Chapter 07: The Safety Standard Flashcards
What is the basis of the safety standard
Compared to the efficiency standard
Fairness rather than efficiency
- Rejects benefit-cost approach to decisions about “correct” amount
- People = right protection from unsolicited, significant harm immediate environment
What is the efficiency argument for the safety standard?
Always willing to acccept certain amount of risk
Therefore: always cost-benefit analysis
- Many important benefits of protection from pollution often left out benefit-cost analysis = cannot be measured
- Material growth society feeds conspicuous consumption, fueling rat race, then no one better off
Cost protection overstated rat race
- Benefits understated
- Safe regulation reality meet benefit-cost test
Is Accepting Some Risk same as Efficiency Approach?
Declaring safety standard > then adopting economic feasily policy = generally result less policy (compared efficiency standard)
Is Accepting Some Risk same as Efficiency Approach?
Is Accepting Some Risk same as Efficiency Approach?
Declaring safety standard > then adopting economic feasily policy = generally result less policy (compared efficiency standard)
What is the mandate approach?
MC > MB:
Cost to society
**Add graph
Capitalism: profits goods > innovation
♻️ Use of fossil fules overused: not wrong fossil fuels but incorrect (low) pricing to make up for externalities
What is the market approach?
Who has the “right” to pollute and how is the answer different when considering efficiency and safety?
Efficient outcome same (if either consumer or producer pay)
Safety standard: Right to safety
- correct
- Must pay to “violate” safety
How does the safety standard influence environmental policy?
Safety Standard stated goal much environmental policy:
Laws covering air, water, and land pollution require cleanup to “safe” levels
- No mention benefit-cost test
- Clean-up costs still play role policy determination
How is the safety standard expressed as a social welfare function?
Ex: Tyler and Brittany wrangling over smoking in office
- Smoking bad Brittany and good Tyler
- Weight given w large enough - justify banning smoking altogether
What are the objections to the safety standard?
- Inefficient? Often
- Not Cost-Efficient? Often
- Regressive? Maybe
What other problems does the safety standard have?
- Inefficient? Often
- Not Cost-Efficient? Often
- Regressive? Maybe
- Subjective levels
Environmental damage is not done in the name of environmental damage:
Done profit incentives
Therefore, there are benefits (both consumers and producers)
How is the safety standard inefficient?
1. Inefficient? Often
2. Not Cost-Efficient? Often
3. Regressive? Maybe
By definition, SS, inefficient
♻️ Efficiency advocates claim that saying environmental health is a “right” involves committing too many resources of society to environmental protection
- Should be: safety per dollar spent (to be more effective)
Ex: Air toxics regulations and Landfill Policy
How do air toxic regulations illustrate the how safety is inefficient?
- 1990 amendments to Clean Air Act designed control emissions
- Law required frims impose control tech reduce risk below 1 in 10,000 levels
Total Cost: $6 to $10 billion per year
Total Benefit: $4 billion per year
80% Americans still support despire cost-benefit disparity
How do air landfill policy illustrate the how safety is inefficient?
- EPA’s regualtion landfills protect people depend contaminated groundwater were predicted reduce cancer cases 2 or 3 over next 300 years
- Potential benefits not quantified include:
- Increase ease siting landfills
- Reduce damage surface water
- Fairness future generation
- Overall reduction wate generation and related “upstream” pollutoin
Total Cost: $5.8 billion
Total Benefit: $2 billion per cancer case reduced
What is Type I and Type II Error?
TYPE I ERROR: Not accept claim but it is true
TYPE II ERROR: Accept the claim but it is false
How does the claim “drug is safe” illustrate that the safety analysis could be wrong?
How does the claim “person is a nice guy” illustrate that the safety analysis could be wrong?
What are inefficient regulations?
- Regulations protect small groups from risk - ALWAYS inefficient (high risks not generate many casualties)
- Air and EPA’s landfills regualtions classic situations which efficiency and fairness conflict
Economics often efficiency advocates:
Find economists leveling normative criticisms at safety-based enviornmental protection laws
How is the safety standard not cost effictive?
1. Inefficient? Often
2. Not Cost-Efficient? Often
3. Regressive? Maybe
Lack of cost-effectiveness - goal at the lowest possible cost
If “safety” is goal - extreme measures taken attack minimal risk situations instead high risk situation
How does superfund and asbestos illustrate the lack of cost-efficiency?
Ex: Superfund and Asbestos
Millions dollars spent purify seldom used groundwater at toxic stills
- Critics argued redirecting functions better use of resources:
- Children about 5 in 1 million chance contracting lung cancer from attending school built w asbestos
- Redirecting functions superfund clean-up asbestos removal could save more lives
Safety proponents response:
- Limits deal problems = not limited resources > lack political will
- Funds freed up from “overcontrol” in pollution arena more likely devoted affluent consumption
Risk-Benefit Analysis
- Authorities use risk-benefit studies compare cost-effictiveness different regulatory options
- Common measure used appraoch lives saved per dollar spent
- Helps avoid devoted resources to an intractable problem, not mean backing way safety as a goal
How is the safety standard regressive:
- Inefficient? Often
- Not Cost-Efficient? Often
- Regressive? Maybe
- Safety standards more restictive than efficiency standards:
greater sacrifice goods and services - Concered people fall below decent standard of living - overregulation
- Suppose switched from a safety standard to an efficiency-based standard: Would be poor be better off?
Do lower income people generally benefit more/less from environmental regulations?
Lower income people generally benefit less environmental regulations:
Do not have the resource to avoid engading in dirty industry
- cant buy a Tesla - cars inefficient
Change regulation: cannot afford new car
Therefore, impose costs on lower income people
5% sales tax
- Low income person: spends all of their income > all of their income affected by tax
- High income person: not spend all their income (%) > paying GST on practically non of their income
Try compensate marginalized communities:- Some goods not taxed (milk) and chocolate is taxed
- GST money back programmes
Same principle would apply to pollution tax
- LIP spend more on their income on dirty goods
Hence: Safety standard also not inherently fair
Regressive impact on income distribution:
Regressive impact income distribution:
(Unless compensated for) higher prices consumer goods induced regulations take bigger percentage bite income poor than rich people
Much pollution generated production of necessity - cost environmental regulations borne unevenly
Progressive Beneftis from Pollution Control:
In relation to regressive influence of the safety standard
Poor people live more polluted areas
- benefit more from clean-up
- Harmed more when standards relaxed
Define Environmental Racism:
Racial inequality exposure pollution (eg. Flint 2015)
♻️ Policys for environmental regulation disproportionatly affect marginalized communities
Environmental Justice Movement in response
Exposure due to low income or race?
- Poor, working-class, and minority people pay more, relative to income, for pollution control (Also benefit more)
- Hard determine whether it results in net benefits or net costs
How does socio-economic influence influence the placement of LULUs?
“Locally unwanted land uses” or (LULUs) refer sites for disposal waste
- LULUs impose negative externalities on neighbors from potential hazards exposure to decreased land values
- By def, communities nnot want LULUs and wealthier community, higher level of safety community will demand
- Located poorer communities:
- Based efficiency/safety/both?
- WTA larger
Summers Memo: Internal memorandum to staff, then chief economist at World Bank
How does safety “need time?”
To create safety: MUST NEED TIME
- Safety standard: must determine safety standard at the time y want to impliment policy (moving policy)
Define moving policy?
Must determine safety standard at the time you want to impliment the policy
How does Compensation for LULUs work?
- Society whole benefit greatly having toxic facilities
- One solution - monetarily compensate communities with LULUs
Compensation could pay schools, libraries
Poorer communities accept lower compensation levels than wealthier communities
trade in LULUs
How does LULUs create a (unfair) global marketplace for garbage disposal?
- Society whole benefit greatly having toxic facilities
- One solution - monetarily compensate communities with LULUs (Compensation could pay schools, libraries)
- Poorer communities accept lower compensation levels than wealthier communities(trade in LULUs)
Global marketplace garbage disposal
Still unfair: Poor countries do not choose to be poor
- Poorly governed
- Might not be effective at disposing garbage
What is the efficiency argument behind toxic trade?
- Lower income - poor country has marginal benefit of cleanup schedule lying below that of rich countries
Rich countries: rich enough to care about environmental problems - Current pollution levels lower poor countries > MB of cleanup also lower
- Transferring 10% waste of rich country to poor country reduces monetary damages in rich country more than it increases damages in poor country
- Poor countries then compensated for its damages and overall monetay damages will reduced by trade
How does the toxics trade create winners and losers?
- Wealthy countries no longer exposed waste
- Around world can buy cheaper products
- People (poor) in dump sites
- Poor country individuals (now and future generations) contract diseases
- Rely natural resources may damage transport and disposal process
Everyone Wins?
- Dumping toxics = efficient, total monetary gains to winner outweight total monetary loss to losersTheory: winners compensate losers (tho complete compensation unlikely)
What are some problems with the toxic trade?
- Majority benefit from dumping flow to relatively wealthy while poor will bear the burden of costs
- Political structure in many developing countries is far from democratic, highly susceptible to corruption
- Few poor countries have resource for effective regultion
- Still regulation or high taxes increase rate illegal dumping; unregulated trade waste may thus lower welfare of recipient country
What does the safety standard say about the siting of LULUs?
Politically acceptable definition “safety” - not worked out
why: small group bears burden risks - nobody wants in backyard
Compensation thus play role in stiting of hazardous facilities
- Firms and governments seek poorer communities and less political power
Thus: less compensation package
How to ensure the majority benefits from sitting LULUs?
- government capable providing effective regulation
- open political process and democracy
Compare Safety and Efficiency:
Social Goal?
Efficiency: MB = MC
Safety: Danger to health and environment “minimized”
Compare Safety and Efficiency:
Social Goal?
Efficiency: MB = MC
Safety: Danger to health and environment “minimized”
Compare Safety and Efficiency:
Implied social welfare function:
Compare Safety and Efficiency:
Advantages and Disadvantages:
Efficiency: Maximizes measurable net monetary benefits; relies heavily on assumptions of benefit-cost analysis
Safety: Seems consisted with public opinion; often cost-ineffective and may be regressive
Compare the safety and efficiency standard:
(1)Safety Standard**:
- Relies liberty argument: weight welfare
Stricter pollution standard than efficiency standard
- Still subjective
- Still unfair
- Overmake case for safety = weakens argument
Not want to get to point of no return (say 5°) - overstate line (to make sure not get point)
(2)Efficiency Standard:
- Attack “fairness” argument of safety: regressive
- difficult prove/refute in general
Both have the same problems - at least the efficiency standard (cost-benefit analysis) better understood