Chapter 1 Flashcards
Biology and Tree of Life
Heritable trait that increases the fitness of one with that trait in a particular environment
Highly organized compartment bound by a plasma membrane and contains concentrated chemicals in a watery solution. Basic structural and functional unit of all organisms
the capacity to do work or to supply heat. May be stored as potential Energy or available in form of motion as kinetic Energy.
the ability of one to produce viable offspring relative to others of the same species
A testable statement that explains a phenomenon or a set of observations
Natural Selection
Process by which individuals with certain heritable traits tend to produce more surviving offspring than those without, which causes change in genetic makeup
Taxonomic category above class level and below the kingdom level in plants, sometimes called division
A member of the domain bacteria or archaea; a unicellular organism lacking in nucleus and containing relatively few organelles or cytoskeletal components.
evolutionarily independent population or group of populations, generally distinct from other species in appearance, behavior, habitat, ecology, genetic, characteristics and soon
Artificial Selection
manipulation by humans, in animal or plant breeding, of the genetic composition of a population by allowing any ones with desired traits to reproduce
Control group
group that does not get experimental treatment but are otherwise identical to the group that does
organism whose cells contain a nucleus, numerous membrane bound organelles and an extensive cytoskeleton, unicellular or multicellular.
a taxonomic category of closely related species. Always italicized and capitalized to indicate that it is a recognized scientific genus.
facts and findings in relation to many and all topics
Null Hypothesis
A hypothesis that specifies what the results of an experiment will be if main hypothesis is wrong. Often states there will be no difference between groups
a group of individuals of the same species living in the same geographic area at the same time.
Being able to replicate a test to see if you get the same results
Spontaneous generation
Supposed production of living organisms from non-living matter, as inferred from apparent appearance of life in some supposedly sterile environments.
Cell theory
theory that all organisms are made of cells and that all cells came from preexisting cells.
Taxonomic category, based on similarities in basic cellular biochemistry, above kingdom level (Bacteria, Archaea, and Ekarya)