Chapter 1 - Basic Concepts in Assessment Flashcards
One of the tasks required of a teacher is the skill in _____ the performance of the students.
If teachers wish to have effective classroom teaching, they should have a common responsibility not only on teaching knowledge, skills, attitudes and habits but how to assess the students’ _____.
Teachers must objectively see that their students concretely manifested outcomes of _____.
The assessment of student learning is an activity central to the role of any educators in basic and higher education, and is an area that is the subject of constant _____ and debate.
As the goals of education have become more complex, and with the increasing demand of an _____ education, the tasks of measuring, assessing, and evaluating student learning have also become more challenging.
“Teaching today is a far more complicated profession than it was a couple of decades ago. The dynamically changing pace of development in _____ and _____ has brought about corresponding changes in the way we view _____.
science; technology; teaching.
Thus, while earlier on, we always have been content with testing and measuring students’ _____ through teacher-made test, today , we not only test to measure _____ but also the _____, and _____ of the learners as well.
cognitive skills; cognitive development; affective; psychomotor development
The teacher, therefore, is expected to be fully knowledgeable of the _____ and _____ procedures that support testing in the three domains: cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
measurement; assessment
[Dr. Roberto Padua] points out that all institutions of learning should aspire to have a very comprehensive _____. This means that _____ should take an account of the total aspects of students’ lives - inside and outside of the school.
evaluation program; evaluation procedures
The recent view of comprehensive evaluation requires the use of the term _____ rather than _____.
assessment; measurement
The concept of _____ is more appropriate than _____ because it requires the use of all means, methods, and approaches to understand students’ educational achievement.
assessment; measurement
The combined use of _____ and _____ as assessment tools is very important because it can cover all domains of learning.
test; non-test
This is a set of questions with an accepted set of presumable correct answers, designed to gather information about some individual characteristics, like academic achievement.
This device is used to gather information about students’ learning progress.
This forces students to give their responses.
Tests, like other devices, can be influenced by some factors that contribute to errors in gathering valid and reliable test. What do we call this?
measurement error
Tests can either be _____, _____, or _____.
written; oral; performed.
These are the most widely used type of tests. Here the cognitive domain of learning is given attention.
Written tests
_____ based on results of tests alone does not picture out the total development of an individual learner.
These are devices that do not force students to give their responses.
These are usually based on teacher’s direct observations as students perform the assigned tasks.
With these devices, the teacher does the assessment as he observes students act out the values and skills that are essential in the performance of a learning activity.
It is the process of administering a test to an individual or a group of students.
This process involves steps such as test preparation, test administration, and test collection.
In terms of _____, the teachers can ensure that the test he prepares is highly valid and reliable.
test preparation
_____ portray the content and behavior that the teachers wanted to measure.
Valid tests
Although test’s validity and reliability are requirements to ensure that a teacher has good test, _____ usually makes the teacher design less valid and reliable.
time pressure
In _____, the teachers must explain the directions clearly to students. Unclear understanding of test directions will reduce capability of the test to measure what it really intends to measure.
test administration
When there is anomaly in test administration, the _____ of the test results is also sacrificed.
Teachers should not only be good in _____ he should also be good at _____.
test preparation; test administration
The process of testing ends with the _____.
test collection
The testing process ends when the teacher has collected test papers from the students; after which, the _____ begins.
measurement process
In this test, answers are spoken.
Oral test
It can be used to measure oral communication skills.
Oral test
It may also be used to check students’ understanding of concepts, theories and procedures.
Oral test
It favors extrovert/outgoing students.
Oral test
Among the forms are alternative response (e.g. true-false, yes-no), multiple choice, matching, essays and completion.
Written test
This test has strong points. It can be administered to a large group at one time. It can measure students’ written communication skills.
Written test
It can also assess lower and higher levels of cognition provided that questions are phrased appropriately.
Written test
It enables assessment of a wide range of topic.
Written test
Despite many criticisms, These are generally fair and efficient
Written tests
These are activities that require students to demonstrate their skills or ability to perform specific actions (a.k.a performance assessments), they include problem-based learning, inquiry tasks, demonstration tasks, exhibits, etc. These tasks are designed to be authentic, meaningful, and in-depth.
Performance test
This can be corrected and quantified quite easily. Scores can be readily compared.
Objective test
It includes true-false, multiple-choice, completion and matching items. The test items have a single or specific convergent response.
Objective test
These elicit varied responses.
Subjective test
A test question of this type may have more than one answer. It includes restricted and extended response essays.
Subjective test
This kind of test is not easy to check because students have the liberty to write their answers to a test question.
Subjective test.
Answers to this type of test are usually divergent. Scores are likely to be influenced by personal opinion or judgment by the person doing the scoring. And so, to increase the reliability in scoring, teachers usually make what they call as rubrics.
Subjective test
These are prepared by specialists who are versed in the principles of assessment.
Standardized tests
What are the four properties that differentiate standardized tests from classroom or informal tests?
Learning outcomes and content measured
Quality of test items
Administration & scoring interpretation
Because of high validity and reliability, this can be used for a long period of time provided they are used for whatever intended purposes they were intended for.
Standardized test
Commonly, it consists of multiple-choice items used to distinguish between students.
Standardized test
Results of standardized tests serve as an indicator of _____ and a reflection of the school performance.
instructional effectiveness
These are prepared by teachers who may not be adept at the principles of test construction.
Non-standardized test
At times, _____ are constructed carelessly due to limited time and lack of opportunity to pre-test the items or pilot test.
teacher-made tests
In this type, test items are not thoroughly examined for validity.
Non-standardized test
Scores are not subjected to any statistical procedure to determine reliability in this type of test.
Non-standardized test
This type is not to be used repeatedly for a long time.
Non-standardized test
_____ are instruments to measure a student’s performance in relation to the performance of a group on the same test. Comparisons are made and the student’s relative position is determined. For example, a student may rank third in a class of forty.
Tests that yield norm-referenced interpretations
_____ describe each student’s performance against an agreed upon or pre-established criterion or level of performance. The criterion is not any cutoff score but rather the domain of the subject matter.
Tests that allow criterion-referenced interpretations
This test has no right or wrong answer, but it measures one’s personality and behavioral style.
Personal test
These measure student learning as a result of instruction and training experiences.
Achievement tests
When used summatively, they serve as a basis for promotion for the next grade.
Achievement tests
These determine a student’s potential to learn and do new tasks.
Aptitude tests
It measures learner’s innate intelligence or mental ability.
Intelligence test
It is the process of quantifying test results.
This process begins when the teacher compares students’ responses with the presumably correct responses in the scoring key.
A _____ score in the test has no meaning.
To give meaning to the raw score, we further measure by obtaining the _____ of the raw score to the total number of items.
It is the process of gathering information about student learning and then analyzing and interpreting them for the purpose of making decisions.
The issue that test alone cannot measure total development of an individual makes it crucial that the term measurement be changed into the term _____.
It is the process of quantifying results of tests and non-tests to portray the amount and quality of student learning and development.
It is the process of determining the changes in the child as a result of teaching and his experiences.
It is a systematic process attempt at determining the amount of progress made in the child’s education directed toward the realization of objectives in education.
It is a process of attaching quality or value judgment to the quantity obtained through the process of assessment.
Evaluation that is based on the results of _____ is more comprehensive than evaluation based on _____.
assessment; measurement
Assessment and evaluation, as essential part of the teaching and learning process, should not only document what students know and can do, but also those that affect their _____ and _____.
learning; motivation
All classroom decisions should be supported by _____.
empirical evidences
Most of the _____ are done through informal teacher observations. The result of this assessment proved information about lacking competencies such as knowledge and skills.
Pre-instruction assessment
During instruction, the teacher monitors student learning and sets his teaching at a level that challenges students’ metacognitive thinking or higher-level thinking.
During instruction assessment
Assessment at this stage detects which students would require more attention. In thin assessment, the teacher observes whether students are moving toward the achievement of learning outcomes; any deviation made can be redirected toward its proper cause.
During instruction assessment
Assessment after instruction monitors whether the students have mastered the basic contents, knowledge and skills required for the learning activity.
Post-instruction assessment
This assessment is done to make decisions whether to proceed to the next lesson or reteach the lesson taught. This assessment also gives information whether to give a passing or failing grade to students.
Post-instruction assessment
Assessment is performing _____ when it is used to determine the outcomes of teaching and learning processes and when it is used to make learning more effective.
instructional functions
Instructional functions are classified into two. What are they?
Principal and Secondary functions
To determine what knowledges, skills, abilities, habits, and attitudes have been acquired
Principal instructional functions
To determine what progress has been made in the acquisition of the learning outcomes
Principal instructional functions
To determine the strengths, weaknesses, difficulties, and the needs of the students
Principal instructional functions
To help in the formation of study habits
Secondary instructional functions
To develop the effort-making capacity of the students
Secondary instructional functions
To serve as aid for guidance and counseling
Secondary instructional functions
The _____ of assessment are those that help in making the instructional functions more effective. They are very closely related to the instructional functions and in fact there are cases where they overlap.
administrative functions
Tests are utilized in studies that determine effectiveness of new pedagogical knowledge.
Research and Evaluations
Tests can be of value in diagnosing an individual’s special aptitudes and abilities. The aim of guidance is to enable each individual to understand his abilities and interests and develop them so that he can take advantage of educational, vocational, and personal opportunities.
Guidance Functions
This pertains to diagnostic and formative assessment tasks which are used to determine learning needs, monitor academic progress of students during a unit or block of instruction and guide instruction.
Assessment for Learning
This employs tasks or activities that provide students with an opportunity to monitor and further their own learning - to think about their personal learning habits and how they can adjust their learning strategies to achieve their goals.
Assessment as Learning
This is summative and done at the end of a unit, task, process or period. Its purpose is to provide evidence of a student’s level of achievement in relation to curricular outcomes.
Assessment of Learning
This is formative which may be given at any phase of the learning process.
Assessment as Learning
Examples of this are written assignments, quizzes, concept maps, and focused questions.
Assessment for Learning
This is used for grading, evaluation, and reporting purposes.
Assessment of Learning