Chapter 1 Key Terms Flashcards
Applied Psychology pg15
The branch of psychology that deals with the practical problems of everyday life.
-An example of applied psychology would be to study the relationship between anxiety and relationship helath.
Behaviorism Pg 7
Is the line of thinking in psychology that states that psychology should only study observable behaviors such such as hunger or fear or arousal.
Behavior Pg7
Any overt (externally manifested) or observable response or action made by an organism.
Clinical Psychology pg 15
Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology focused on the diagnosis or mental illness and treatment trough therapeutic rather than physiological means.
Cognition Pg 16
Cognition is the mental process involved in acquiring knowledge.
when someone sees something informative and the observer gathers useful information from it the observer is using cognition.
Critical thinking pg38
the use of cognitive skills and strategies that increase the probability of a desirable outcome.
Culture 29
refers to the widely shared customs, beliefs, values, norms, institutions, and other products of a community that are transmitted socially across generations.
Empiracism Pg28
The premise that objective knowledge is the goal and should be obtained through observation.
Ethnocentrism Pg18
the tendency to view ones own group as superior to others and the standard of judging worth of foreign ways.
Evolutionary Psychology pg 20
Evolutionary Psychology examines behavioral processes in terms of their adaptive value for members of a species over the course of many generations.
Functionalism Pg 6
Functionalism is the belief that that psychology should investigate the function or purpose of consciousness, rather than its structure.
Humanism pg 12
is the theoretical orientation that emphasizes the unique quality of humans, especially their freedom and their potential growth.
Introspection Pg6
The careful, systematic self observation of one;s own conscious experience.
Natural Selection Pg6
inheritable characteristics that provide a reproductive advantage are more likely to be passed down to successive generations than hereditary characteristics that do not provide a reproductive advantage.
Positive Psychology Pg22
uses theory and research that helps to better understand the positive, adaptive, creative, and fulfilling aspects of human existence.
Psychiatry Pg 26
is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and disorders.
Psychoanalytic theory pg 9
attempts to explain personality, motivation and mental disorders by focusing on unconscious determinants of behavior
Psychology Pg 23
Psychology is the science that studies behavior and the physiological and cognitive processes that underlie it, and it is the profession that applies the accumulative knowledge of this science to practical problems.
SQ3R Pg 35
Survey Question Read, Recite and Review.
Stimulus Pg 7
Is any detectable input form the environment.
Structuralism Pg 6
the notion that the task of psychology is to organize consciousness into its basic elements and investigate how these elements are related.
Testwiseness Pg 36
is the ability to use the characteristics and format of cognitive tests to maximize one’s own score.
Theory Pg 28
Is a system of interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observations.
Unconscious Pg 9
contains the thoughts, memories and desires that are well below the surface of conscious awareness that nonetheless exert great influence on behavior.