Abbreviations Flashcards
What does ACTO stand for?
Attractive to Criminal and Terrorist Organisations. Those items considered to be of immediate value to a terrorist or criminal.
What does ALARP stand for?
As Low As Reasonably Practicable. Used to describe the process of weighing risk against the sacrifice needed to further reduce that risk.
What does AMANDA stand for?
Ammunition Management Area Networked Depot Assistance.
What does ASTRID stand for?
Ammunition System Two Revised Interactive Development.
What does AASTP stand for?
Allied Ammunition Storage and Transport Publication.
What does A&ER stand for?
Ammunition and Explosives Regulations.
What does ADAC stand for?
Ammunition Descriptive Asset Code.
What does AMD stand for?
Ammunition Marking Drawing.
What does APFSDS stand for?
Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot.
What does BKI stand for?
Batch Key Identity.
What does CATO stand for?
Chief Ammunition Technical Officer.
What does DOSG stand for?
Defence Ordnance Safety Group.
What does DOSR stand for?
Defence OME Safety Regulator.
What does EED stand for?
Electro-Explosive Device.
What does ESR stand for?
Explosive Safety Representative. A Competent Person authorised in writing by the CO or HOE to ensure compliance with the requirements of JSP 482.
What does ESA stand for?
Explosives Storage Area. An area on units used for the storage of explosives and within which authorised missile preparation, inspection and rectification operations may also be carried out.
What does ESH stand for?
Explosives Storehouse. A building designed and erected for the sole purpose of storing explosives or a building modified, adopted or appropriated for that purpose and approved by a competent authority.
What does ES stand for?
Exposed Site. A storehouse, cell, stack, truck or trailer loaded with explosives, process building, transit shed, inhabited building, assembly place or public traffic route which is exposed to the effects of an explosion or fire at a Potential Explosion Site (PES).
What does FAFFA stand for?
First Aid Fire Fighting Appliance.
What does FITOW stand for?
Further Improved Tube launched Optically tracked Wire guided.
What does FRNA stand for?
Fuming Red Nitric Acid.
What does HAPTM stand for?
Hazardous Area Personal Test Meter.
What does HSWA stand for?
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
What does HCC stand for?
Hazard Classification Code.
What does PIRA stand for?
Packaging Industry Research Agency
What does PES stand for?
Potential Explosion Site. Any Explosives Storehouse, Process Building, compartment, open bay, stack, locker or lockup, designated area or underground chamber, cavern or cell, or ship, lighter or stabled vehicle, governed by a single licence, that contains, or is intended to contain, explosives.
What does PTRD stand for?
Public Traffic Route Distance. The minimum permissible distance between an PES and public traffic routes which is such that the ignition or explosion of explosives at the PES will not cause intolerable danger to the occupants of vehicles at an Exposed Site (ES).
What does RADHAZ stand for?
Radio Frequency Hazard. The potential danger of accidental initiation of an electro-explosive device (EED) by radio frequency energy,
What does SACLOS stand for?
Semi-Automatic Command Line Of Sight.
What does SFAIRP stand for?
So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable.
What does UoS stand for?
Unit of Space. For planning purposes, storage for palletized stores is calculated in UoS. Each UoS equates to a standard Unit Load of a max size of 1080 x 1300 x 1372 mm (ie, 1.93m3), subject to a maximum floor loading of 16,000 lbs (7257kg) for a single stack pallet base area.
What does TNT stand for?