Chapter 1 Flashcards
Responsible for regulating the activity of neurons and the communication between them. In detail, they protect and buffer the central nervous system against chemical changes, provides a immune surveillance, alter the properties of neuronal signalling and nourishes the neurons.
Electric potential
Voltage difference
Membrane potential
Voltage difference between the inside and outside of the cell.
Action potential
Single membrane potential reaching threshold level to start a chain reaction of more membrane potentials
They receive stimuli
Axon terminals/ Terminal boutons
Specialised swellings in the end of axon branches that transmits the signal to a gland, glia muscle or another neuron
Protein structures found in the membrane of the tissues that binds to specific chemical transmitters to activate internal mechanism of the cells.
Receptors are also cells that react to physical or chemical stimuli.
A small region of close proximity terminal branch of an axon and another cell.
The ability of the brain to constantly delete or make new connections. This is the basis of developmental maturation, learning, memory recovery from injury, every functional adaptation.
Synaptic cleft
A gap of 20 nanometers between axonal bouton and dendroit
Synaptic vesicles
A small sac that caries neuro transmittors
Glutamatergic - CNS excitation
Glutomatergic - Brain and spinal chord excitation
Gamma amino butyric acid
GABAergic - CNS inhibition
Glycinergic - Rapid inhibition in spinal chord
Cholinergic - muscle activation, attention