Chapter 1: General issues, drug history, and legal perspectives Flashcards
study of drugs based on scientific research
effects of drugs on behavior
effects of drugs on the brain
effects of drugs on behavior through the action of the brain
a drug that effects mood cognition and behavior. It is not needed for bio functioning
Psychoactive drug
These drugs were used to alter states of consciousness (religious) or prepare for battle.
Hashish (opium) and cocaine (stone age)
this drug was found through accidental fermentation
used on purpose known as the “joy plant”. Found in the Asia Minor
opium poppy
this drug was used to treat gout and “absentmindedness”
Cannabis Sativa
evidence of this plant was found in Indian burial sites in central and south Africa
coca Leaves (source of cocaine)
this is a hallucinogenic cactus
In the 19th century, when drugs were available in grocery stores and mail ordered allowing for a combination od drugs to treat whatever
patent medicines
opium mixed with alc was often given to who?
crying babies
what is the active ingredient in opium poppy?
what drug makes you sleepy with vivid dreams. named after Morpheus the god of sleep and dreams
what drug was known as the “soldiers’ disease” post civil war bc vets were addicted to it
a liquid extract prescribed as a general all-purpose medication
Mary J
this drug was added to tonics and patent medicines and was extracted from a plant. Ex. was this drug in tooth ache drops
cocaine (coca leaf)
these are artificially modified drugs from naturally occurring drugs.
This drug was used as a treatment for patients with depression and given to soldiers in WW2 to increase alterness (1900’s) this drug was also prescribed for weight control
Amphetamines (ADHD)
used by soldiers in the Vietnam war. Popularity and purity of this drug has increased. Bayer use to sell this drug NOT to manage pain but as a sedative for a cough
solvents such as gasoline, glue, paint and aerosols are known as…
MDMA,GHB<ketamine, royponol LSD. these drugs are commonly seen in raves to enhance feelings
“club drugs”
- Egyptian priest degraded alc. users
-17th century prince in England paid $$ to denounce coffee drinkers - Russain Tsars executed those found w tobacco
are examples of ???
penalizing drug use around the world