Chapter 1 Flashcards
A period of the life course between the time puberty begins and the time adults status is approached, when young people are in the process of preparing to take on the roles and responsibilities of adulthood in their culture.
Life-cycle services
A period in their late teens and 20s in which young people from the 16th to the 19th century engaged in domestic service, farm service, or apprenticeships in various trades and crafts.
Child study movement
Late 19th century group, led by G. Stanley Hall, that advocates research on child and adolescence development and the improvement of conditions for children and adolescence in the family, school and workplace.
Storm and stress
Theory promoted by G. Stanley Hall asserting that adolescence is inevitably a time of mood disruptions, conflict with parents, and antisocial behavior.
A girls first menstrual period.
Emerging adulthood
Period from roughly ages 18 to 25 in industrialized countries during which young people become more independent from parents and explore various life possibilities before making enduring commitments.
Reference to Lamarck’s ideas, popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, that evolution takes place as a result of accumulated experiences such as that organisms pass on their characteristics form one generation to the next in the form of memories and acquired characteristics.
Early adolescence
Period of human development lasting from about age 10 to about are 14.
Late adolescence
Period of human development lasting from about age 15 to about age 18.
Cultural belief system that emphasizes the desirability of independence, self-sufficiently, and self-expression.
A set of beliefs asserting that it is important for persons to mute their individual desires in order to contribute to the well-being and success of the group.
The web of commitments, attachments, and obligations that exist in some human groups.
A book that presents an anthropologist’s observations of what life is like in a particular culture.
Filial piety
Confucian belief, common in many Asian societies, that children are obligated to respect, obey, and reverie their parents, especially the father.
Caste system
Hindu belief that people are born into a particular caste based on their moral and spiritual conduct in their previous life. A person’s caste then determines their status in Indian society.
Increasing worldwide technological and economic integration, which is making different parts of the world increasingly connected and increasingly similar culturally.
Having an identity that includes aspects of two different cultures.
Overcoming adverse environmental circumstances to achieve healthy development.