Chapter 05 Flashcards
What does the term ‘case’ apply to?
nouns and pronouns
When a noun or pronoun is the subject of a sentence, what case is it in?
nominative case
When a noun or pronoun is the indirect object of a sentence, what case is it in?
dative case
When a noun or pronoun is the direct object of a sentence, what case is it in?
accusative case
What does ‘dative’ mean in Latin?
it means ‘to give’
What questions can be asked to discover the dative case in a sentence?
(verb +) to whom?; (verb +) to what? (verb +) for whom? (verb +) for what? (verb comes from the sentence in question)
What questions can be asked to discover the indirect object of a sentence?
(verb +) to whom?; (verb +) to what? (verb +) for whom? (verb +) for what? (verb comes from the sentence in question)
What does the dative case refer to?
to the indirect object in the sentence
Is the dative case used with a preposition?
No; but in English this would generally be denoted by the preposition ‘to’.
What is the serbian word of ‘to’?
There is no such word. The dative case (of the noun) implies the word ‘to’. Govorim čoveku - I speak to the man.
What are the two most common verbs used with the dative case?
‘Speaking to’ and ‘giving to’. Daje ženi ključ - He gives his wife the key. Govorim policajcu istinu - I tell the policeman the truth.
How is the masculine singular dative case formed?
Add -u to the end of the word.
How is the neuter singular dative case formed?
Add -u to the end of the word.
How is the masculine plural dative case formed?
Add -ima to the end of the word.
How is the neuter plural dative case formed?
Add -ima to the end of the word.
How is the feminine singular dative case formed for words ending in -a?
The final -a becomes -i.
How is the feminine singular dative case formed for words ending with a consonant?
The letter -i is added to the end of the word.
How is the feminine plural dative case formed for words ending in -a?
The word ends with -ama.
How is the feminine plural dative case formed for words ending with a consonant?
The word ends with -ima.
What three verbs are used with the dative case that not immediately obvious?
to give help to - pomagati (imp.) pomoći (pf.); to give a promise to - obećavati (imp.) obećati (pf.); to give one’s trust to - verovati (imp.) poverovati (pf.)
What case is the verb ‘to help’ used with?
to give help to - pomagati (imp.) pomoći (pf.); Deca pomažu majci. - The children help (their) mother.
What case is the verb ‘to promise’ used with?
to give a promise to - obećavati (imp.) obećati (pf.); Devojčica obećava majci da nikad neće da puši. - The little girl promises her mother that she will never smoke.
What case is the verb ‘to trust’ used with?
to give one’s trust to - verovati (imp.) poverovati (pf.); Moras da veruješ dečaku: on govori istinu.
What case has the locative case merged with?
the dative case
What is the locative case used for?
It is to express location, and thus is always used with a preposition.
Both locative and dative cases have the same declenations, but one of these is always preceded by a preposition. Which case is this?
the locative case
Which case is used with verbs denoting motion?
accusative case. Džon i Anđela idu u hotel.
Which case is used with verbs describing static location?
locative case Džon i Anđela su u hotelu.
Name the case for each setence. 1: Putujemo u Beograd. 2: Ostajemo tri dana u Beogradu.
1: accusative; 2: locative
The names of certain countries etc are not nouns but…
What are the three endings for country adjectives.
.-ska; -čka; ška
The preposition singular of country adjectives end in what?
.-oj. Engleska - u Engleskoj
The declenation of ‘k + i’ become what?
The declenation of ‘g + i’ become what?
When a country adjective is used in the locative case it must be declined as what?
They must be declined as adjectives. Nemačka - u Nemačkoj
What is the instrumental used for?
It expresses the mean by which an action is carried out. Putujem vozom. Idemo liftom. Pismo ide avionom.
How is the instrumental singular formed for all genders?
By adding -om to the end of the word. Putujem sa bratom; sestrom i detetom.
The plural endings for instrumental case is the same as what other case?
plural dative case
How is the singular masculine instrumental case ending with a soft consonant formed?
By adding -em to the end of the word. Razgovaram s prijateljem.
How is the plural masculine instrumental case formed?
Ends with -ima. Idem s prijateljima.
How is the plural neuter instrumental case formed?
Ends with -ima.
How is the plural feminine instrumental case ending in a consonant formed?
Ends with -ima. Putujem sa stvarima.
How is the plural feminine instrumental case ending with the letter -a formed?
Ends with -ama. Putujem s devojkama.
What are the rules for using ‘s’ and ‘sa’ in the instrumental case?
There are no rules, except that ‘sa’ tend to be used before similar letters s z etc; or before groups of consonants e.g. sa mnom (with me)