Chapt. 4 Flashcards
What does the Bell-Magendie Law state?
it states that dorsal roots bring sensory info in, while ventral roots bring motor info out
Afferent neurons..
bring info in to the spinal cord (dorsal roots)
Efferent neurons..
carry info away from the spinal cord (ventral roots)
Which vertebrae are associated with the sympathetic nervous system?
thoracic & lumbar
Which vertebrae are associated with the parasympathetic nervous system?
cervical & sacral
What is evolutionally the oldest part of the brain?
the hindbrain
Which part of the brain controls muscle tone and integrates visual info?
the midbrain
What is included in the forebrain (prosencephalon) ?
the thalamus, diencephalon, hypthalamus and the cerebrum
What does the Telencephalon include?
the cerebrum, limbic, & basal ganglia
What are the four lobes of the cerebrum?
- frontal - parietal - temporal - occipital
What is the amygdala important for?
emotion and fear
What type of memory is the Hippocampus involved with?
What is the Septum important for?
What does the Diencephalon include?
the thalamus and hypothalamus
The thalamus…
relays info
The hypothalamus..
controls the pituitary gland and regulated behaviors such as eating, drinking, sleeping, temperature and emotion
What is the reticulur formation important for?
arousal (damage would result in a coma)
The midbrain relays info..
from the hindbrain to the forebrain
The cerebellum is involved with …
coordination of movement
The pons are..
bridges between cerebral cortex and cerebellum
What is include in the Myelencephalon?
the medulla which is involved with breathing, HR, coughing (life support)
Everything outside the spinal cord is the …
The Metencephalon includes the ….
cerebellum and the pons
Is the autonomic or somatic nervous system involved with non-voluntary movement?