sight communications. IrDA is no
longer popular.
You’re working from a home office and need to be able to type on your keyboard while
talking with clients, so you purchase a wireless headset. What wireless technology will you
need to enable on your laptop to ensure that the headset and laptop can communicate?
A. Wi- Fi
C. Bluetooth
C. Headsets are used for hands- free phone conversations and listening to music. Headsets
can either plug into the speaker/headphone jack or be wireless. Most wireless headsets are
Bluetooth. Wi- Fi is for connecting to wireless Local Area Networks (LANs). IR is infrared
communication, which uses infrared light and requires line- of- sight for connections. It is
seldom used. NFC (near- field communication) only works over very short distances, about
10 cm or 4″.
You are wearing your smart watch, which allows you to make payments like a credit card.
What type of connection technology does this service use?
A. Bluetooth
C. Wi- Fi
B. Near- field communication (NFC) is a wireless technology that uses radio frequency (RF)
signals with limited range, about 4″ (10 cm). NFC can operate in card emulation mode,
which lets the device act as a smartcard. This is useful for making payments at the site of a
merchant who uses NFC. Bluetooth is a popular protocol for personal area networks (PANs)
such as a laptop and headset or speakers. Wi- Fi is used for wireless Local Area Networks
(LANs). IrDA uses infrared light for communication; although it was once popular, it is
rarely used in PC communications.
You’re upgrading the Wi- Fi card in a manager’s laptop and notice that the antenna cable
is frayed, so you need to replace that too. What will you likely need to do to replace
the antenna?
A. Wrap the antenna with electrical tape.
B. Open the display to replace the cable.
C. Attach a dongle for the new cable.
D. Just install the new card because the antenna is part of the card.
B. Often in laptops, the antenna is housed in the display area of the laptop. You would
most likely need to separate the display from the laptop’s motherboard section to open it
and replace the antenna cable. It will also likely have two different parts, a right and a left
antenna, so make sure you get the right one.
Your boss has asked you to make sure that each of the company’s laptops has a biometric
scanner as an extra measure of security. Which of the following are biometric devices that are
commonly found and can be configured on laptops? (Choose two.)
A. ID card scanner
B. Face ID
C. Fingerprint reader
D. Retina scanner
B, C. Biometrics are using part of your body to identify you. An ID card is not biometric.
Retina scanners are used in some secure environments but are not commonly found on lap-
tops, but facial recognition like Apple’s Face ID and Windows Hello are on most modern lap-
tops. Fingerprint readers can be found on many laptops, or can be easily added.
Your company is producing posters for an upcoming public relations campaign. The project
leader wants to embed information into an NFC Type 4 tag in the poster. How much
information can this tag hold?
A. 16 KB
B. 32 KB
C. 1.4 MB
D. 2.4 MB
B. Near- field communication (NFC) is a wireless technology that uses radio frequency (RF)
signals with limited range, about 4″ (10 cm). To read an NFC tag in a poster, you would
move your phone close to the tag. The phone would generate a small RF field that would
power the tag, and data could then be read from the tag. There are five types of tags that
vary in speed from 106 kbps to 2424 kbps and in maximum capacities from 2 KB to 32 KB.
Type 4 holds the most data but is slower than Type 3.
Your customer has an iPhone 8 and wants to read and write NFC tags with it. What advice
will you give them? (Choose two.)
A. Their iPhone will only work with Apple Pay.
B. They need to upgrade to iPhone X to write NFC tags.
C. With iOS 13 or better on their device, they’ll be able to read and write NFC tags using a
third- party app.
D. iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 can read NFC tags simply by holding the phone over the tag.
C, D. The only Near- field communication (NFC) capability with devices prior to the iPhone
7 is the ability to use Apple Pay; however, with iPhone 7 and newer devices, a third- party
app can be used to read and write NFC tags. iPhone 12 and newer devices can natively
read NFC tags.
You’ve been asked by the company president what can be done with NFC in addition to
paying for coffee. What will you tell them? (Choose three.)
A. Securely share data with someone you’re having lunch with.
B. Beam data to someone 10 feet away.
C. Transfer files, photos, and videos.
D. Add information or URLs to business cards, making it easier for customers to learn
about your products or services.
A, C, D. NFC can do so much more than pay for your coffee. In addition to the answers
above, NFC tags can be set up to automate tasks instead of manually changing settings, such
as silencing an alarm or logging into a PC. In some places they can allow your phone to be
your bus pass. They’re considered secure for communication because of the short distance
between devices.
You are investigating new laptops for your company. You want the laptop displays to have a
wide viewing angle. Which technology standard is best suited for your needs?
C. There are three types of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technologies listed in the A+ exam
objectives: Twisted Nematic (TN), In- Plane Switching (IPS), and Vertical Alignment (VA). IPS
LCDs provide better color representation as well as wider viewing angles, so that would be
the best choice for this situation. Their drawbacks are somewhat slower response times and
they tend to be a bit more expensive. Considering the other two types of LCD technologies,
TN displays were developed first. They use less power compared to IPS and VA; however,
when you start viewing them at wider angles, the picture quality suffers greatly. VA LCDs
have slower response times than either IPS or TN, but they have the best contrast and image
depth. SVA, or Super Vertical Alignment, is a Samsung term, not a standard, but it claims to
offer better viewing angles than VA displays. LED monitors use Light Emitting Diodes as the
backlight for an LCD. There are also microLED monitors and OLED monitors that create
colors using LEDs with no backlight required.
Which type of LCD has the best contrast, meaning the darkest black and lightest white?
C. OLED (Organic LED) monitors are not LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitors. Each of
the other three has their advantages. TN (Twisted Nematic) displays have the fastest refresh
rates, IPS (In- Plane Switching) displays have the best viewing angle, and VA (Vertical Align-
ment) displays have the best color contrast.
Of the laptop LCD technologies, which consumes the least amount of power?
C. There are three types of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technologies listed in the exam
objectives: Twisted Nematic (TN), In- Plane Switching (IPS), and Vertical Alignment (VA). Of
those three display types, TN uses the least amount of power. TN displays also have very fast
refresh rates. The issue with TN LCD screens is that when you start viewing them at wider
angles, the picture quality suffers greatly. IPS LCDs provide better color representation as
well as wider-a ngle viewing, but they tend to be a bit more expensive and have somewhat
slower response times. VA LCDs have slower response times than either IPS or TN, but they
have the best contrast and image depth. LED (Light- Emitting Diode) refers to a type of back-
lighting for LCD monitors.
What type of display uses organic materials that themselves light up so that no backlight is
needed, meaning true black and greater contrasts can be achieved?
B. Mini- LED
D. The Organic LED (OLED) displays have incredible color contrast ratio because they can
turn individual pixels off. They also have an excellent viewing angle. The drawback is that
they may not be as bright as an LED (Light Emitting Diode) display. LED and mini- LED
displays use LEDs for backlighting, but still need the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) panel.
QLED is a marketing name, but QLED displays use a quantum dot layer providing more
color depth than regular LED displays. Micro- LEDs use three microscopic LEDs (red, green,
and blue) to make each pixel, and each pixel can be turned on or off like an OLED TV.
QLED, mini- LED, and micro- LED aren’t on the CompTIA A+ objectives yet.
You have recently purchased a laptop computer with a touchscreen. It allows you to draw
images on the screen and save them on the computer. Which device is responsible for
converting the input into the image that you see and save?
A. Inverter
B. Touchpad
C. Digitizer
D. Touchscreen
C. A digitizer is a device that can be written or drawn on and the content will be converted
from analog input to digital images on the computer. Digitizers take input from a user’s
finger or a writing utensil, such as a stylus. Touchscreen devices and touchpads have a digi-
tizer built into them. An inverter changes DC (Direct Current) to AC (Alternating Current)
and is needed for some types of backlighting.
Which two components of a laptop or other mobile device are the most useful when making
a videoconference call? (Choose two.)
A. Digitizer
B. Webcam
C. Microphone/speaker
D. Inverter
B, C. Webcams are nearly universal on laptops. The most common placement is right above
the display on the laptop. Microphones are also often built into the display, next to the
webcam. Both laptops and mobile devices such as smartphones are used for videoconfer-
encing. Desktop computers can be used for videoconferencing, too, but usually will require
adding a webcam and microphone. A digitizer converts touch input into digital format, and
an inverter is used to convert DC (Direct Current) to AC (Alternating Current).
Of the laptop components listed, which one is least likely to be built into the display?
A. Wi- Fi antenna
B. Speakers
C. Webcam
D. Digitizer
B. Common components to include in the display are the screen, Wi- Fi antenna, webcam,
microphone, inverter, and digitizer. Speakers are often near the keyboard on a laptop; how-
ever, some desktop displays have built-i n speakers.
What is this device, which can be found inside an iPhone 10 along the bottom, connected
with a small ribbon cable?
A. Wi- Fi antenna
B. Digitizer
C. Haptics connector
D. Stylus sensor
A. Smartphones will have both a cellular antenna and a Wi- Fi antenna internal to the phone.
Typically they connect with a ribbon cable, and they may be shaped differently or in dif-
ferent places depending on the particular cell phone model. These are not considered user-
replaceable parts, but as an IT technician, you may be asked to replace them. Special tools,
often plastic, may be needed to open a cell phone case without causing damage. The digitizer
is a thin layer of electronic material that is usually fused between the glass and the LCD.
Haptics are the ability of the device to interact through touch, such as vibration when they
ring or feeling like you’re pressing a physical button even though you’re not. Stylus sensors
are not actual devices.
Which type of mobile device is known for using electrophoretic ink?
A. E- reader
B. Smart watch
C. Smart glasses
D. Tablet
A. Most e- reader displays use a technology called electrophoretic ink, or E Ink, which is a
proprietary type of electronic paper. Although E Ink is available in color, many consider its
best applications to be in grayscales or pure black and white. Additionally, E Ink uses almost
no power to keep print on the page until the print is changed.
Which display component is capable of discharging energy and causing severe injuries to
A. Screen
B. Backlight
C. Inverter
C. The job of the inverter is to store and convert energy from DC to AC. Inverters have the
potential to discharge that energy and can be dangerous to technicians, so be careful when
working with them. A backlight provides light that shines through the Liquid Crystal Display
(LCD) to create pictures on the screen.
Which of the following is not a type of LCD?
A. OLED technology uses organic material that lights up and creates colors without the use
of backlighting or an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). IPS, TN, and VA are all types of LCDs.
What types of networking will smart cameras often have built into them? (Choose two.)
A. Bluetooth
C. RJ- 45
D. Wi- Fi
A, D. Smart cameras have built-i n wireless network connectivity for easy picture and video
transfers. Many will include Wi- Fi, Bluetooth, and NFC (Near- field Communication). IrDA
uses infrared light for communication and is not popular, and RJ- 45 is a type of networking
What component or characteristic on most mobile phones has its ability measured in
A. Brightness
B. Contrast
C. Camera
D. Digitizer
C. Megapixels are a measure of how many unique points a digital camera is capable of stor-
ing. It’s more a measure of detail than quality, but for most of us it’s a quick way to compare
a smartphone’s photographic capabilities. Brightness and contrast are settings that affect the
display, whereas the digitizer accepts analog input and converts it into digital format.
What three components of a mobile display are often connected in such a way that if one
fails, you must replace the other two with it? (Choose three.)
A. Glass cover
C. Wi- Fi antenna
D. Digitizer
A, B, D. The digitizer on a mobile device is a thin layer of electronic material that is glued or
fused onto the back of the glass. Popular new smartphones are fusing all three together, so if
the ability to communicate with the smartphone through touch fails, you must replace not
only the digitizer but the glass cover and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) as well. If the glass
cover shatters, then the digitizer and LCD are replaced as well because it is sold as one unit.
The Wi- Fi antenna is usually a discrete part inside the case.
An artist in your company’s marketing department just received the new drawing pad that
they ordered. What might you need to do to configure it? (Choose three.)
A. Install an alternate operating system.
B. Plug the device into an appropriate port, likely USB.
C. Enable Windows Ink or other software settings.
D. Calibrate the device.
B, C, D. Some drawing pads simply plug into the USB port of a laptop and they work just
fine. Higher- end devices will likely need more setup but will pay off in quality. Some will
need special software installed, including drivers, and that software will need to be config-
ured. Most likely you’ll want to enable and configure Windows Ink. You may need to cal-
ibrate a drawing pad when you first connect it or only if the movement of the stylus is off
from the movement on the screen. It’s unlikely that you’ll need a different operating system
to use it.
One of your coworkers has purchased an external Bluetooth trackpad to use with their
tablet. They’ve turned to you, the company IT person, to install and configure it for them.
What actions will you need to take? (Choose two.)
A. Plug the device into a USB port.
B. Install drivers.
C. Put the device in pairing mode and open Bluetooth settings on the tablet, then tap the
D. Go to Settings to configure speed and scrolling features.
C, D. Configuring a new Bluetooth trackpad is a fairly simple procedure. You first need to
pair the device with the tablet, then configure it for speed and clicking and such. The Comp-
TIA A+ objectives list the steps for connecting Bluetooth devices as follows:
What type of connection are you using if you use a USB cable to connect your laptop to your
cell phone in order to use the cellular wireless connection from the laptop?
A. Hotspot
B. Tethering
C. USB networking
D. Phoning
B. Tethering is connecting a device to a mobile hotspot. The term used to be reserved only
for when you were connected via USB cable, as opposed to connecting via wireless. Some
devices will not function as a mobile hotspot but will allow you to tether a mobile device to
it with a USB cable so that the mobile device can share the cellular Internet connection.
You often work remotely, in your favorite coffee shop. What device can you use to physically
protect your laptop from theft if you step away from the table for a minute?
A. Docking station
B. Protective cover
C. Cable lock
D. LoJack
C. To physically secure your laptop, use a cable lock. Essentially, a cable lock anchors your
device to a physical structure, making it nearly impossible for someone to walk off with it.
LoJack is software that can help secure data but does not prevent physical theft. A protective
cover will help protect your device from damage if it gets dropped (and some are water-
proof too), but it won’t stop someone from stealing it. Docking stations are usually used in
your home office or corporate office to provide a mobile device, such as a laptop, tablet, or
smartphone, with access to external devices that can provide charging, speakers, and other
The company president misplaced their charging cable for their iPhone 13. You tell them
it’s no problem, and hand them a new one. What type of connector does this iPhone use
for charging?
A. Thunderbolt
B. Lightning
C. ApplePower
B. The iPhone 13 series uses the proprietary connector called the Lightning connector. They
can also use a compatible wireless charging pad.
Your significant other just purchased a new car and wants you to configure their cell phone
to work through the car using voice commands. You must initiate pairing on the phone and
choose to search for pairing devices on the car. What protocol is being used by the car and
the device?
A. 802.11a
B. Lightning
C. Bluetooth
D. Wi- Fi Enabled
C. To connect Bluetooth devices, a user must initiate the pairing process on both devices.
Bluetooth is used to create a PAN (personal are network) also known as a piconet. The range
for a Bluetooth network is only about 30 feet. 802.11a is a Wi- Fi standard, Lightning is a
type of connector, and Wi- Fi enabled refers to a device that uses a Wi- Fi connection. The
CompTIA A+ objectives list the steps for connecting Bluetooth devices as follows:
A laptop user wants to have a full-s ized display and keyboard, as well as an external hard
drive, and speakers available to them at their desk. Which accessory can they purchase to
avoid plugging each of these devices separately into their laptop every time they return to the
desk? (Choose two.)
A. KVM switch
B. Port replicator
C. Desktop station
D. Docking station
B, D. A docking station often replicates the functions of the ports on the back of a laptop
so that peripherals such as displays, keyboards, printers, and so on that don’t travel with the
laptop can remain connected to the dock and don’t all have to be unplugged physically each
time the laptop is taken away. Docking stations effectively turn a laptop computer into a
desktop computer, and the docking station may offer its own devices, such as an optical drive
and speakers. It may have a generic connector such as USB- C or a proprietary connector.
Docking station can also mean a charging cradle for a smartphone or tablet to plug in ver-
tically that provides other functions such as built- in speakers for music playback or a clock.
Two examples are Android Radio and Music Dock or Apple’s Universal Dock. This differs
from a port replicator, whose main function is to let the user connect several devices at once
and doesn’t require the laptop to be connected to offer connectivity between the devices. A
KVM switch enables you to use one keyboard, video device, and mouse (hence the name,
KVM) with two or more system units. Desktop station is not an actual term.
A user needs ports for external devices in addition to what their laptop is capable of
connecting. The user would like these devices to have connectivity with each other whether
or not the laptop is there. Which of the following will provide that option?
A. Docking station
B. Port replicator
C. KVM switch
D. Docking port
B. A port replicator is an attachment that provides the same ports as or additional ports to
a laptop. The devices can communicate with each other via the port replicator whether or
not the laptop is there. Docking stations are similar to port replicators because they provide
a single connection to a laptop that will connect several devices, but the point of the docking
station is to effectively make a laptop function as a desktop PC. Whereas a docking station
Which laptop expansion port technology was developed by Apple and Intel and supports a
wide variety of peripheral devices?
B. DisplayPort
D. Thunderbolt
D. Thunderbolt was co- developed by Apple and Intel as an offshoot of the DisplayPort tech-
nology. Apple added support for PCIe and launched it in 2011. In terms of versatility, it’s
second only to USB. You will find video devices, hard drives (both HDD and SSD), printers,
laptop docking stations, audio devices, and PCIe expansion enclosures that use Thunderbolt.
Thunderbolt 3 is compatible with USB-C .
You’re upgrading a user’s laptop from 802.11n to 802.11ac. What port will you most likely
use inside the laptop?
C. Mini PCIe
D. Mini PCIe x16
C. Mini PCIe is just for small devices like laptops. PCI and PCIe are found on desktop PCs.
PCIe x16 (x16 is pronounced as by 16) is often used for video at blazing speeds. PCIe x1 is
popular for all sorts of devices. There is no Mini PCIe x16.
What port looks identical to a Thunderbolt 3 connector but will not charge a connected
device as quickly?
B. miniUSB
D. microUSB
A. USB- C uses an oval port that looks identical to Thunderbolt 3, and both can be used to
transfer data and power to a device, but Thunderbolt 3 does it much faster, at 40 Gbps. To
tell them apart, look for the lightning bolt on a Thunderbolt cable or port.
You’re the IT manager for a manufacturing company. One of the corporate executives is
questioning why you’re buying serial instead of parallel devices. You explain that serial
transmits only one bit of information at a time, but it does so very fast compared to parallel.
Which of the following will you tell them is not a serial connection?
A. Centronics
B. Thunderbolt
C. Lightning
A. Centronics is a common name for a parallel port. Parallel ports are now legacy because
serial communications are so much faster. Thunderbolt, Lightning, and USB- C all use serial
communications, and they are very fast.
A technician has a failed Lenovo laptop and suspects the motherboard is bad. They have sev-
eral other laptops available from which they can harvest parts. Which of the following state-
ments is most likely true regarding the replacement motherboard that is selected?
A. The motherboard is not replaceable.
B. Any laptop motherboard will work.
C. A motherboard from any other Lenovo laptop will work.
D. Only a motherboard from that same model of Lenovo laptop will work.
D. Laptop motherboards are nearly always proprietary, meaning they are not interchange-
able between manufacturers or even between models from the same manufacturer. When a
laptop motherboard needs to be replaced, you most likely need a laptop motherboard from
the same make and model.
What type of connector is used on Android smartphones? (Choose two.)
A. Lightning
B. Thunderbolt
D. USB Micro- B
C, D. Older Android devices used the USB Micro-B connector, while newer Android smart-
phones use the USB-C connector. Lightning is the connector used by iPhones, and Thunder-
bolt has a connector whose shape looks identical to a USB- C, but Thunderbolt is much faster.
You will be traveling to another country for work and will have a 10- hour airplane flight.
You need to work on your laptop while on the flight, but your battery won’t last that long.
What should you buy to allow you to use the auxiliary power outlets on the airplane?
A. AC adapter
B. DC adapter
C. Power inverter
D. Docking station
B. A DC power adapter allows a user to plug the laptop into the DC power source (usually
called an auxiliary power outlet) inside a car or on an airplane. AC power adapters are for
plugging into standard wall outlets. Some airplanes now provide AC power outlets to their
passengers as well.
The AC adapter for your laptop is not working properly, and you are searching for a
replacement. Which two factors should be most important when selecting a new AC adapter?
(Choose two.)
A. Polarity
B. Same wattage as the original
C. Brand of the adapter
D. Size of the adapter
A, B. You should choose an AC adapter rated for the same wattage as the original. You must
also pay special attention to the voltage and polarity of the plug that interfaces with the
laptop. If the laptop requires the positive lead to be the center conductor, for instance, then
you must take care not to reverse the polarity. It’s best to find one that advertises compati-
bility with the device it will be charging.
How do modern docking stations connect to laptops? (Choose two.)
A. USB 2
C. Thunderbolt 3 or 4
B, C. Legacy docking stations would have a proprietary port that would align with a con-
nector, usually on the bottom or back of a laptop. The docking stations would be proprie-
tary, meaning they can only work with specific equipment. Modern docking stations connect
with the fast USB- C or Thunderbolt ports, and sometimes USB- A ports. They often supply
their own power and can make a laptop seem like a desktop by plugging in one cable that
connects your laptop to multiple monitors, gigabit Ethernet, audio, or almost any other port
type. Docking station can also mean a charging cradle for a smartphone or tablet to plug
in vertically that provides other functions such as built- in speakers for music playback or a
clock. Two examples are Android Radio and Music Dock or Apple’s Universal Dock.
You have enabled the GPS service in your tablet. What is the minimum number of GPS satel-
lites your tablet needs to be in contact with to determine its location?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
C. GPS systems were designed to require multiple satellites. Receivers use a process called
triangulation, which they use to calculate the distance between themselves and the satellites
(based on the time it takes to receive a signal) to determine their location. They require input
from four satellites to provide location and elevation or three to provide location.
What is the name of the OS used by the Apple Watch, which was designed specifically for
the watch?
A. iOS
B. OS X mobile
C. watchOS
D. Tizen
C. The Apple Watch uses watchOS. It’s similar to iOS (used on iPhones) but was developed
specifically for the watch. Its features are similar to iOS, but it includes features more tailored
toward a smaller device. There is also iPadOS, which is, as you’ve likely surmised, for iPads.
OS X mobile is a fictitious term, and Tizen is an open source mobile device OS.
A technician needs to replace a failed laptop hard drive. Which of the following form factors
could it use?
A. 1.3″
B. 2.0″
C. 2.5″
D. 3.5″
C. An older laptop hard drive will be one of two form factors (sizes): 1.8″, which is now
considered legacy, or 2.5″. Modern laptops most likely use either mSATA or M.2 drives,
which are thinner than a RAM module and much smaller. Desktop computers have histori-
cally used 3.5″ hard drives.
What type of wearable technology device is specifically designed to track a user’s movements
and heart rate and may include features such as GPS?
A. Smart watch
B. Fitness monitor
C. Smart glasses
D. Smart headset
B. A fitness monitor is normally worn on the wrist, and it tracks a user’s movements and
heart rate. Some fitness monitors will be able to track sleep patterns and have a clock, alarm,
and other features such as GPS. All fitness monitors have the ability to sync to a device such
as a smartphone, laptop, or desktop.
You want to play video games on your tablet computer. Which accessory would you purchase
if you wanted to play the game much like you would on a gaming console?
A. Docking station
B. Touch pad
C. Point stick
D. Game pad
D. A good game controller can make your mobile device feel a bit more like a gaming
console. Most of the game pads will look like standard console controllers and connect via
Bluetooth. Touchpads and pointing sticks are input devices like a mouse. Touchpads are usu-
ally rectangular areas on a laptop where your finger movements replace moving a mouse.
A pointing stick will usually be in the middle of a keyboard and is controlled with a single
finger pushing the stick in any direction. A docking station lets a laptop connect to multiple
devices with a single connection on the laptop, enabling the user to use it easily with full-
sized devices like a desktop PC.
Your new laptop has 4 GB system RAM and an integrated video card. The default setting
specifies 512 MB of video memory. How much RAM is available for the processor to use?
A. 4 GB.
B. 3.5 GB.
C. 3 GB.
D. It’s variable.
B. Many laptops use shared video memory, meaning that system RAM is divided up for use
between the processor and the video card. On these types of systems, the amount of RAM
available for video is configured in the BIOS/UEFI. Anything reserved for the video card is
unavailable to the processor. In this case, subtracting half a gigabyte from 4 GB leaves the
CPU with 3.5 GB.
Oculus, Samsung, and HTC are manufacturers of what specific type of wearable tech-
nology devices?
A. Smart glasses
B. Smart headsets
C. Smart watches
D. VR/AR headsets
D. Oculus VR specializes in virtual reality and augmented reality headsets (VR/AR headsets).
Samsung and HTC, while manufacturing smartphones, also produce VR/AR headsets.
Tablet computers feature touchscreens that are approximately what size?
A. Between 5″ and 7″
B. Between 3″ and 5″
C. Between 7″ and 12″
D. Between 12″ and 24″
C. Tablet screen sizes typically fall anywhere between 7″ and 12″, although you can find
much larger ones with 24″ displays.
Which type of network connection is least likely to be found on a tablet computer?
A. Wi- Fi
B. Bluetooth
C. RJ- 45
D. Cellular
C. RJ- 45 is an 8-p in connector commonly used to connect computers to a local area network
(LAN). Tablets are designed for mobile communication. As such, most tablets come equipped
with Wi- Fi and Bluetooth, and many have cellular capabilities as well.
What type of device would use a Lightning connector to charge and transfer data?
A. Samsung smartphone
B. Fitbit watch
C. Intel based laptop
D. Apple iPhone
D. iPhones since the iPhone 5 have used a proprietary connector called the Lightning connec-
tor. Samsung smartphones and Fitbit watches most likely use a USB- C cable, whereas Intel-
based laptops use a variety of charging jacks depending on the device.
You are upgrading a laptop with a Mini PCIe card. What type of connector does
Mini PCIe use?
A. 52- pin
B. 68- pin
C. 144- pin
D. 200- pin
A. Mini PCIe cards use a 52-p in connector. The Mini PCIe cards are 30 mm wide and come
in full length (50.95 mm) and half length (26.8 mm). 68- pin connectors are used with SCSI
devices, whereas 144- pin and 200- pin are SODIMM connector sizes.
What is the likely type of Wi- Fi antenna connector you will find as an external connector
on a laptop?
A. SMA- female- RP
B. N- male
C. SMA- male-R P
D. N- female
A. The overwhelming majority of Wi- Fi antenna connectors for indoor-r ated antennas found
on laptops are type SMA (SubMiniature version A). On the device will be an SMA- female.
What makes a connector “male” is the center pin and threads on the inside, while a “female”
connector will have a receptor for the pin and threads on the outside. RP (reverse polarity)
means that the pin and receptor are in opposite positions with regard to connector gender
while the outside housing remains the same. SMA- RP and SMA are therefore not compatible
with each other. N- type connectors look similar but are weatherproof and larger than SMA
A warehouse manager at a factory is required to supervise productivity while walking around
and taking notes. They find their laptop awkward to type on while walking but do not want
to use two devices. What would you recommend they do?
A. Get a small tablet to synchronize with the laptop.
B. Place accessible workstations throughout the factory.
C. Get a laptop with a rotating or removable screen.
D. Get a smaller laptop.
C. Laptops with a rotating or removable screen allow the touchscreen to function like a
tablet. This allows the warehouse manager to take notes with a tablet while keeping the
laptop for their desk.
After enabling your device for communication using the IEEE 802.15.1 standard, what is the
next step?
A. Enter the PIN code.
B. Find a device for pairing.
C. Enable pairing.
D. Open port 802.15.1.
C. The IEEE standard 802.15.1 is commonly known as Bluetooth. The CompTIA A+ objec-
tives list the steps for connecting Bluetooth devices as follows:
You’ve enabled Bluetooth on your new headset and your laptop and enabled pairing on both.
They have discovered each other, so what is the typical next step?
A. Pressing and holding a Bluetooth button
B. Entering the Bluetooth password
C. Entering the Bluetooth PIN code
D. Exiting out of any running Bluetooth applications
C. When pairing two Bluetooth devices, depending on the security settings, it is sometimes
necessary to enter a Bluetooth PIN code. In security configuration menus, the PIN is some-
times referred to as the Bluetooth passcode or passkey. The CompTIA A+ objectives list the
steps for connecting Bluetooth devices as follows:
You’re configuring private email on a coworker’s cell phone. They want to make sure all
of their mail will be only on their phone. Which mail protocol keeps all emails stored on a
single device and can only be accessed from one device?
C. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) keeps emails stored on one device. This means both sent
and received messages are stored on that one device, so all email is accessed from that
device. The IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) downloads mail but leaves a copy on
the server. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for sending (not receiving)
mail. S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an encryption standard for
securing email.
You’re configuring company email on a coworker’s phone. The company needs to keep a
copy of every email on their server, even after it’s accessed by the user. Which mail protocol
keeps all emails stored on the server, allowing messages to be synchronized between mul-
tiple devices?
A. Internet Messaging Access Protocol (IMAP) keeps a copy of emails on the server. This
allows someone to view and work with their email from more than one device. SMTP
(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for sending (not receiving) mail. POP3 (Post
Office Protocol 3) downloads mail to a device and does not leave a copy on a server. Once
downloaded, mail can only be read on that device. S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions) is an encryption standard for securing email.
What service is built into Apple- developed devices and permits users and subscribers to store
documents, media, and contact information off their devices?
A. iStore
B. OneDrive
C. iCloud
D. CloudOnline
C. Apple’s cloud service called iCloud is for users and subscribers to store their media, con-
tacts, and so on. OneDrive is Microsoft’s online cloud user storage.
What is the hosted messaging version of Microsoft’s Exchange mail server that saves cus-
tomers email off-site?
A. Google Inbox
B. Exchange Online
C. iExchange
D. On- Prem Exchange
B. Exchange Online is the cloud service version of Microsoft Exchange and part of Micro-
soft Office 365.
What configuration settings are commonly used when setting up email from an online pro-
vider on a device?
A. Active Directory domain name
B. Port and TLS settings
C. Email server name
D. Username and password
D. If you use a common email provider such as Google, Yahoo, Outlook, or iCloud, then
setting up email on a device should be simple. Often all you need is your username and pass-
word. If setting up a corporate account or if you must manually configure email, then you’ll
need more information such as the protocol (IMAP [Internet Message Access Protocol] or
POP3 [Post Office Protocol version 3]) and the server names for sending and receiving email.
You may also need the port number and security settings.
What type of update is done to mobile devices over the air?
A. PRI and PRL
C. Screen resolution
A. The Preferred Roaming List (PRL) and Product Release Instructions (PRI) deal with how
your phone connects to the correct mobile tower and network. Updates to this information
on the phone is typically done over the air. Your IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Iden-
tity) and IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) and screen resolution can’t typically
be changed. IMEI identifies the exact device, and IMSI uniquely identifies the account holder.
Which number that is a part of the GSM system is hard-coded into the phone and identifies
your physical phone hardware to the cellular tower?
C. The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is a unique number assigned to the
physical phone. This unique identifier is hard-coded into the device. The Product Release
Instructions (PRI) describe how your device connects to the network. An IMSI (International
Mobile Subscriber Identity) number uniquely identifies the account holder, and a MAC
(Media Access Control) address uniquely identifies a network interface card.
Which unique mobile number identifies you as a user and is coded into the SIM card if
you’re on a GSM network, or otherwise linked to your account, allowing you to transition
from one phone to another?
B. The International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) is a unique number that identifies
you, the user, to the cellular service. If you’re on a GSM network, it is on your SIM card
and can easily be transferred from one phone to another. If you’re on a CDMA network,
you must transfer from one phone to another by activating the phone on your account. The
International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is a unique number assigned to the physical
phone. This unique identifier is hard-coded into the device. The Product Release Instructions
(PRI) describe how your device connects to the network, and a MAC (Media Access Control)
address uniquely identifies a network interface card.
A user is traveling to a country that employs content blocking technology on the cellular net-
work. What would you suggest setting up to bypass the content blocking as well as keep the
user’s mobile browsing more private?
C. Baseband
D. A virtual private network (VPN) will keep browsing confidential as well as bypass any
local content blocking efforts. S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an
encryption standard for securing email. Baseband is a type of signaling technology that only
allows for one signal on a medium at a time (Ethernet uses this). The Preferred Roaming List
(PRL) ensures that your cellphone connects to the most appropriate tower based on your
location and provider.
What best practice can save someone from losing the data such as calendar entries and con-
tacts on their mobile device if the device is lost?
A. Synchronization
C. Encryption
D. Updating
A. Synchronization means to duplicate or back up the data from the device. Synchronization
can be done to the local desktop, to the cloud service off premises, or even to an automobile.
A VPN (virtual private network) uses encryption protocols to safeguard communications
across a shared transmission medium (like the Internet) and mimics the network connection
you would have if you were in the same building as your server. Encryption is using algo-
rithms to change data so that it can’t be read by unauthorized people or devices, thus protect-
ing your data and logins. Updating is a generic term for modernizing and adding features to
A user wants a list of favorite websites to be readily available between multiple devices,
including their mobile device. What is the best option?
A. Email weblinks to self.
B. Send links to a URL shortening service.
C. Synchronize bookmarks.
D. Print web URLs to carry.
C. When you synchronize bookmarks between devices, the website addresses are copied and
readily available. The same synchronization can be done for several media types, such as
videos, music, pictures, and documents.
When two parents wish to share appointment dates and times between devices, what is their
best option?
A. Synchronizing calendars
B. Sharing calendar passwords
C. Texting calendar data to each other
D. Emailing calendar invites to each other
A. Synchronizing calendars between devices and users is an easy and reliable option for
ensuring that all parties have the same information.
What Windows app is used to synchronize data between a user’s mobile devices like smart-
phones and their desktop computers?
A. MSync
B. ActiveSync
C. SyncTime
D. Timewarp
B. ActiveSync was developed by Microsoft to make synchronization of data easier and allow
users to access their data even when they’re not online.
What technology lets you minimize how often a user must log in for multiple services?
C. Synchronization
D. Nonrepudiation
A. Single sign- on (SSO) is the authentication feature of users logging into their device,
which in turn uses their authorization and credentials to authenticate to other systems or
services. This is implemented through Active Directory (AD) or another centralized service
that could store a user’s privileges. Since the user was authenticated through the service (like
Active Directory) and that service is trusted by the other software, the user is not required
to log into the other software. SMTP is a protocol for sending email, synchronization means
updating between systems, and nonrepudiation is proof of delivery or access such that a
party can’t later say they didn’t access or see something. Nonrepudiation is a principle of
information security.
You’re installing Bluetooth speakers in a conference room and just entered the pin to connect
the two devices. What is your next step?
A. Enable pairing.
B. Search for the Bluetooth device.
C. Enable Bluetooth.
D. Test connectivity.
D. As with any device installation in IT, the last step is to verify that the device works
as intended. The CompTIA A+ objectives list the steps for connecting Bluetooth devices
as follows:
The owner of a company that solely provides transportation from the airport to various
hotels wants to employ a software that will tell them where every vehicle is at all times. All of
the vehicles use satellite-based navigation systems. What technology is most likely being used
to track where they are?
A. Global Positioning System (GPS)
B. Mobile Device Management (MDM)
C. Cellular location services
D. Mobile Application Management (MAM)
A. Any device that has a GPS receiver has the ability to ping satellites, which will corre-
spond with at least two others to triangulate the position of the device, and they are quite
accurate. (A fourth satellite is needed to determine elevation.) This is a common way for
devices to provide turn-b y- turn directions. While cellular location services work the same
way, that wouldn’t be the answer unless the vehicle has its own cellular service. MDM and
MAM are methods of data security in a corporate environment.
You’re going hiking this weekend in unfamiliar territory and have installed an application on
your phone that shows you where you are on the map in relation to the trails and surround-
ing areas. What two types of location technology might this app use? (Choose two.)
C. Cellular location services
A, C. Both GPS and cellular location services can be used to pinpoint the location of any
device on Earth that has a GPS receiver or cellular service. GPS finds your location by ping-
ing satellites whereas cellular location services use two or more cell phone towers. MDM is
a type of data security for mobile devices, and RFID is radio frequency ID, which is often
used for inventory management.
Your coworker wants to be able to use maps with their phone but is unhappy that other
applications are also tracking their physical location. They ask for your help. Which of the
following is not true?
A. If location services are turned off for one purpose, they are turned off for all services.
B. When you’re installing an application, most likely it will ask you when it is allowed to
use location services.
C. Some applications won’t work without location services.
D. You can turn location services on or off for applications in the settings of your device.
A. Some applications need to know your location to work properly. Others don’t. Luckily
turning off location services is not an “all or nothing” situation. You can turn location ser-
vices off and on by application, and maintain discrete control over who is allowed to see
where you are and who is not in the privacy settings of your phone.
You’re at home binging on a popular Internet movie service and suddenly notice that the
spinning wheel is showing up often, taking more time to download the movie than normal.
What is likely the problem?
A. Your router needs to be reset.
B. You have reached your data cap.
C. Your laptop is overheating.
D. The service is overwhelmed with requests.
B. While it’s possible that the server has too many requests, the more likely culprit to your
slow downloads is that you’ve reached your Internet service’s data cap and your service has
slowed down. This can happen whether it’s a home service or a cell phone. Some services
may cut you off completely and others merely send you a text message that you’ve reached
your limit so they’ll be slowing your connection or billing you more. If the router needed
to be reset, the symptoms would be different. If the laptop was overheating, it would most
likely shut down.
The executives at your company are concerned about employees using their personal
devices for work. They worry that someone may leave and take proprietary information
with them. You calm their fears by telling them that there are settings in place that protect
company data that is accessed by employees. What are those settings called? (Choose two.)
A, B. Mobile Application Management (MAM) protects corporate data while being used
on employee’s personal devices. It can force employees to save all work files in the compa-
ny’s OneDrive, encrypt files and delete them after a period of time, and restrict employees
from downloading company content. It can even delete company files when a device has
become inactive. Mobile Device Management (MDM) systems can be used to wipe data
from a device and restore it to factory settings. GSM and CDMA are cellular communica-
tion systems.
Which of the following is not a type of two- factor authentication?
A. Sending an access code via text message
B. Using an authenticator application
C. Needing a password and physical security key
D. Needing a username and password
D. A username is identification, and a password is authentication, but two- factor authenti-
cation, as the name implies, requires another method of authentication. Authentication can
be based on something you know (like a password), something you have (a security card
or cell phone, for example), something you are (biometrics: fingerprint readers, face scan-
ners), or somewhere that you are. Sending an access code to a cell phone via text message
after you’ve entered your username and password is one type of two- factor authentication.
Authenticator applications on your laptop or phone generate codes that last usually only
for seconds. The code is a combination of a key that was likely scanned from a QR code on
the website or software and the time. A physical security key is something only you have
that can communicate via USB, Bluetooth, a scanner, or even Wi- Fi.
Which cellular communication technology is known as Long-T erm Evolution (LTE)?
A. 2G
B. 3G
C. 4G
D. 5G
C. The fourth generation of cellular services (4G) also known as LTE, was introduced to
the world in the 2000s. It boasted downstream rates as fast as 53.3 Mbps. Prior to that, 2G
came out in 1991 and added text- based SMS services (messaging). 3G was released in 2001
and transmits up to 7.2 Mbps. 5G, which is still being implemented, employs the use of dif-
ferent software and radio transmitters, is backward compatible, and is estimated that it will
be able to reach transmission rates of 20 Gbps.
Which of the following display types refers not to how the liquid crystals are arranged, but
rather to the type of backlight being used?
A. LED (Light- Emitting Diode) refers to the light source used as backlighting for an LCD
(Liquid Crystal Display). OLED displays do not need backlighting because their carbon-
based diodes emit both light and colors. IPS, TN, and VA are all types of LCD monitors
that need a backlight. Not on the CompTIA A+ exam yet are micro- LED displays, where
the LED produces the color and the light similar to an OLED, and mini- LED monitors
that provide backlighting for LCDs but use a much smaller LED, allowing for better color
You are responsible for replacement parts within your company’s IT department. Because
of the critical nature of your business, you need to have replacement parts on hand in the
event of a hardware failure. Your company uses four different types of laptops, two HP and
two Dell. How many different types of motherboards do you most likely need to stock?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
D. Laptop motherboards are nearly always proprietary, meaning they are not interchange-
able between manufacturers or even between models from the same manufacturer. When a
laptop motherboard needs to be replaced, you most likely need a laptop motherboard from
the same make and model.
Tech support has recommended that you update the OS on your iPad to resolve a problem
you’re having with it. What OS will you be updating?
A. iPadOS
B. OS X mobile
C. watchOS
D. iOS
A. Apple iPads use iPadOS. Its features are similar to iOS, but it includes additional fea-
tures such as keyboard support and multitasking capabilities, such as Split View. watchOS
is for Apple Watches and OS X mobile doesn’t exist.
Your client is frustrated that their Bluetooth earpiece that was working yesterday is no
longer working, and they’ve asked for your help. What is the likely source of the problem?
A. The earpiece has paired to a different device.
B. The earpiece is broken.
C. The Wi- Fi signal is weak.
D. Bluetooth connectivity was lost.
D. It’s most likely that Bluetooth connectivity was lost between the earpiece and the once-
paired device, probably a phone. You’ll examine the phone and troubleshoot connectivity
between the phone and the earpiece.
The Wi-F i connection between your laptop and network has failed. Upon examining Device
Manager you notice that the network card is not listed. You’ve reseated the card and it still
isn’t found in Device Manager, so you’ve decided to replace it. Which of the following card
types will you likely need to purchase?
C. M.2
C. Most likely you’ll need to purchase an M.2 Wi-F i card, and it’s the only option listed
that would work. Before you purchase a replacement, verify that your laptop has an internal
connector and note what type it is. Then disable the onboard Wi-F i, if there is one, before
installing the new card. Mini-P CIe is a laptop connector standard that was largely replaced
by M.2 connectors. PCIe and PCI are for desktop computers; PCI having been replaced by
the newer, faster PCIe. PCMCIA is a legacy type of laptop connector. If there is no internal
connector for a Wi-F i card, you could purchase a USB Wi-F i card, but it will take up one of
your ports and may get bumped, and it was not listed as an option for this question.
A technician needs to replace a hard drive that failed in their new laptop. What type of
drive will they likely need? (Choose two.)
A. M.2
C. 2.52
D. 3.52
A, B. Modern laptops most likely use either mSATA or M.2 drives, which are thinner than
a RAM module and much smaller. Legacy laptops used 1.8” or 2.5” drives, and desktop
computers have historically used 3.5² hard drives.
Chapter 2: Networking