Chapter 1- Intro To Programmed Learning & Medical Word Building Flashcards
Surgical puncture
Arthrocentesis- surgical puncture of a joint
To break
Osteoclasts- break down areas of old or damaged bone, while osteoblasts deposit new bone in those areas.
Binding, fixation (of a bone or joint)
Excision, removal
Appendectomy- surgical removal of the appendix
Separation; destruction; loosening
Thrombolysis: drug therapy is usually used to dissolve a blood clot
Fixation (of an organ)
Mastopexy- performed to affix sagging breasts in a more elevated position, often improving their shape
Forming an opening (mouth).
Tracheostomy- may be performed to bypass an obstructed upper airway
Instrument to cut.
Osteotome- instrument to cut bone
Tracheotomy: may be performed to gain access to an airway below a blockage
Lithotripsy: crushing of a stone or calculus.
Record, writing
Ex: electrocardiograph - an electrocardiograph allows diagnosis of specific cardiac abnormalities.
Electr/o- electricity
Cardi/o- heart
Instrument for recording.
Cardiograph- instrument for recording of the heart
Process for recording.
Angiography- process of recording vessels.
Angi/o: vessel (usually blood or lymph)
Instrument for measuring.
Pelvimeter- instrument for measuring pelvis.
Act of measuring.
Pelvimetry- act of measuring the pelvis.
Pelv/i : pelvis
Instrument for examining.
Endoscope- instrument for examining within.
Visual examination.
Endoscopy- visual examination within
- algia
- dynia
Neuralgia- nerve pain
Otodynia- ear pain
Hernia, swelling.
Hepatocele- swelling of the liver
Dilation, expansion.
Bronchiectasis- dilation or expansion of the bronchus. It is associated with various lung conditions and is commonly accompanied by chronic infection.
Lymphedema- may be caused by a blockage of the lymph vessels.
Swelling of the lymph vessels.