Chapter 1 Flashcards
Convention and Visitors Bureau
Americans w Disabilities Act
Destination Marketing Organization
Tourist Destination Area
Unique Selling Proposition
Non Resident Delegate
Approved Destination Status
Fully Independent Traveller
Request For Proposal
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
What is the Buchanan Report?
a “white paper” report written (1994) under chretian to review the scope of the tourism industry in Canada and its impact on society
Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
=thickening of boarders
5 Points of the Buchanan Report
1-tourism industry creates more jobs at a faster pace than any other industry
2-$ created by the industry benefit all levels of government w/ nearly 40% of revenue split btwn federal, provincial and municipal
3-employs more females, young adults and minorities than any other industry
4-Quality of the jobs created range from entry level to highly paid executives
5-the value of tourism was VASTLT undervalued and misunderstood by all levels of the government
Two Organizations Formed as a Result of the Buchanan Report
CTC: Canadian Tourism Comission
promotes all areas of the industry by at home and abroad
CTHRC: Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council
develops and identifies training strategies and standards for all areas/levels of the industry
8 Components of the Tourism Sector
Transportation Accommodation F&B Attractions (Peggy's Cove) Events (Calgary Stampede) Aventure Tourism & Outdoor Recreation (ATOR) Travel Services (travel agents etc) Tourism Services (support providers)
Events Vs. Attractions
Events are time sensitive
Attractions are permanent
Travel Services vs Tourism Services
Travel Services: Travel agents etc who sell tourism
Tourism Services: provides support for the tourism sector (board guards, teachers accountants etc)
North American Industry Classification System
a standard industrial classification that allows USA, Mexico and Canada to compare their tourism industries. Recognizes tourism as a service producing sector with 5 sub sections.
5 Sub Sections of NAICS
Recreation/Entertainment Accommodations F&B Transport Travel Services
United Nations World Tourism Organization
UNWTO defines tourism as:
the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes
Types of Toursim (8)
page 8/9
Agricultural Tourism Ecotourism Edu-Tourism Culinary Tourism Volunteer Tourism Spa Tourism Medical Tourism Extreme Tourism (Space Tourism..)
Newest Most Expensive type of tourism:
Space Tourism
Agricultural Tourism
working on farms, learning about the production of a specific product
understanding a nature experience
Typically for endangered or threatened ecosystems
typically $$$$ as well as informative