Chapter 1- Basic Word Structure Flashcards
What are the 3 General Rules?
- Read the meaning of medical terms from the SUFFIX back to the beginning of the terms and across.
- Drop the combining vowel (usually O) before a suffix beginning with a vowel.
- Keep the combining vowel between 2 roots.
What is a ROOT?
Foundation of the term.
What is a SUFFIX?
Word Ending.
What is a PREFIX?
Word Beginning.
Vowel (Usually O), that links root to suffix or root to root.
Combination of root and combining vowel
What is Aden/o?
What is Arthr/o?
Joint (Arthritis(Dad))
What is Bi/o?
Life (Biology)
What is Carcin/o?
Cancerous (think of how smoking causes cancer)
What is Cardi/o
Heart (Think Cardiovascular System)
What is Cephal/o?
What is Cerebr/o?
Cerebrum (think Cerebro from X-Men)
What is Cis/o?
To Cut (InCISion)
What is Crin/o?
To Secrete (think EndoCRINe)
What is Cyst/o?
Urinary Bladder sac or cyst
What is Cyt/o?
Cell (Cytoplasm- jelly within the cell for protection)
What is Derm/o?
Skin (Dermatologist)
What is Dermat/o?
Skin (Dermatologist)
What is Electr/o?
Electricity (Spiderman Villan Electro)
What is Encephal/o?
Brain (Think EEG- Measures brain waves)
What is Enter/o?
Intestines/ Small intestines
What is Erythr/o?
Red (Erythrocyte- Red Blood Cells)
What is Gastr/o?
Stomach (think Gastric Sleeve Bypass)
What is Glyc/o?
Sugar (Think Glycogen Glucose)
What is Gnos/o?
Knowledge (Diagnosis)
What is Gynec/o?
Female (Gynecology)
What is Hemat/o?
What is Hemat/o?
What is Hepat/o?
Liver (HEPATitis)
What is iatr/o?
Treatment or Physician
What is Leuk/o?
White (Leukocyte- White Blood Cell)
What is Log/o?
The Study of (-ology(Biology, Dermatology, and more))
What is Nephro/o?
Kidney (Think Nephrons)
What is Neur/o?
Nerve (Think Neurology)
What is Onc/o?
Tumour or Cancerous (Think Oncology)
What is Opthalm/o?
What is Osteo/o?
Bone (Think Osteoperosis)
What is Path/o?
Disease (Think Pathogen)
What is Ped/o?
Child (Think Pediatric)
What is Psych/o?
Mind (Think Psycho, Psychiatrist)
What is Radi/o?
X-Ray (Think Radiology)
What is Ren/o?
What is Rhin/o?
Nose (Think Rhinoplasty)
What is Sarc/o?
Flesh (Think Sarcolemma)
What is Sect/o?
To Cut (Think Resection)
What is Thromb/o?
Clot or Clotting
What is Ur/o?
Urinary tract
What is -ac?
Pertaining to
What is -al?
Pertaining to
What is -algia?
What is -cyte?
Cell (Erythrocyte, Oocyte, Leukocyte)
What is -ectomy?
Excision, or Removal (you want your EX/EC out of your life)
What is -emia?
blood condition (Think of Anemia)
What is -genic?
Pertaining to
Produced by
Produced in
What is -globin?
Protein (Hemoglobin (proteins in blood))
What is -gram?
Record (paper record not voice)
What is -ic/ -ical?
Pertaining to
What is -ion?
Process of doing something (incision, excision)
What is -ist?
What is -itis?
What is -ology?
The study of
What is -oma?
Tumor/ Swelling/ Mass
What is -opsy?
Process of viewing
What is -osis?
Abnormal condition
What is -pathy?
Disease Condition (Encephalopathy)
What is -scope?
Instrument to visually examine
What is -scopy?
Process of visually examining
What is -sis?
State of/ condition
What is -tomy?
Process of cutting/ Incision
What is -y?
Process/ Condition
What is a-, an-?
no, not, without (Think Anemia- Decreased Red Blood Cells)
What is aut-, auto-?
Self/ own (AUTopsy)
What is dia-?
Complete/ Through (Diagnosis)
What is Endo-?
What is Epi-?
Above, Upon
What is ex-, exo-?
out, outside of, outward
What is hyper-?
Too much, excessive
What is hypo-?
Too little, deficient
What is in-?
into, in
What is peri-?
surrounding, around
What is pro-?
Before, forward, in front
What is re-?
back, backward again, to do again
What is retro-?
What is Sub-?
Below, or Under
What is Trans-?
Across, Through