Chapter 1 -3 Flashcards
To acquire a skill or knowledge and may involve a change in behavior as a result of experience
Characteristics of Learning (PRMA)
- Purposeful
- Result of Experience
- Multifaceted
- Active Process
Relating material presented to students goal
Result of Experience
Learning is an individual process; Instructor can’t learn for the student
More than one sense to help student learn. Verbal, Conceptual, Perceptual, Emotional elements
Active Process
They must react and respond to learn
Laws of Learning (REEPIR)
- Readiness
- Exercise
- Effect
- Primacy
- Intensity
- Recency
Student learns best when ready to learn
Things most often repeated are best remembered
Learning is strengthened when accompanied by good feelings
Things taught first are best remembered
Student will learn more from real things
Most recently learned are the best remembered
How People Learn (PIM)
- Perception
- Insight
- Motivation
All learning comes from perception directed to the brain by one or more senses. Sight (75%), Smell (3%), Hearing (13%), Taste (3%), Touch (6%)
How we perceive the world around us (SGT PEB)
Self Concept Goals and Values Time and Opportunity Physical Organism Element of Threat Basic Needs
Self Concept
A students self-image, described in such terms as conflict and insecure has a great influence on the total perceptive process
Goals and Values
Every experience and sensation which is funneled into ones central nervous system is colored by the individuals own beliefs and value structures
Time and Opportunity
It takes time and opportunity to perceive. Learning some things depends on other perceptions which have preceded these learnings and on the availability of time to sense and relate these new things to the earlier perceptions
Physical Organism
Provides individuals with the perceptual apparatus for sensing the world around them