Chapter 1 Flashcards
“watch your thoughts; the become words
watch your words; the become habits
watch your habits; they become character
watch your character; it become your destiny”
this is by
lao tzu
They see humans as the bearers if irreplaceable values
ancient Grecian philosophers
he belief that the body constitutes individuality
st. thomas aquinas
this famous quote is the epitome of western idea of self
“i think therfore i am”
the western tradition is generally acknowledged to be “imbued with a style of thinking based on ____ and ___
dichotomy and binary opposition
the earliest religious writings in the east are the
the vedas, it formed the _____ philosophy and _____
Hindu philosophy and dharma
this is the principle of cosmic order
the chants and hymns in the vedas illustrate the _________________ rather than a creation that is completely unified with the creator, with no distinction
eastern mindset of nondual universe
according to these sacred Hindu texts, the true nature of human is described as
it is the divine universal consciousness encompassing the universe
it is the self that is all within us
Buddhism is composed of the teachings of
in this tradition, self is not an entity, substance, or essence, rather, self is a dynamic process
for buddhism self is a dynamic process that is ___ and ___
interdependent and ever changing
the buddha taught the doctrine called __ which is often defined as no self or no soul