Chapter 1 - Health Information Management Profession Flashcards
Hospital Standardization Program
a standardization movement started in 1918 by the American College of Surgeons (ACS); it succeeded in making it legally necessary for hospitals to have a standardized way of keep health records; it also created the job of health information clerk
history of the names of AHIMA
1928 - Association of Record Librarians of North America (ARLNA); 1938 - American Association of Medical Record Librarians (AAMRL); 1970 - American Medical Record Association (AMRA); 1991 - American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
acronym for: Commission on Certification for Health Informatics and Information Management; they are an AHIMA commission that is dedicated to assuring the competency of professionals practicing health information management; they are empowered with the responsibility and authority related to certification and recertification of health information management professionals
a formal agreement granting an individual permission to practice in a profession, usually conferred by a national professional organization dedicated to a specific area of healthcare practice
a credential earned by demonstrating specific skills or knowledge usually tied to an occupation, technology, or industry. Certifications are usually offered by a professional organization or a company that specializes in a particular field or technology
cancer registrar
a highly trained data management expert who collects and processes cancer data
health informatics
the integration of healthcare sciences, computer science, information science, and cognitive science to assist in the management of healthcare information
data analytics
the science of examining raw data with the purpose of drawing conclusions about that information
a field of study that focuses on the use of technology to improve access to, and utilization of, information; it uses software applications, databases, managing processes, and more
data use
the ability to use technology to collect, store, analyze, and manage information, including the ability to use data visualization methods
company mission
an explanation of what the organization is and what it does (i.e. it describes the organization’s distinctive purpose)
company vision
a futuristic view of where the organization is going
code of ethics
a statement of ethical principles regarding business practices and professional behavior
AHIMA code of ethics (summary)
AHIMA requires that all members act in an ethical manner and comply with all laws, regulations, and standards governing the practice of HIM
active membership (AHIMA)
an AHIMA membership that entitles one to all membership privileges including the right to vote and to serve in the House of Delegates
premier membership (AHIMA)
provides all the benefits described in active membership plus additional benefits such as unlimited recertification and additional discounts
student membership (AHIMA)
membership that includes any student who does not have an AHIMA credential, has not previously been an active member of AHIMA, and who is formally enrolled in an approved program. Student members can serve on committees and subcommittees in designated student positions with a voice, but they do not have a vote.
new graduate membership (AHIMA)
for student members who are recent graduates of accredited associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degree programs as well as AHIMA-approved coding programs. This membership level allows the students to continue their membership at a reduced rate for one year. This membership level has all membership rights including voting.
emeritus membership (AHIMA)
membership that allows AHIMA members who are 65 years or older to be a member at a reduced rate. This membership level has all membership rights including the right to vote.
global membership (AHIMA)
membership for people who are interested in HIM but live outside of the United States
group membership (AHIMA)
membership that allows multiple individuals from an organization to join at one time. Student and business groups are eligible for this membership type.
New to AHIMA membership (AHIMA)
membership that offers those who have never been a member of AHIMA a discounted rate for two years. This membership receives the same benefits as the active membership
a community website managed by AHIMA for members to communicate on HIM topics
AHIMA structure
AHIMA is made up of two groups: a volunteer group that sets policies and goals and a staff group that carries out the day to day operations
House of Delegates
a branch of AHIMA, subordinate to the Board of Directors, that has an annual conference and which discusses issues and changes that need to be made; made up of representatives from the CSAs
two branches of the House of Delegates
the two branches are House Leadership and Envisioning Collaborative
House Leadership
ensures effective House operations through strategy and management
Envisioning Collaborative
a think tank composed of delegates, subject matter experts, and industry leaders. Their role is to bring forward an exchange of viewpoints, innovation, and ideas.
acronym for component state association; these are the local state chapters of AHIMA; they provide their members with professional education, networking, and representation
acronym for Council for Excellence in Education (CEE); it is an AHIMA-created organization created to enhance the health information profession, plan for its future through education, and provide health information professionals with a way to get involved in the process
(AHIMA-related clarification) a group of people officially charged with a particular function
AHIMA Career Map
a resource that shows job titles and possible future career paths from a particular job title
AHIMA Foundation
an AHIMA-created organization that provides apprenticeships and scholarships
acronym for Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society; an American not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving health care in quality, safety, cost-effectiveness and access through the best use of information technology; they also offer certifications
acronym for: Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity; a professional organization dedicated to documentation and the capture of health data
acronym for: American Academy of Professional Coders; an organization that certifies medical coders; they appear to be AHIMA’s competition
acronym for: National Cancer Registrars Association; they are the organization that represents and certifies cancer registrars
acronym for: Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education; they are the accrediting organization for degree-granting programs in health informatics and health information management
they are both commissions created by AHIMA; CCHIM deals with certification while CAHIIM deals with academic degree programs
utilization review
the process of reviewing an episode of care. The review confirms that the insurance company will provide appropriate financial coverage for medical services; also called utilization management (UM)
company values
a descriptive list of the organization’s fundamental principles or beliefs