Chapter 1/ Intro And History Flashcards
Charles Darwin
Survival of the fittest —> natural selection
Evolution results from natural selection
Mental abilities allow people to adapt to their environment
Ex., emotions— fear triggered flight or flight
Bodies way to protect yourself
Focuses on practical, real world consequences
Asks: what does the mind do and how?
Stream of consciousness
Continually flowing process of consciousness and any attempt to reduce it will distort it (EX., alcohol)
Individual, selective, always changing, continuous, functional
Revolt against consciousness
Classical conditioning= stimulus—> response
Ex., training a dog to eat with a bell
Wilhelm Wundt
Reaction times
Putting together sound and movement
Introspection—> examine own conscious experience in attempt breaks down component parts
John B Watson
Father of behaviourism
Focused on observable behaviour and ways to bring the behaviour under control
What is psychology?
Study of mind and behaviour
- the brain
- the conscious
- personality
- mental health
- reasoning
- memory
- language
What is the mind?
Soul and an organ
Opinions and actions should be based on knowledge and reason instead of religion and emotion
*how we see the world
The belief that you’re born with some knowledge
Mind must be employed to gain knowledge
Truth can only be known by seeing it with your own eyes
Everything has a function
It’s there for a reason
Keeps an object moving and developing so it can reach its full potential
Analyzing the mind by breaking it down to its basic components
Easy way to understand humans