Chapter 1 Flashcards
What are the adhesion molecules in hemidesmosomes connecting to
Intermediate filaments
What is the result of the charge on the proteoglycan bristle
Recruits salt and water
What is the function of vascular endothelial growth factor B(VEGF-B) and PIGF
Embryonic vessel development
What is a condition that leads to reactive smooth ER hyperplasia
Repeated exposure to compounds that are metabolized by the SER, such as phenobarbital catabolism by cytP450
What is TGF beta inhibiting in the tissue
Collagen degredation by decreasing matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and increasing tissue inhibators of proteinases
What is the big example of nonreceptor tyrosine kinase and what is it an analog of
SRC and Rous sarcoma virus
In which structure do proteolytic enzymes begin significant digestion
Late endoscope
What is the function one the RISC complex
Bind to mRNA and silence via cleavage or repression
What are the three major types of cytoskeletal proteins
Actin microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules
What type of receptor does TGF Beta bind to
Type 1 and 2, both are serine/threonine kinases
LDL and transferrin intake uses which kind of endocytosis
Clatharin coat dependent intake, fusion with lysosome, and is then recycled
What part of the genome codes fro the architectural planning
Noncoding region
What amino acid does histone acetylation occur
What are the characteristics of SNPs
Single nucleotide position variations and biallelic (two choices)
Where is phosphatidylinositol located and what is its purpose
Inner leaflet of membrane
Serves as a scaffolding and can be hydrolyzed by phospholipase C for second messaging
What is the association of soluble VEGFR1 excess in pregnant women
Causes preeclampsia and hypertension
(Due to “taking up” free VEGF which would help to maintain the endothelium of blood vessels
What are the causes of weak connective tissues
Defects in primary sequence, procollagen endopetidase processing, hydroxylation, or cross linking
What percent of proteins are involved in oxidative phosphorylation are coded by the mitos
What are three receptors that have no intrinsic catalytic activity and what is the protein that does it
Integrins, immune receptors, cytokine receptors by nonreceptor tyrosine kinase
What is the characteristic of the euchromatin
Disperse (unwound) and active
What is the transcription factor assocaited with growth arrest
What are N linked oligosaccharides
Sugar moietites attached to aspartate residues
What is the charge of the proteoglycan bristles
Negative charge
What percent of the human genome codes for proteins
What is the general function of platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)
Chemotactic for inflammation cells (macros, neutros, fibroblasts) into site of injury. Also for muscle cells
What are the major components of basement membrane
Amorphous nonfibrillar Type 4 collagen and laminin
Where are proteins that lack signal sequences translated
Free ribosomes in the cytoplasm
What are the characteristics of the carrier proteins
Bind specific solutes and undergo conformational changes to transport ligand across membrane
What is the function of vascular endothelial growth factor -C&D(VEGF-C&D)
Stimulate angiogenesis and lymphatic development
What percent of human genome either binds proteins, regulating gene expression or some other function
What are the CDKs regulating the S phase
What is the function of microtubules
Tensile strength to allow for mechanical Strees
What is the signal sequence to enter lysosomes
Mannose 6 phosphate
What are protooncogenes
Gain of function mutations in genes that lead to cell proliferation
What is neurofilaments associated with
Axons of neurons
What are the adhesion molecules in hemidesmosomes
What are the receptors for EFG and TGF-alpha
EGF family receptors
What receptors fo VEGF bind to
Bind to receptor tyrosine kinase receptors VEGFR 1,2,3
When is a desmosome considered to be a hemidesmosome
When it attaches cell to extracellular matrix (aka basement membrane)
What is the unfolded protein response
High levels of unfolded proteins will cause the increase in chaperone production to properly fold the proteins
What is the mechanism that regulates moving from G1 to S phase
RB phosporylation
How doe epithelial and mesenchymal cells interact with the ECM
Via integrins
What is FGF7 also known as
Keratinocytes growth factor (KGF)
When is a desmosome considered to be a spot desmosome
Adhesion between cells
What it’s the most potent activator of VEGF and which pathway is involved
Hypoxia via the HIF-1 pathway (hypoxia inducible factor )
What are caveolae
Invaginations of the plasma membrane used to uptake small molecules. These are noncoated and used for potocytosis (cellular siping)
What are the CDKs regulating transition from G1 to S
Binding of TGF beta to its receptor leads to what
Phosphorylation of Smads
What amino acids does histone methylation occur
Lysine and Arginine
What is the components of the Integrins that bind to the ECM
Arg-Gly-Asp motif (RGD)
What is the process of Wnt signaling
1) Beta catenin normally ubiquanated
2) Wnt binds to frizzled
3) Frizzled recruits disheveled
4) Disheveled inhibits ubiquinated of Beta Catenin
5) Beta catenin translocated to nucleus
What are the two cell receptor isotopes fo PDGR
PDGFR alpha and beta
Over expression of which receptor is common in breast cancers
Epidermal growth factor receptor 1 (EGFR1), aka ERB-B2, aka HER2
What is the receptor for hepatocytes growth factor (HGF)
What are the 3 proteins that broadly inhibit CDKs
P27, p21, p57
What is the enzyme that links elastin fibers
Lysyl oxidase
What forms of platelet derived growth factor are activated by proteolytic cleavage
Where is phosphatidylserine located and what purpose does it serve
Inner leaflet and serves to provide the negative charge
Flips to the extracellular side in cells undergoing apoptosis
In spot desmosomes (macula adhering), what are the role of Cadherins and what are they alternatively called
Desmogleins and desmocollins link to intracellular intermediate filaments and allow extracellular forces to be mechanically communicated over multiple cells
What is the process of collagen formation
1) Proline and lysine are hydroxalated in the ER
2) 3 procollagen fibers align into triple helix
3) C-propeptide is completely removed
4) Crosslinking via lysyl oxidase
5) Lysine glycosalation
What are the characteristics of CNVs
Large continuous stretches of DNA
What is the function of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)
Mitogenic effects on hepatocytes and epithelial cells
-morphogen in embryo (influences pattern of differentiation
Cell migration
Where are glycolipids and sphingomyelin located and what purpose do they serve
Extracellular surface and are important in cell to cell interactions, as well as serving for a place for Salic acid to bind to confer a negative charge
What are anti VEGF antibodies being used to treat
Tumors of colon and renal.
Age related macula degeneration( overproduction of vessels)
Leaky vessels associated with diabetic edema
Retinopathy prematurity
What end of the microtubules are associated with MTOC
Negative end
What symptoms are assocaited with vitamin C deficiency
Loss of structural properties, weak vascular walls leading to bleeding, and poor healing
What is the characteristic of the heterochromatin
Dense and inactive
What are included in the TGF beta family
BMPs, activins, inhibins, and mullarian inhibiting substance
What is the cause of Marfan syndrome
Fibrillation synthetic defect leading to skeletal abnormalities and weaker aortic walls (because fibrillin is assocaited with elastin)
What form of platelet derived growth factor is constitutively expressed
What are the two transcription factors associated with growth
What is the function of occluding junctions
Seal adjacent cells together to create a continuous barrier
What are O linked oligosaccharides
Sugar moieties attached to serine or threonine residues
Cell to cell desmosome junctions are formed by what
What does fibroblast growth factor associate with
FGF associate with heparin sulfate in the extracellular matrix (the location of reservoir
Where is the highest concentration of VEGFR2 receptors
In endothelial cells and are the most important for angiogenesis (antibodies against it are approved for tumor treatment)
What are the two most common forms of DNA variation in the human genome
SNPs and CNVs
What direction on the microtubules does the kinesins move
Anterograde (minus to plus)
What are the components of interstitial matrix
Fibrillar collagen, fibronectin, elastin, proteoglycans, hyalorantate
What are the components of the tight junctions
Occludin, claudin, zonulin, catenin
What amino acid does histone phosphorylation occur
What does mitochondria initiate protein synthesis with
N formylmethione
What is the sequential order of CDK appearance
D, E, A, B
What is the function of FGF
Wound healing, hematopoiesis, and development
bFGF also have the ability to angiogenesis
What type of cells are smooth ER prominent
Cells that synthesize steroid hormones, or catabolism lipid soluble molecules (liver)
What are the components of the mitochondrial outer membrane permealization (MOMP) that allows Cyt C to leak
How does elastin resist stress
As stressed, it pulls open the hydrophobic regions, which causes recoil
What is desmin associated with
Muscle cells (for actin and myosin contracting)
Where is VEGF expressed the highest
Epithelial cells adjacent to fenestrations (kidney, pigment in retina, and choroid plexus)
What direction on microtubules does dyneins move
Retrograde (plus to minus)
What is the function of vascular endothelial growth factor A(VEGF-A)
The major angiogenic factor for injury and tumors
What is the result of histone acetylation
Increases transcription
What cleaves pro-HGF into the active form
Serine proteases at the site of injury
What is an example of signaling ligands diffusing into adjacent cells
Nitric oxide, which activates guanylyl cyclase to generate cGMP
What is the process of transcytosis
Movement of endocytosed vesicles between the apical and basement membrane (aka across epithelial barriers)
What is vimentin associated with
What are the adhesion molecules in belt desmosomes connecting to
Intracellular actin
What type of stem cell is totipotent
Embryonic stem cells
What is the Warburg effect
Upregulation of glucose and glutamine, with decreased ATP per glucose
What is the most abundant cytosolic protein in cells
Actin microfilaments
When is platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) released
Stored in granules and released on platelet activation
What forms the major structural protein of hair and nails
Skin and hair
What are the CDKs regulating transition from G2 to M phase
Characteristics of channel proteins
Creates hydrophilic pores that permit rapid movement of solutes
What are the adhesion molecules in belt desmosomes
E Cadherins
What are the components of microtubules
Alpha and beta tubulin
What is the role of HDAC
Deacetylators that cause chromatin condensation
What type of cells are Golgi’s very prominent
Cells specialized in secretion (goblet cells of intestine, bronchial epithelium, and plasma cells
What are the proteins that inhibit CDK4 and 6, aka INK4 inhibators
P15, 16, 18, 19
Collagen defects lead to what diseases
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Osteogenesis imperfecta
What is lamin A,B,C associated with
Nuclear lamina of all cells
What is the role of XIST
Transcribed from the X chromosome and inactivates the other X
What receptors is commonly over expressed in tumors, especially renal and thyroid papillary carcinomas
MET receptor, which binds HGF
What end of actin microfilaments is new portions added or lost
What are glial fibrillary acidic proteins associated with
Glial cells around neurons
What is the result of DNA methylation
Transcriptional silencing
What is the process of actin microfilament creation
G actin non covalently intertwine to form the F actin
What is vitamin C required for
Activity of Lysyl oxidase
In autophagy, how are denatured proteins and senescent organelles targeted for degradation
Encircled with double membrane derived from ER and marked with LC3 (microtubules associated protein 1A/1B light chain)