Chapter 1: Management Today Flashcards
The requirement to show performance results to a supervisor.
A manager in a public or non-profit organization.
The development of action priorities for accomplishing goals and plans.
Agenda Setting
A group of people who are supposed to make sure an organization is well run and managed in a lawful and ethical manner.
Board of Directors
The degree to which one works to apply their talents and capabilities to important tasks.
One’s personal talents or job-related capabilities.
The ability to think analytically to diagnose and solve complex problems
.Conceptual Skill
The process of measuring performance and taking action to ensure desired results.
The active oversight of management decisions and performance by a company’s board of directors.
Corporate Governance
The active denial of full benefits of organizational membership to members of certain groups.
A manager who helps others achieve high performance and satisfaction at work.
Effective Manager
The ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively.
Emotional Intelligence
The moral standards of what is “good” and “right” in one’s behaviour.
Our current era, in which the cloud, mobile Internet, automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence are the driving forces of change.
Fourth Industrial Age
An economy in which people change jobs more often, and many work on independent contracts with a shifting mix of employers.
Free-Agent Economy
Managers who are responsible for one area, such as finance, marketing, production, personnel, accounting, or sales.
Functional Managers
Managers who are responsible for complex, multifunctional units.
General Managers
An invisible barrier limiting career advancement of women and members of visible minorities.
Glass Ceiling Effect
The worldwide interdependence of resource flows, product markets, and business competition.
The ability to work well in cooperation with other people.
Human Skill
The collective brainpower or shared knowledge of a workforce.
Intellectual Capital