Chapter 1 Introduction Flashcards
What duty does the HSWA place on all employers?
To exercise a duty of care to provide the best safety standards within the law and the bounds of reasonable practicability.
When can the MOD be granted an exemption to normal safety rules?
Only for the purposes of achieving the Defence Imperative - while on operations, in times of crisis or war.
Can establishments rely on risk assessments to give best safety practice?
No - the HSE recognises that risk assessments alone are not enough to give best safety practice.
What other factors must be taken into account when making a decision about the tolerability of risks?
Whether the Courts would agree that risks are ALARP.
In the event of an accident causing serious injury or death, what could mitigate a case for compensation in the Courts?
If a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) had been carried out.
While small risks might only require cursory consideration, what do larger risks demand?
Detailed analysis to properly justify the risk imposed on people.
The effort undertaken on the risk assessment should be proportional to what?
The risk.
What is necessary to demonstrate ALARP for processing facilities?
- Quantities of explosives present must be kept to the minimum.
- Accumulations of explosives awaiting processing, return to store, or dispatch after processing are to be kept to a minimum.
Why should concurrent processing of two or more munitions be avoided?
Because the activities of one processing team places its neighbouring team at risk and vice versa.
Where concurrent processing is to be undertaken by 2 or more teams in the same process room, what MUST HoE provide?
Evidence that appropriate protection has been afforded to all teams.
What does ALARP stand for?
As Low As Reasonably Practicable.
In what way is ALARP used in the Explosives Regulations?
To describe the process of weighing risk against the sacrifice needed to further reduce that risk.
When ‘accepting the risk’ what must Duty Holders ensure?
That their decision is supported by thoroughly researched and balanced arguments that can be expected to hold up before searching scrutiny in a Court of Law.
What does effective management depend upon?
- A suitably competent management organisation.
- Suitable risk assessments being carried out and the findings being used effectively.
- A competent work force.
What factors make a competent work force?
Adequate instruction, information, supervision and training.
What is it essential that all staff have?
The necessary training and competence for the work they undertake.
An appropriate understanding of the hazards and risks which may arise, and the actions to be taken, in abnormal situations.
In relation to fire or explosion, what is the principle issue for the MOD Duty Holder?
The prevention of accidental initiation of explosives.
How should the MOD Duty Holder prevent the accidental initiation of explosives?
By keeping sources of ignition away from explosives.
Prevention of fire or explosion will require control of what?
Sources of ignition and other articles with the potential for fire.
Why must electrical, electrostatic and electromagnetic energy be controlled in an explosive environment?
They have the potential to cause sparks which may initiate a fire or sensitive electro-explosive devices.
Why must mechanical energy be controlled in an explosive environment?
They have the potential to cause sparks through metal to metal contact or generate heat through friction. Non sparking hand tools must be used for processes where explosives will be exposed.
Why must heat and temperature be controlled in an explosive environment?
So as to prevent explosives coming into unintentional contact with hot surfaces unless the contact is intentional as part of a process.
Where pressure is used as part of the process involving explosives what two things must be considered?
The safe maximum pressure and the safe rate of application or pressure.
The MOD Duty Holder must maintain maps or drawings showing what?
The location of all explosives buildings and distances to public traffic routes, inhabited and uninhabited buildings on and off MOD property.
What should the MOD Duty Holder ensure are never exceeded at all explosives facilities?
Authorised Explosive Licence limits.
What should the MOD Duty Holder ensure are observed at all times?
All conditions of any Explosives Licences.
What two appropriate measures can help prevent the spread of fire or explosion, or the communication of fire or explosion from one location to another?
Separation distances and the containment and safe release of blast effects.
What two factors should MOD Duty Holders limit in their establishments in order to reduce the risk from fire or explosion?
The quantities of explosives and the numbers of people.
Who must classify all military explosives before they can be stored or transported by the MOD?
The Explosives Storage and Transport Committee (ESTC).
What must the MOD Duty Holder produce and maintain
in order to control activities in their licensed areas?
Standing instructions and orders in relation to the safe and secure operation of the explosives facilities.
What must the Safe System of Work cover?
All activities in the explosives facilities/areas.
What is the MOD Duty Holder’s role in the Safe System of Work?
- To produce them and ensure that work is carried out strictly in accordance with them.
- To periodically review working conditions and processes within the explosives area.
When must the MOD Duty Holder consult IE?
Before undertaking any operations not covered by established procedures, instructions or methods.
The MOD Duty Holder must ensure explosives are disposed of…
Safely and not as general waste.
In a way that is not harmful to the environment.
What must the MOD Duty Holder ensure in regards to facilities, plant, equipment, handling and lifting equipment for explosives?
That they are installed, maintained and tested in accordance with current regulations.
What categories of person must not be employed in explosives areas?
- Anyone under the age of 16.
- Anyone who is a Prohibited Person for the purposes of the Control of Explosives Regulations 1991.
- Any person who is addicted to alcohol or controlled substances.
What does DOSR stand for?
Defence Ordnance Safety Regulator.
What is a DOSR Notice?
A quick and convenient means of disseminating urgent information and to initiate new policies, in advance of formal publication.
When is a DOSR Notice issued?
When there is a need to disseminate material to meet the needs of policy changes, introduction of new or revised procedures, safety critical and general information.
The Secretary of State’s Health and Safety Policy Statement applies to who?
All MOD personnel both Service and civilian.